Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2016
HAPPY SOLSTICE DAY! From this day forward, there will be a bit more light everyday.
Today is my last day at TMA for the year 2016! I wish all my students and their family...
The upper grades will be doing an international/global exploration of the different celebrations of light.
The lower grades will be exploring Winter Solstice activities.
Merry Christmas everyone! See you in the New Year!
A blog about all the fantastic work and experiences we have at TMA
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Monday, Dec. 19, 2016
Today was a rather mixed up day as we were trying to catch up from last Thursday snow day.
Grade 1,2,3,4,JK/SK did one last practice for the concert. Congratulations everyone and thank you for your dedication.
Classes were active creating dot to dot with the alphabet holidays shapes and vocabulary. Much fun all around.
Grade 7/8 presented their summatives. We still have 2 outstanding presentations for grade 8.
Wednesday is our last day and we will have French related games to send off this term.
Today was a rather mixed up day as we were trying to catch up from last Thursday snow day.
Grade 1,2,3,4,JK/SK did one last practice for the concert. Congratulations everyone and thank you for your dedication.
Classes were active creating dot to dot with the alphabet holidays shapes and vocabulary. Much fun all around.
Grade 7/8 presented their summatives. We still have 2 outstanding presentations for grade 8.
Wednesday is our last day and we will have French related games to send off this term.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Grade 1/2 and grade 4 joined in for a combined class today. The students always see this as a treat, and they were able to practice one more time before the 11am general run through in the gym. They also had time to work on up dating their Advent calendar.
Grade 7 Students received their instructions to complete their tâche finale on Les microbes.
To re-cap: research and choose 2 microbes and describe them using the verbs vouloir, pouvoir, devoir (3x), a few adjectives from the unit. You will use a Venn diagram and use the middle section to identify what they have in common.
Grade 8 Les monstres dans ma culture. Choose a monster from your cultural background and write a short script to describe your film in a radio advertisement. Remember to use verbs in passé composé using être/avoir as auxiliary. Make sure to tell us about the title release date, characters, producer, special effects...use the unit vocabulary. Don't forget the poster!
ROUGH COPY DUE ON THURSDAY AND PRESENTATIONS ARE ON MONDAY. (Karlynn, please show me the rough copy and poster in the morning when you arrive, and present in class Thursday, BEFORE your vacation.
Grade 5/6 Students started on their slogan and their logo design. They will continue on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Lots of fun today, including a general practice for the concert. They played games with the vocabulary and math in French this afternoon.
JK/SK Today was the last chance for a practice and it is wonderful to see the siblings singing together. There was time for a around the world game and stories.
Grade 1/2 and grade 4 joined in for a combined class today. The students always see this as a treat, and they were able to practice one more time before the 11am general run through in the gym. They also had time to work on up dating their Advent calendar.
Grade 7 Students received their instructions to complete their tâche finale on Les microbes.
To re-cap: research and choose 2 microbes and describe them using the verbs vouloir, pouvoir, devoir (3x), a few adjectives from the unit. You will use a Venn diagram and use the middle section to identify what they have in common.
Grade 8 Les monstres dans ma culture. Choose a monster from your cultural background and write a short script to describe your film in a radio advertisement. Remember to use verbs in passé composé using être/avoir as auxiliary. Make sure to tell us about the title release date, characters, producer, special effects...use the unit vocabulary. Don't forget the poster!
ROUGH COPY DUE ON THURSDAY AND PRESENTATIONS ARE ON MONDAY. (Karlynn, please show me the rough copy and poster in the morning when you arrive, and present in class Thursday, BEFORE your vacation.
Grade 5/6 Students started on their slogan and their logo design. They will continue on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Lots of fun today, including a general practice for the concert. They played games with the vocabulary and math in French this afternoon.
JK/SK Today was the last chance for a practice and it is wonderful to see the siblings singing together. There was time for a around the world game and stories.
Friday, 9 December 2016
Grade 1/2 Students surprised me with their incredible rendition of their concert song! They really know it, and kept singing during the writing of a letter to Santa. Now, that is talent!
Grade 7/8 Corrections were made on Wednesday's test, and it was followed by a connect four verb game.
Grade 5/6 Students worked hard to memorize their 2 verbs: jouer and faire. We followed by a verb game to consolidate the concepts.
Grade 3/4 They also had an excellent day of singing, and composing their own story. Great work!
JK/SK We went through the routine and worked on the pattern: étoile, arbre de Noël et bas de Noël. They also drew Christmas vocabulary on their dry erase board.
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Grade 1/2 Great work all around! We had our first practice in the gym with the other classes, and the grade 1/2 were outstanding. We still need large socks as props and were are done! The Advent calendar is progressing well too.
Grade 7 Students took their quiz (test) on pouvoir, vouloir and pouvoir. The students who had done their practice sentences (homework from Monday) were quite successful. The rest of the period was a discussion about what Language Acquisition means and what can be learned from other cultures when we know another language.
Grade 8 It was test #1 with passé composé. There will be an opportunity to do a re-take. Study your passé composé verbs, remember to also add your auxiliary verbs (avoir or être) conjugated and pay attention to the participe passé forms of irregular ones.
Grade 5/6 Today was read and comprehension text, and students are starting to be very good with the vocabulary and answering questions. Bravo! We also worked with the 2 star verbs jouer and faire conjugated, as well as the use of du, de la, des, au, à la...
Grade 3/4 ¨Practice in the gym' and everyone is doing well! They are up-dating the Advent calendar as well. After the practice, I gave the students a listening activity and they had to draw what they heard during the story telling. Very good!
JK/SK Because the LUTIN de Noël is everywhere, students coloured their own. They are also practicing their song and are going to be Stars!!! We finished with a holiday story with Christmas vocabulary. They know so much already!
Grade 1/2 Great work all around! We had our first practice in the gym with the other classes, and the grade 1/2 were outstanding. We still need large socks as props and were are done! The Advent calendar is progressing well too.
Grade 7 Students took their quiz (test) on pouvoir, vouloir and pouvoir. The students who had done their practice sentences (homework from Monday) were quite successful. The rest of the period was a discussion about what Language Acquisition means and what can be learned from other cultures when we know another language.
Grade 8 It was test #1 with passé composé. There will be an opportunity to do a re-take. Study your passé composé verbs, remember to also add your auxiliary verbs (avoir or être) conjugated and pay attention to the participe passé forms of irregular ones.
Grade 5/6 Today was read and comprehension text, and students are starting to be very good with the vocabulary and answering questions. Bravo! We also worked with the 2 star verbs jouer and faire conjugated, as well as the use of du, de la, des, au, à la...
Grade 3/4 ¨Practice in the gym' and everyone is doing well! They are up-dating the Advent calendar as well. After the practice, I gave the students a listening activity and they had to draw what they heard during the story telling. Very good!
JK/SK Because the LUTIN de Noël is everywhere, students coloured their own. They are also practicing their song and are going to be Stars!!! We finished with a holiday story with Christmas vocabulary. They know so much already!
Monday, 5 December 2016
Grade 1/2 The class up-dated their Advent calendars and rehearsed their concer song.
Grade 7 Students worked on 3 verbs: vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, and to help with studying, please compose 5 sentences with each of the verbs. So 5 vouloir, 5 pouvoir, 5 devoir. You should be able to make a complete sentence, and remember that the verb following these must be at l'infinitif.
Grade 8 If your work was not completed... (from last week, remember to do it for Wednesday). You will have a test on DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP verbs, in passé composé. Note that you should be able to recognize these verbs and that the test will have a few irregular verbs as well (not requiring être as auxiliary).
Grade 5/6 Students learned to differentiate when to use Faire and Jouer and use the partitif: du, de la, de l', des and de. After doing the activity sheet, the class practice going from the affirmative to the negative.
Please work on choosing your location and think of a slogan you may want to use. We will be discussing this on Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 The class practiced (a lot) for the concert and worked on their Advent calendar. Each calendar is different since students picked a holiday theme each.
Please continue working on the song and know that you are really close to the PODIUM!
JK/SK We have been practicing the song and read a story about a letter to Santa and a secret visit to his workshop.
Grade 1/2 The class up-dated their Advent calendars and rehearsed their concer song.
Grade 7 Students worked on 3 verbs: vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. There will be a quiz on Wednesday, and to help with studying, please compose 5 sentences with each of the verbs. So 5 vouloir, 5 pouvoir, 5 devoir. You should be able to make a complete sentence, and remember that the verb following these must be at l'infinitif.
Grade 8 If your work was not completed... (from last week, remember to do it for Wednesday). You will have a test on DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP verbs, in passé composé. Note that you should be able to recognize these verbs and that the test will have a few irregular verbs as well (not requiring être as auxiliary).
Grade 5/6 Students learned to differentiate when to use Faire and Jouer and use the partitif: du, de la, de l', des and de. After doing the activity sheet, the class practice going from the affirmative to the negative.
Please work on choosing your location and think of a slogan you may want to use. We will be discussing this on Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 The class practiced (a lot) for the concert and worked on their Advent calendar. Each calendar is different since students picked a holiday theme each.
Please continue working on the song and know that you are really close to the PODIUM!
JK/SK We have been practicing the song and read a story about a letter to Santa and a secret visit to his workshop.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Grade 1/2- Since the class was so excited about their Lutin (elf on the shelf), it was decided that they would do an Advent calendar while practicing their concert song. Good work everyone!
Grade 7- After an in-class challenge with definition, students continued on with a cloze activity to use the unit vocabulary and the verb 'devoir'.
Grade 8- The class was interested in participating in the vocabulary challenge. They also started mapping out ideas for the summative. Things to think about for a radio ad: find what is interesting about your film, vocabulary for a 'terrifying movie' etc.
Grade 5/6 We are continuing with the partitif and sports. Today, students explored the different expressions for their slogans. We will start the art work for the T-shirt transfers soon.
Grade 3/4 In addition to practicing the song, students brainstormed holiday vocabulary and used the words to draw their own Advent calendar.
JK/SK Today was singing for the concert and if you have a sibling in gr. 1,2,3,4, please practice with them at home. We also read a story about an evergreen who dreamed of becoming a Christmas Tree in a beautiful home.
Grade 1/2- Since the class was so excited about their Lutin (elf on the shelf), it was decided that they would do an Advent calendar while practicing their concert song. Good work everyone!
Grade 7- After an in-class challenge with definition, students continued on with a cloze activity to use the unit vocabulary and the verb 'devoir'.
Grade 8- The class was interested in participating in the vocabulary challenge. They also started mapping out ideas for the summative. Things to think about for a radio ad: find what is interesting about your film, vocabulary for a 'terrifying movie' etc.
Grade 5/6 We are continuing with the partitif and sports. Today, students explored the different expressions for their slogans. We will start the art work for the T-shirt transfers soon.
Grade 3/4 In addition to practicing the song, students brainstormed holiday vocabulary and used the words to draw their own Advent calendar.
JK/SK Today was singing for the concert and if you have a sibling in gr. 1,2,3,4, please practice with them at home. We also read a story about an evergreen who dreamed of becoming a Christmas Tree in a beautiful home.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Grade 1/2 The concert is on full throttle and everyone is singing their heart out.
I have asked the students to bring the following: one of their dad's sock (a big one!) and if they have siblings in JK/SK, get the smallest sock possible.
Also, there was collaboration to complete some unfinished work.
Grade 7 They completed a cross word rather quickly, so they got the task to make their own puzzle and create definitions to challenge other students. It will be our own way to talk science!
Grade 8-FSF1D Students worked with DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list of verbs in passé composé with être. They will have to practice and write a caption for Dragora using those verbs.
Grade 3/4 The concert song is getting there, and as we change the groups, they are getting to sound really great. They finished with a reading and comprehension activity.
JK/SK We are learning our concert song (please bring in a very small sock for a prop). Following this session, students coloured the last activity for vegetable, now watch for the placemats coming home.
Grade 1/2 The concert is on full throttle and everyone is singing their heart out.
I have asked the students to bring the following: one of their dad's sock (a big one!) and if they have siblings in JK/SK, get the smallest sock possible.
Also, there was collaboration to complete some unfinished work.
Grade 7 They completed a cross word rather quickly, so they got the task to make their own puzzle and create definitions to challenge other students. It will be our own way to talk science!
Grade 8-FSF1D Students worked with DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list of verbs in passé composé with être. They will have to practice and write a caption for Dragora using those verbs.
Grade 3/4 The concert song is getting there, and as we change the groups, they are getting to sound really great. They finished with a reading and comprehension activity.
JK/SK We are learning our concert song (please bring in a very small sock for a prop). Following this session, students coloured the last activity for vegetable, now watch for the placemats coming home.
Friday, 25 November 2016
Grade 1/2 The period was divided into: practicing the concert song; talk about the arrid lands, particularly The Gobi Desert. Thank you Kate for bringing information. Students used the class globe to locate mountain ridges by feeling around the surface.
Grade 7 Students worked on correcting the adjective homework. This was followed with a review of the verb devoir and some practice.
Grade 8 A list of terms used to describe monsters in film or literature was shared and all the questions and discussion on the story were answered.
Grade 3/4 Big rehearsal for the concert and we think it is going very well! We had just a bit of time left for talking about La forêt vierge for International Mindedness.
JK/SK Several students were absent today but we manage to practice the song for the concert. Students who have older sibblings can practice at home.
Grade 1/2 The period was divided into: practicing the concert song; talk about the arrid lands, particularly The Gobi Desert. Thank you Kate for bringing information. Students used the class globe to locate mountain ridges by feeling around the surface.
Grade 7 Students worked on correcting the adjective homework. This was followed with a review of the verb devoir and some practice.
Grade 8 A list of terms used to describe monsters in film or literature was shared and all the questions and discussion on the story were answered.
Grade 3/4 Big rehearsal for the concert and we think it is going very well! We had just a bit of time left for talking about La forêt vierge for International Mindedness.
JK/SK Several students were absent today but we manage to practice the song for the concert. Students who have older sibblings can practice at home.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
Grade 1/2 We are reaching for the podium of singing! Students are really into mastering their concert song. A sheet with the words have been sent home for practicing, and please know that other than the melody, you will not find the French version of Jolly Old St Nicholas simply because it does not exist: I had to made it up.
In the afternoon, we took advantage of the fact that Mrs Angus was in the grade 3/4 class and joined them for a sing along.
Grade 7- There was work to be done about the composition of a sentence: Subject+verb+complement. The period was to work at unscrambling words and achieve correct placement of words, particularly adjectives.
Homework, complete the activity sheet started in class.
Grade 8 It is all about monsters in movies and literature. There was a discussion about what scares us, why monsters are created. Students read the introduction to monsters in old movies to modern times. Please answer the questions at the end of the story.
Grade 5/6 Students shared their sentences about a description of a favorite place in Québec. They had done some research and applied descriptive facts to their work. They also followed a model and made their corrections.
Grade 3/4 It was lovely to have Mrs Angus in the classroom since we are doing a music/French collaboration for the concert. House points were distributed in large numbers since the students worked so hard to memorize the first part. At the end of class, grade 1/2 joined in for the first collaborative practice.
JK/SK Yes, they are singing and practicing their song. They also began the fall vegetables. We should have the place mats soon.
Grade 1/2 We are reaching for the podium of singing! Students are really into mastering their concert song. A sheet with the words have been sent home for practicing, and please know that other than the melody, you will not find the French version of Jolly Old St Nicholas simply because it does not exist: I had to made it up.
In the afternoon, we took advantage of the fact that Mrs Angus was in the grade 3/4 class and joined them for a sing along.
Grade 7- There was work to be done about the composition of a sentence: Subject+verb+complement. The period was to work at unscrambling words and achieve correct placement of words, particularly adjectives.
Homework, complete the activity sheet started in class.
Grade 8 It is all about monsters in movies and literature. There was a discussion about what scares us, why monsters are created. Students read the introduction to monsters in old movies to modern times. Please answer the questions at the end of the story.
Grade 5/6 Students shared their sentences about a description of a favorite place in Québec. They had done some research and applied descriptive facts to their work. They also followed a model and made their corrections.
Grade 3/4 It was lovely to have Mrs Angus in the classroom since we are doing a music/French collaboration for the concert. House points were distributed in large numbers since the students worked so hard to memorize the first part. At the end of class, grade 1/2 joined in for the first collaborative practice.
JK/SK Yes, they are singing and practicing their song. They also began the fall vegetables. We should have the place mats soon.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Grade 1/2 Students spent most of their time rehearsing their song for the concert. For Wednesday, students should have memorized the first 4 lines.
Please note that you can find the melody on YouTube, but you cannot find the French translation, I had to work this one out myself.
Grade 7/8- Today was a combined lesson and refresher on adjectives, especially the ones placed before the nouns, and the irregular adjectives that change forms when either feminine or masculine, singular or plural.
There was also time for reflection about the latest project, things that went well, what to improve on etc. Critical thinking and following rubrics were at the top of the list.
Grade 5/6 The class read 4 short letters coming from different places in Quebec. Following this part of the unit, they researched an area that was of particular interest to them. Homework: use your research and write 5-8 sentences about the physical (terrain) aspect of your chosen area, tell what activities you might want to do in summer and winter.
Grade 3/4 Today was a mix of the unit vocabulary, acting and some Math thrown in for good measure. The concert song is priority and for Wednesday the first 4 lines must be memorized (there are 500 points per student if you can sing the first 4 lines).
JK/SK The students were happy to show me how far they can count, since today is 50 days celebration. The class continued to work on naming the fruit and colouring the first activity for their placemats.
Grade 1/2 Students spent most of their time rehearsing their song for the concert. For Wednesday, students should have memorized the first 4 lines.
Please note that you can find the melody on YouTube, but you cannot find the French translation, I had to work this one out myself.
Grade 7/8- Today was a combined lesson and refresher on adjectives, especially the ones placed before the nouns, and the irregular adjectives that change forms when either feminine or masculine, singular or plural.
There was also time for reflection about the latest project, things that went well, what to improve on etc. Critical thinking and following rubrics were at the top of the list.
Grade 5/6 The class read 4 short letters coming from different places in Quebec. Following this part of the unit, they researched an area that was of particular interest to them. Homework: use your research and write 5-8 sentences about the physical (terrain) aspect of your chosen area, tell what activities you might want to do in summer and winter.
Grade 3/4 Today was a mix of the unit vocabulary, acting and some Math thrown in for good measure. The concert song is priority and for Wednesday the first 4 lines must be memorized (there are 500 points per student if you can sing the first 4 lines).
JK/SK The students were happy to show me how far they can count, since today is 50 days celebration. The class continued to work on naming the fruit and colouring the first activity for their placemats.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
Grade 1/2 Students explored the actions they can take when going to 'le supermarché'. Expressions such as: je prends un chariot, j'achète un/une/des..., je passe à la caisse, je paie etc. They are also rehearsing the concert song and a sheet is going home for practice.
Grade 7 The activity was all about adjectives, their functions, agreement and place in relation to the noun. Homework is to complete the exercise on p35 a, b.
Grade 8 Presentation was today. The group gave their invitation, idenfication card and police report, as well as a short video to re-enact their scene.
Grade 3/4 Students worked on an activity where they had to match pronouns with the correct form of 'avoir'. They used 3 sentences to illustrate in their notebook. There was enough time to rehearse the concert song. A copy of that song went home for everyone to practice.
JK/SK To continue the fruit and vegetable unit, students watched a video from the series Passe-Partout.
Grade 1/2 Students explored the actions they can take when going to 'le supermarché'. Expressions such as: je prends un chariot, j'achète un/une/des..., je passe à la caisse, je paie etc. They are also rehearsing the concert song and a sheet is going home for practice.
Grade 7 The activity was all about adjectives, their functions, agreement and place in relation to the noun. Homework is to complete the exercise on p35 a, b.
Grade 8 Presentation was today. The group gave their invitation, idenfication card and police report, as well as a short video to re-enact their scene.
Grade 3/4 Students worked on an activity where they had to match pronouns with the correct form of 'avoir'. They used 3 sentences to illustrate in their notebook. There was enough time to rehearse the concert song. A copy of that song went home for everyone to practice.
JK/SK To continue the fruit and vegetable unit, students watched a video from the series Passe-Partout.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Grade 1/2 Today, students began learning their concert song. They also practice saying where they are going in town: je vais à la banque, je vais au restaurant...
They were quick to notice that sometimes we say: au or à la. The question was: IS IT BECAUSE IT IS FEMININE OR MASCULINE? Mais OUI!!! Wow, they figured this one out on their own. They are fantastic THINKERS. To end the period, they retrieved vocabulary to complete sentences. REMINDER; bring a drawing or picture of arrid lands (desert), animals...plantes...sand prepare for the International Mindedness Day.
Grade 8 Students worked on the final edit for their summative. Thank you Abby for joining in this process via Sometimes, you just have to love technology! Thursday is presentation day!
Grade 7 Students started a unit on 'microbes'. I supposed it is a good time of the year with the flu season upon us. However, although the vocabulary is a bit advanced (a lot of latin and scientific jargon), students realized that they will be re-visiting this type of terminology in graduate school. Students are encouraged to learn and keep track of the vocabulary as they go. Please, do not fall behind in this unit. There is a lot of review and new concepts.
Grade 5/6 Since we were missing 4 students, the class spent more time learning about the province of Québec, its geography, and how to detect words we already know in new ones. It was interesting to listen on what the students know about Québec.
Grade 3/4 Students re-visited the frequently used verbs: avoir and être, conjugated. They need to practice (as they did in class) and review their notebook. They also worked on the concert song, taking turns to hum and/or practice the words.
JK/SK Thank you Mrs Whitworth for helping with the melody for the concert song. We also started to think about our favorite fruit. We might have to make a fruit salad!
Grade 1/2 Today, students began learning their concert song. They also practice saying where they are going in town: je vais à la banque, je vais au restaurant...
They were quick to notice that sometimes we say: au or à la. The question was: IS IT BECAUSE IT IS FEMININE OR MASCULINE? Mais OUI!!! Wow, they figured this one out on their own. They are fantastic THINKERS. To end the period, they retrieved vocabulary to complete sentences. REMINDER; bring a drawing or picture of arrid lands (desert), animals...plantes...sand prepare for the International Mindedness Day.
Grade 8 Students worked on the final edit for their summative. Thank you Abby for joining in this process via Sometimes, you just have to love technology! Thursday is presentation day!
Grade 7 Students started a unit on 'microbes'. I supposed it is a good time of the year with the flu season upon us. However, although the vocabulary is a bit advanced (a lot of latin and scientific jargon), students realized that they will be re-visiting this type of terminology in graduate school. Students are encouraged to learn and keep track of the vocabulary as they go. Please, do not fall behind in this unit. There is a lot of review and new concepts.
Grade 5/6 Since we were missing 4 students, the class spent more time learning about the province of Québec, its geography, and how to detect words we already know in new ones. It was interesting to listen on what the students know about Québec.
Grade 3/4 Students re-visited the frequently used verbs: avoir and être, conjugated. They need to practice (as they did in class) and review their notebook. They also worked on the concert song, taking turns to hum and/or practice the words.
JK/SK Thank you Mrs Whitworth for helping with the melody for the concert song. We also started to think about our favorite fruit. We might have to make a fruit salad!
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Thank you Mrs Angus for giving me the time, this past Monday, to participate in a very important workshop for our pending authorization of the DP at St-Jude's.
Thank you to all the students at TMA for being brilliant, independent and resourceful on that day.
Grade 1/2 The work started on Monday which required students to label town buildings. They also took it upon themselves to use the classroom resources (a variety of pictionaries) and shared the information with each other. Excellent collaboration and inquiriers!
Grade 7 It was presentation day! Students promoted their sound track in innovative ways. I am still waiting for a few hard copy of the text to complete the marks.
Grade 8 There was time, after the presentations, to edit the rough copies for next week's project. I encourage the students to collaborate with each other and double check their rubric to make sure nothing is missing.
Grade 5/6 Presentations were all done today, and it was great work on everyone's part. All the information in the booklets was interesting and colourful. Students ended the period with a board game of ER verbs with notations in their cahier.
Grade 3/4 Students are getting ready for the concert. They copied the translation for the song and practiced a few times.
JK/SK Students were happy to report how they impressed Mrs Angus on Monday. Today, they completed the short family unit. Next week, we are starting market placemats.
Thank you Mrs Angus for giving me the time, this past Monday, to participate in a very important workshop for our pending authorization of the DP at St-Jude's.
Thank you to all the students at TMA for being brilliant, independent and resourceful on that day.
Grade 1/2 The work started on Monday which required students to label town buildings. They also took it upon themselves to use the classroom resources (a variety of pictionaries) and shared the information with each other. Excellent collaboration and inquiriers!
Grade 7 It was presentation day! Students promoted their sound track in innovative ways. I am still waiting for a few hard copy of the text to complete the marks.
Grade 8 There was time, after the presentations, to edit the rough copies for next week's project. I encourage the students to collaborate with each other and double check their rubric to make sure nothing is missing.
Grade 5/6 Presentations were all done today, and it was great work on everyone's part. All the information in the booklets was interesting and colourful. Students ended the period with a board game of ER verbs with notations in their cahier.
Grade 3/4 Students are getting ready for the concert. They copied the translation for the song and practiced a few times.
JK/SK Students were happy to report how they impressed Mrs Angus on Monday. Today, they completed the short family unit. Next week, we are starting market placemats.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Grade 1/2 They have begun the unit on town and buildings. Everyone was quick to recognize the different elements in the community. Vocabulary involved was: la banque, l'école, la maison, le super-marché, le cinéma et le restaurant. Students were quite aware of the fact that I had no hospital nor a park in my town. Perhaps we have future urban planners in this classroom.
Grade 7 All rough copies have been edited, and students were given their rubric, a sample of a promotion to work with and the information on p29 of their textbook. They are busy recording their sound track for Wednesday, Nov. 9th presentations.
Grade 8 Students went over their 3 rubrics as well as a detailed information sheet for their project. Thank you Alex for organizing the google docs. so everyone can work on their part. I will be following your progress on line. If you have any questions, please email me. Presentations are planned for Thursday, November 17th. Rough copies are due (first draft, Wed., Nov. 9).
Grade 5/6 Each student had a chance to have their rough copy edited and most are ready to start on their illustrations for the booklet.. Presentations are on Wednesday, Nov. 9.
Grade 3/4 Students wrote a short script following a sample from the readings. They were very keen to read aloud what they wrote, and this was an opportunity to learn the correct spelling of Ontario, Toronto, Orangeville...and several other locations.
JK/SK We continued with the family theme, asking the name of family members. For example, 'comment s'appelle ta maman?...' The rest of the period was a game of Simon dit!
Grade 1/2 They have begun the unit on town and buildings. Everyone was quick to recognize the different elements in the community. Vocabulary involved was: la banque, l'école, la maison, le super-marché, le cinéma et le restaurant. Students were quite aware of the fact that I had no hospital nor a park in my town. Perhaps we have future urban planners in this classroom.
Grade 7 All rough copies have been edited, and students were given their rubric, a sample of a promotion to work with and the information on p29 of their textbook. They are busy recording their sound track for Wednesday, Nov. 9th presentations.
Grade 8 Students went over their 3 rubrics as well as a detailed information sheet for their project. Thank you Alex for organizing the google docs. so everyone can work on their part. I will be following your progress on line. If you have any questions, please email me. Presentations are planned for Thursday, November 17th. Rough copies are due (first draft, Wed., Nov. 9).
Grade 5/6 Each student had a chance to have their rough copy edited and most are ready to start on their illustrations for the booklet.. Presentations are on Wednesday, Nov. 9.
Grade 3/4 Students wrote a short script following a sample from the readings. They were very keen to read aloud what they wrote, and this was an opportunity to learn the correct spelling of Ontario, Toronto, Orangeville...and several other locations.
JK/SK We continued with the family theme, asking the name of family members. For example, 'comment s'appelle ta maman?...' The rest of the period was a game of Simon dit!
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Today, we had our assembly of the month and the learner profile/attribute were: THINKER/CONFIDENCE.
Grade 1/2 did not have French.
Grade 7 Students were able to work with their partner on their tâche finale. Rough copy is due on Thursday. A few students are still revising work from last week so that I can input the final mark.
Grade 8 The last of the unit activities were done and corrected. Please, if you feel you need more information or help, let me know. Thursday, you are starting on your summative project. This will be done as a group but remember that you will have an individual mark and everyone contributes/colaborates.
Grade 3/4 Students completed their sentences for Halloween characters. Following their presentations, they began unit 2/3 on television programming and how to tell time on the 24 hour clock. They were all very quick to do the Math (as this was review for many).
JK/SK This week is family week and students took turns to say: ma soeur s'appelle...mon frère s'appelle...mon papa, maman etc. They traced a family member with stencils.
Today, we had our assembly of the month and the learner profile/attribute were: THINKER/CONFIDENCE.
Grade 1/2 did not have French.
Grade 7 Students were able to work with their partner on their tâche finale. Rough copy is due on Thursday. A few students are still revising work from last week so that I can input the final mark.
Grade 8 The last of the unit activities were done and corrected. Please, if you feel you need more information or help, let me know. Thursday, you are starting on your summative project. This will be done as a group but remember that you will have an individual mark and everyone contributes/colaborates.
Grade 3/4 Students completed their sentences for Halloween characters. Following their presentations, they began unit 2/3 on television programming and how to tell time on the 24 hour clock. They were all very quick to do the Math (as this was review for many).
JK/SK This week is family week and students took turns to say: ma soeur s'appelle...mon frère s'appelle...mon papa, maman etc. They traced a family member with stencils.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Halloween was in the air (I know, a bit early, but we only 3 days). Students really know the characters and today they formed groups, and drew pictures on slates from vocabulary they recognized in random stories. House points were earned all around.
Grade 7- Students are in the final steps towards 'la tâche finale'. They will be working on creating a sound track for the promotion of a CD. All the information and requirements are on page 29 of their textbooks. Students also received an example of a promotion. Several great ideas were submitted. If you are working with a partner, please make sure you are in contact with each other, collaborate (which means that you listen, share, propose ideas and come to an agreement).
Grade 8-FSF1D Please make sure you complete and review the sheet on questions in the passé composé AND COMPLETE YOUR CROSS WORD. (please see the previous blog).
Grade 5/6 Students took up their homework, which was well done. They read a short text about a flee, yes a flee, extracted words similar to English, and answered comprehension questions. Following this work, they started to make sentences with pre-arranged groupings or sections of phrases. PLEASE COMPLETE THESE FOR TUESDAY.
Grade 3/4 We had a bit of Halloween fun with the 3 houses competing with a song about l'araignée et sa toile. Students also worked on their story about days and characters during Halloween.
JK/SK It was last call for the puppets! Everyone knows them by name, are able to recognize body parts, such as les yeux, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche... They also had a colouring activity.
Grade 1/2 Halloween was in the air (I know, a bit early, but we only 3 days). Students really know the characters and today they formed groups, and drew pictures on slates from vocabulary they recognized in random stories. House points were earned all around.
Grade 7- Students are in the final steps towards 'la tâche finale'. They will be working on creating a sound track for the promotion of a CD. All the information and requirements are on page 29 of their textbooks. Students also received an example of a promotion. Several great ideas were submitted. If you are working with a partner, please make sure you are in contact with each other, collaborate (which means that you listen, share, propose ideas and come to an agreement).
Grade 8-FSF1D Please make sure you complete and review the sheet on questions in the passé composé AND COMPLETE YOUR CROSS WORD. (please see the previous blog).
Grade 5/6 Students took up their homework, which was well done. They read a short text about a flee, yes a flee, extracted words similar to English, and answered comprehension questions. Following this work, they started to make sentences with pre-arranged groupings or sections of phrases. PLEASE COMPLETE THESE FOR TUESDAY.
Grade 3/4 We had a bit of Halloween fun with the 3 houses competing with a song about l'araignée et sa toile. Students also worked on their story about days and characters during Halloween.
JK/SK It was last call for the puppets! Everyone knows them by name, are able to recognize body parts, such as les yeux, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche... They also had a colouring activity.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Halloween characters (marionnettes) used the vocabulary and expressions they know and made a skit. Students realized they need more practice to put this together, so Friday they will have another go at it.
Grade 7 Students worked with the negative form, and practiced putting sentences together. Students who still owe work, verbs (pouvoir & vouloir) and the Stomp story, please review, correct and hand it in on Friday.
Grade 8 FSF1D- Please complete the cross-word started in class. This will be more than useful when you start your summative task.
Grade 3/4 Students matched the days of the week to Halloween characters. Following this 3 groups were formed and they are coming up with an Halloween story. The storyboard should be completed on Friday.
JK/SK After the routine work, students had to ask for a puppet by name (Halloween), and they made a magic potion with the words they learned. The last 15 minutes were spent looking at booklets from the supermarket. November is fruit and vegetable from the market.
Grade 1/2 Halloween characters (marionnettes) used the vocabulary and expressions they know and made a skit. Students realized they need more practice to put this together, so Friday they will have another go at it.
Grade 7 Students worked with the negative form, and practiced putting sentences together. Students who still owe work, verbs (pouvoir & vouloir) and the Stomp story, please review, correct and hand it in on Friday.
Grade 8 FSF1D- Please complete the cross-word started in class. This will be more than useful when you start your summative task.
Grade 3/4 Students matched the days of the week to Halloween characters. Following this 3 groups were formed and they are coming up with an Halloween story. The storyboard should be completed on Friday.
JK/SK After the routine work, students had to ask for a puppet by name (Halloween), and they made a magic potion with the words they learned. The last 15 minutes were spent looking at booklets from the supermarket. November is fruit and vegetable from the market.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Grade 1/2 The puppets are OUT! Halloween is a fun time and puppets such as: citrouille, fantôme, sorcière, Frankie, chauve souris and araignée have joined in the party. Students are also reading from their books and are able to predict questions and answers about objects around the classroom.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework about avoir and expression with avoir. This was followed by a short pop quiz on pouvoir and vouloir, along with a short story about Stomp, the stage group.
Grade 8 brainstormed about their setting for a mystery evening. Please make sure you are able to use the terminology for investigative work. On Wednesday, we will review passé composé.
Grade 5/6 The day started with a brain teaser: 'Je suis responsable pour qu'une plante devienne une planète!'
Students worked with verbs that may/or not apply to human and/or animals. Their vocabulary bank is expanding! The final task is almost in sight. Also, they were very proficient at composing Haiku poems for ants.
JK/SK Students were very happy at finding that the puppet bag had returned, full of Halloween characters. They are learning the different actions for each of them, and are beginning to recognize their names during a story.
Grade 3/4 Students had a grand time creating fun animals using parts of words to form new animals, for exemple: sergerlapeauchat. Just ask, they know!
Following this fun warm-up, each students used their hand made puppets to answer 5 pre-determined and pre-rehearsed questions. Well Done!
Grade 1/2 The puppets are OUT! Halloween is a fun time and puppets such as: citrouille, fantôme, sorcière, Frankie, chauve souris and araignée have joined in the party. Students are also reading from their books and are able to predict questions and answers about objects around the classroom.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework about avoir and expression with avoir. This was followed by a short pop quiz on pouvoir and vouloir, along with a short story about Stomp, the stage group.
Grade 8 brainstormed about their setting for a mystery evening. Please make sure you are able to use the terminology for investigative work. On Wednesday, we will review passé composé.
Grade 5/6 The day started with a brain teaser: 'Je suis responsable pour qu'une plante devienne une planète!'
Students worked with verbs that may/or not apply to human and/or animals. Their vocabulary bank is expanding! The final task is almost in sight. Also, they were very proficient at composing Haiku poems for ants.
JK/SK Students were very happy at finding that the puppet bag had returned, full of Halloween characters. They are learning the different actions for each of them, and are beginning to recognize their names during a story.
Grade 3/4 Students had a grand time creating fun animals using parts of words to form new animals, for exemple: sergerlapeauchat. Just ask, they know!
Following this fun warm-up, each students used their hand made puppets to answer 5 pre-determined and pre-rehearsed questions. Well Done!
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Grade 1/2 After the routine date and weather, students practiced writing the days of the week and in the spirit of Halloween, they assigned a character for each day. You could find vocabulary such as: le squelette, le fantôme, la citrouille, le chat noir, la chauve-souris, l'araignée et la sorcière. Students also completed the activities that were left from Tuesday.
Grade 7 Students worked with conjonctions. The word itself seemed a bit of a mystery but after they took the word apart and quite a few analogies, they were able to complete the exercise. Students are encouraged to really analyze words in and out of context. They are often making good connections between French and English.
Grade 8 Students have completed the preliminary activities and acquired a good vocabulary bank. We are talking about 'rapport de police, témoins, suspect, coupable' etc.
Grade 5/6 Students are incorporating the verb ' ÊTRE' and the correct agreement of adjectives. Well done! It was not easy work.
Grade 3/4 Great class today! Students engaged in short pre-rehearsed dialogue and were able to read aloud a short text and answer questions. A lot was accomplished! Bravo!
JK/SK We are getting ready for Halloween week! Students are beginning to use Halloween vocabulary and we used it to make a magic potion!
Grade 1/2 After the routine date and weather, students practiced writing the days of the week and in the spirit of Halloween, they assigned a character for each day. You could find vocabulary such as: le squelette, le fantôme, la citrouille, le chat noir, la chauve-souris, l'araignée et la sorcière. Students also completed the activities that were left from Tuesday.
Grade 7 Students worked with conjonctions. The word itself seemed a bit of a mystery but after they took the word apart and quite a few analogies, they were able to complete the exercise. Students are encouraged to really analyze words in and out of context. They are often making good connections between French and English.
Grade 8 Students have completed the preliminary activities and acquired a good vocabulary bank. We are talking about 'rapport de police, témoins, suspect, coupable' etc.
Grade 5/6 Students are incorporating the verb ' ÊTRE' and the correct agreement of adjectives. Well done! It was not easy work.
Grade 3/4 Great class today! Students engaged in short pre-rehearsed dialogue and were able to read aloud a short text and answer questions. A lot was accomplished! Bravo!
JK/SK We are getting ready for Halloween week! Students are beginning to use Halloween vocabulary and we used it to make a magic potion!
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students were really good at creating a short skit about greeting and then they located the correct phrases and copied them. They were quick to catch on the vocabulary and apply it to the correct pictures.
Grade 7 Students worked on verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir. They learned that the following verbs had to be at l'infinitif. They also read about sounds in nature, at home, in the streets...This will be useful terminology for the promotion of their CD.
Grade 8 They began with reading a selection on a group of cyber-members talking about their frustration with a mini-series. Students are retrieving vocabulary for this unit.
Grade 5/6 Students worked with the unit verbs ending in ER. They now know all their endings and are encouraged to complete their sentences as homework. They are using vocabulary such as: chercher, aider, transporter, ranger, etc.
Grade 3/4 Today, students completed the last 2 questions for the puppet presentations next week. They also matched vocabulary to form rhymes. There was a bit of time for students to start memorizing the questions and answers.
Great work all around!
JK/SK Students were very excited today and were taking turns telling the weather and repeating 'by themselves' everything they could think. They also had fun finding animals living in and around the pond. Dans un étang, il y a une grenouille, des canards, des poissons, des tortues, and so on. QU'EST-CE QUI SAUTE? un cheval, un chevreuil, un chat et un chien, un lapin...
They finished the day with colouring a big ball with designated colours. For the most part, they can demonstrate and pick colours on request.
Grade 1/2 Students were really good at creating a short skit about greeting and then they located the correct phrases and copied them. They were quick to catch on the vocabulary and apply it to the correct pictures.
Grade 7 Students worked on verbs: vouloir, pouvoir, devoir. They learned that the following verbs had to be at l'infinitif. They also read about sounds in nature, at home, in the streets...This will be useful terminology for the promotion of their CD.
Grade 8 They began with reading a selection on a group of cyber-members talking about their frustration with a mini-series. Students are retrieving vocabulary for this unit.
Grade 5/6 Students worked with the unit verbs ending in ER. They now know all their endings and are encouraged to complete their sentences as homework. They are using vocabulary such as: chercher, aider, transporter, ranger, etc.
Grade 3/4 Today, students completed the last 2 questions for the puppet presentations next week. They also matched vocabulary to form rhymes. There was a bit of time for students to start memorizing the questions and answers.
Great work all around!
JK/SK Students were very excited today and were taking turns telling the weather and repeating 'by themselves' everything they could think. They also had fun finding animals living in and around the pond. Dans un étang, il y a une grenouille, des canards, des poissons, des tortues, and so on. QU'EST-CE QUI SAUTE? un cheval, un chevreuil, un chat et un chien, un lapin...
They finished the day with colouring a big ball with designated colours. For the most part, they can demonstrate and pick colours on request.
Friday, 14 October 2016
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It was a BLUE kind of day at TMA!!! |

Grade 7 New Unit! All about noise!!! Yes, the students really like this one. They also will be perfecting the following verbs: vouloir, pouvoir...and devoir. Get ready to make some noise (sorry, I meant sounds). They will be promoting their CD. They also watched a video clip about the group STOMP.
Grade 8 They are into a new unit: Cris et Frissons. Watch out for those detectives, mystery event etc...
They completed the first activity and retrieved terminology useful for their sommative task.
Grade 1/2 French time was changed today, so we had to include snack and recess. Students enjoyed a Robert Munsch book: Ma dent ne veut pas tomber.
Grade 5/6 Students took turn reading from the unit Les Fourmis and added verbs to their vocabulary bank. In pairs, they acted out the verbs from the list.
Grade 3/4 Students had a great time making their paper puppets. Next week, they will use them to do presentations.
JK/SK Students are well aware of nature changes around them. They were acting out what a porc- et -pic would do: creuse, marche, roule comme une balle, mange. They watch a video clip of a porcupine eating a pumpkin. They finished the lesson with counting dots on dice (0 to 14).
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students are continuing on their journey of transitioning from oral to writing (and reading) in French. There is a lot of modelling on the board, and the more you give them, the more they want to know.
Grade 7/8 The lesson today is about 3 major verbs: VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR. It is a valuable refresher for grade 8, and a large chunk of knowledge to acquire for the grade 7. We will see this re-appear on the 'menu' from time to time. IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!
Grade 5/6 Students started a new unit today on LES FOURMIS. Ants will be crawling all over...just kidding! The unit is about finding links between human and animals that live in a society. We use adjectives and continue on our verb acquisition.
Grade 3/4 Students are working on forming adjectives and using the verb être to state how things are. Today, they prepared 5 questions and answers that will be useful when we are making the animal puppets.
JK/SK Everyone was keen to talk about calendar (thank you Elizabeth for an excellent job today), and colours, thanks to Arya for sharing your book.
Grade 1/2 Students are continuing on their journey of transitioning from oral to writing (and reading) in French. There is a lot of modelling on the board, and the more you give them, the more they want to know.
Grade 7/8 The lesson today is about 3 major verbs: VOULOIR, POUVOIR AND DEVOIR. It is a valuable refresher for grade 8, and a large chunk of knowledge to acquire for the grade 7. We will see this re-appear on the 'menu' from time to time. IT IS THAT IMPORTANT!
Grade 5/6 Students started a new unit today on LES FOURMIS. Ants will be crawling all over...just kidding! The unit is about finding links between human and animals that live in a society. We use adjectives and continue on our verb acquisition.
Grade 3/4 Students are working on forming adjectives and using the verb être to state how things are. Today, they prepared 5 questions and answers that will be useful when we are making the animal puppets.
JK/SK Everyone was keen to talk about calendar (thank you Elizabeth for an excellent job today), and colours, thanks to Arya for sharing your book.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Students wrote about: l'Action de Grâces. After brainstorming what they are thankful for, they made a list such as: Je dis merci pour ma famille, mon petit frère, mon école...This teacher is thankful for her students.
Grade 7/8 It was presentation day and everyone did a good job. The grade 8 acted as panel and offered some pertinent comments and helpful hints for future projects.
Grade 5/6 Students worked in 2 groups on a connect 4 verb game. This is a great way to learn to conjugate a few er ending verbs an make familiar sentences.
Grade 3/4 Today included singing, riddles about animals and matching syllables to make words. Well done!
JK/SK Routine, counting, weather and 'je dis merci pour...' I am thankful for...and they sang about a turkey and la tête, le bec, les ailes, la queue et les pattes. HAPPY THANKSGIVINNG!!!
Grade 1/2 Students wrote about: l'Action de Grâces. After brainstorming what they are thankful for, they made a list such as: Je dis merci pour ma famille, mon petit frère, mon école...This teacher is thankful for her students.
Grade 7/8 It was presentation day and everyone did a good job. The grade 8 acted as panel and offered some pertinent comments and helpful hints for future projects.
Grade 5/6 Students worked in 2 groups on a connect 4 verb game. This is a great way to learn to conjugate a few er ending verbs an make familiar sentences.
Grade 3/4 Today included singing, riddles about animals and matching syllables to make words. Well done!
JK/SK Routine, counting, weather and 'je dis merci pour...' I am thankful for...and they sang about a turkey and la tête, le bec, les ailes, la queue et les pattes. HAPPY THANKSGIVINNG!!!
Tuesday, 4 October 2016
Grade 1/2 Science was on everyone's mind this morning. During routine, the weather, somehow science was mentioned. Gas in the atmosphere!. Of course, students from grade 2 remembered the water cycle, so out goes the gas, solid and liquid!
Back to the programme, grade 1/2 are continuing to write, sound out/read and act out greetings straight from the textbook.
Grade 7 Each students took advantage of peer editing of their rough copy (with a grade 8), and with their teacher. We are very aware that MR. GOOGLE does not know what the requirements of the project are, so it is more valuable to use your textbook for references.
Grade 8 Everyone did a great job of presenting their web page. It was fantastic to see the quality of work both written and visual. Practicing your presentation aloud a few times also gives you more confidence.
Grade 5/6 Students presented their recipes to the class. Thank you Jada for actually baking the delicious muffins. The cooking steps were clearly defined, and everyone has improved with their pronunciation. Bravo!!!
Grade 3/4 Students have started Les animaux de compagnie unit. Word search, some drawing, reading and mystery solution. Wow, a great session and you can look forwards to making your animal puppets soon.
JK/SK In our French class, Fall is in full mode...leaves are falling, everything is colourful and they are learning to make faces: triste, content, fatigué, fâché...
We also started to sing Alouette, je t'y plumerai...with a twist. They are plucking a turkey! La tête, le bec, le cou, les ailes, la queue, les pieds...À bientôt!
Grade 1/2 Science was on everyone's mind this morning. During routine, the weather, somehow science was mentioned. Gas in the atmosphere!. Of course, students from grade 2 remembered the water cycle, so out goes the gas, solid and liquid!
Back to the programme, grade 1/2 are continuing to write, sound out/read and act out greetings straight from the textbook.
Grade 7 Each students took advantage of peer editing of their rough copy (with a grade 8), and with their teacher. We are very aware that MR. GOOGLE does not know what the requirements of the project are, so it is more valuable to use your textbook for references.
Grade 8 Everyone did a great job of presenting their web page. It was fantastic to see the quality of work both written and visual. Practicing your presentation aloud a few times also gives you more confidence.
Grade 5/6 Students presented their recipes to the class. Thank you Jada for actually baking the delicious muffins. The cooking steps were clearly defined, and everyone has improved with their pronunciation. Bravo!!!
Grade 3/4 Students have started Les animaux de compagnie unit. Word search, some drawing, reading and mystery solution. Wow, a great session and you can look forwards to making your animal puppets soon.
JK/SK In our French class, Fall is in full mode...leaves are falling, everything is colourful and they are learning to make faces: triste, content, fatigué, fâché...
We also started to sing Alouette, je t'y plumerai...with a twist. They are plucking a turkey! La tête, le bec, le cou, les ailes, la queue, les pieds...À bientôt!
Friday, 30 September 2016
Grade 1/2 Today is dedicated to written activities. Students worked on greetings, classroom objects. Most members of the class are well engaged with the daily routine and are using the questions we posted around the class room.
Grade 7 Take up homework on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Students started working on their tâche finale. Please have your rough copy ready for editing on Tuesday. If the work was done on the computer, have it printed as I will not make corrections on your computer. Make sure you have: irregular verbs (aller, faire, avoir, être), use l'impératif, use adjectifs possessifs and vocabulary from the unit. Have fun creating the ending of the story.
Grade 8 All students should have a rough draft of their web page to be edited today. We are also using a peer-edit system. The presentation will be on Tuesday, October 4th. Please note that should you have it on your computer to present, that is fine, however make sure to have a printed copy to give me. NO EXCEPTION!
Grade 5/6 Today is editing day!. We are peer-editing/ teacher editing, and there will be time for creating a picture of your recipe. Be ready to present next week on Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
Grade 3/4 Students have worked hard this week, so today is word search and missing letter day! Wyatt was our star student today, not only finishing his work first and participating but he also help everyone finish on time.
These activities have a preview of next week's words about Les animaux de compagnie.
JK/SK Octobre!! Les feuillles sont tombées...well, they will be if the wind keeps up through this weekend. Students have been drawing their interpretation of Fall.
Grade 1/2 Today is dedicated to written activities. Students worked on greetings, classroom objects. Most members of the class are well engaged with the daily routine and are using the questions we posted around the class room.
Grade 7 Take up homework on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Students started working on their tâche finale. Please have your rough copy ready for editing on Tuesday. If the work was done on the computer, have it printed as I will not make corrections on your computer. Make sure you have: irregular verbs (aller, faire, avoir, être), use l'impératif, use adjectifs possessifs and vocabulary from the unit. Have fun creating the ending of the story.
Grade 8 All students should have a rough draft of their web page to be edited today. We are also using a peer-edit system. The presentation will be on Tuesday, October 4th. Please note that should you have it on your computer to present, that is fine, however make sure to have a printed copy to give me. NO EXCEPTION!
Grade 5/6 Today is editing day!. We are peer-editing/ teacher editing, and there will be time for creating a picture of your recipe. Be ready to present next week on Tuesday, Oct. 4th.
Grade 3/4 Students have worked hard this week, so today is word search and missing letter day! Wyatt was our star student today, not only finishing his work first and participating but he also help everyone finish on time.
These activities have a preview of next week's words about Les animaux de compagnie.
JK/SK Octobre!! Les feuillles sont tombées...well, they will be if the wind keeps up through this weekend. Students have been drawing their interpretation of Fall.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Grade 1/2 Students paired up to match partial words and hunt the classroom to find the objets. Great fun and a good way to learn.
Grade 7 Students worked on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Everyone worked well in collaboration.
Grade 8 Students mapped out the essentials of a Web page, and had a work period on their project. Rough draft due on Thursday.
Grade 5/6 Students had some time to work on their recipe. Rough draft must be completed on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Les animaux du Canada- où vivent-ils? Great fun today making our own cross word with September vocabulary.
JK/SK Finish je cueille des pommes...les animaux et leur habitat.
Grade 1/2 Students paired up to match partial words and hunt the classroom to find the objets. Great fun and a good way to learn.
Grade 7 Students worked on 'adjectifs possessifs'. Everyone worked well in collaboration.
Grade 8 Students mapped out the essentials of a Web page, and had a work period on their project. Rough draft due on Thursday.
Grade 5/6 Students had some time to work on their recipe. Rough draft must be completed on Thursday.
Grade 3/4 Les animaux du Canada- où vivent-ils? Great fun today making our own cross word with September vocabulary.
JK/SK Finish je cueille des pommes...les animaux et leur habitat.
Monday, 26 September 2016
Grade 1/2 The lesson started with singing and identifying days of the week. This is a great way to learn the spelling of those words. The question today was : Quelle heure est-il? Students were quick to name different everyday items to tell time: une horloge, une montre, une tablette, un sablier. They wrote the question in their notebook and choose two words to illustrate.
Grade 7 & 8 watched a short video about an interview where Jeremy Pastel, a young entrepreneur, is giving advice on starting a business in Canada, especially when you are an immigrant. Following this video, the class brainstormed strategies for LISTENING to understand. The group came up with very pertinent ideas such as: watching expressions and listening to vocal tone and pauses in the speech. Listening for words they already know, and keeping in mind the whole context of what they are listening to to further their knowledge.
The class also understood that the interview had local, national and international advice for everyone, no matter how big or small the enterprise is, and to be careful of stereotyping individuals base on their skin colour or ethnicity.
Grade 7 Please ensure that you have ideas ready to share for your tâche finale.
Grade 8 You will start mapping out your work to do your web page on Wednesday. Come prepared with your ideas.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the comprehension component of the story read last week. They also found several words resembling English in the text. They are now very aware of the fact that they CAN read and understand most of the text. They also put together a list of action words to be used when cooking/baking and giving a recipe. The verb tense 'l'impératif' is used to give orders, commands or strong suggestions. Homework: have a recipe to work with by Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 In preparation for completing the unit on companion animals, we decided to take a small detour and learn the names of Canadian animals (wild). There was a short discussion about the Canadian climate, seasons, and the fact that Canada has so much water around. Students split in 4 groups to represent the following categories: mammifères, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles. After writing 3 or 4 animals per category, they chose one and had to illustrate its habitat. If not finished, it is homework.
JK/SK After the routine work, students work on their booklet about apples, colours, and actions words such as 'je cueille une pomme, je mange une pomme, je coupe la pomme et je fais de la compote de pomme, du jus de pomme, des pommes au caramel et du gâteau aux pommes. Yum! Bonne visite au verger de pomme demain!!!
Grade 1/2 The lesson started with singing and identifying days of the week. This is a great way to learn the spelling of those words. The question today was : Quelle heure est-il? Students were quick to name different everyday items to tell time: une horloge, une montre, une tablette, un sablier. They wrote the question in their notebook and choose two words to illustrate.
Grade 7 & 8 watched a short video about an interview where Jeremy Pastel, a young entrepreneur, is giving advice on starting a business in Canada, especially when you are an immigrant. Following this video, the class brainstormed strategies for LISTENING to understand. The group came up with very pertinent ideas such as: watching expressions and listening to vocal tone and pauses in the speech. Listening for words they already know, and keeping in mind the whole context of what they are listening to to further their knowledge.
The class also understood that the interview had local, national and international advice for everyone, no matter how big or small the enterprise is, and to be careful of stereotyping individuals base on their skin colour or ethnicity.
Grade 7 Please ensure that you have ideas ready to share for your tâche finale.
Grade 8 You will start mapping out your work to do your web page on Wednesday. Come prepared with your ideas.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the comprehension component of the story read last week. They also found several words resembling English in the text. They are now very aware of the fact that they CAN read and understand most of the text. They also put together a list of action words to be used when cooking/baking and giving a recipe. The verb tense 'l'impératif' is used to give orders, commands or strong suggestions. Homework: have a recipe to work with by Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 In preparation for completing the unit on companion animals, we decided to take a small detour and learn the names of Canadian animals (wild). There was a short discussion about the Canadian climate, seasons, and the fact that Canada has so much water around. Students split in 4 groups to represent the following categories: mammifères, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles. After writing 3 or 4 animals per category, they chose one and had to illustrate its habitat. If not finished, it is homework.
JK/SK After the routine work, students work on their booklet about apples, colours, and actions words such as 'je cueille une pomme, je mange une pomme, je coupe la pomme et je fais de la compote de pomme, du jus de pomme, des pommes au caramel et du gâteau aux pommes. Yum! Bonne visite au verger de pomme demain!!!
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Grade 1/2 Students held banners with the names of days of the week. They had to mix and match the cards, but sing them in order. Lots of fun! After this round of singing, they had a marathon on colour questions (mostly related to autumn).
They finished the class with a Fall colouring activity.
Grade 7 & 8 There was an activity (quiz) on adjectives. For the grade 7, it was more for assessment purposes and get a baseline on their general knowledge. Thank you Cole and Ben for mentoring the new students.
Grade 8 Students reviewed adjectives that would be more suitable to describe each other, and these should be used in their summative task (la tâche finale).
Homework: be ready to present yourself, without reading from your notes too much. Also, read p 22-23 for Tuesday.
Grade 5/6 Students did a good job on their quiz, and also did an activity with unscrambling words describing cooking activities. La tâche finale will begin next week. The rest of the period was spent taking turns reading a text: O SOLE MIO
Homework: find words that look like English in the text (part A).
Grade 3/4 Today was the best class ever! Students recalled what they saw at the educational centre. We talked about: Les marais, filtre, grenouille, hérons bleus, quenouilles and so much more. Then, they illustrated and labelled their favorite sightings from the field trip.
JK/SK Taylor was the leader and did a good job with the calendar in French. Everyone is enjoying counting and singing. L'automne est arrivé! They are learning a new 'contine' about being a tree inn the wind and leaves falling. So, if you hear them saying 'je suis un arbre, il fait du vent, les feuilles sont tombées', don't be surprised. They ended with a colouring activity about apple picking which will be completed next week.
Grade 1/2 Students held banners with the names of days of the week. They had to mix and match the cards, but sing them in order. Lots of fun! After this round of singing, they had a marathon on colour questions (mostly related to autumn).
They finished the class with a Fall colouring activity.
Grade 7 & 8 There was an activity (quiz) on adjectives. For the grade 7, it was more for assessment purposes and get a baseline on their general knowledge. Thank you Cole and Ben for mentoring the new students.
Grade 8 Students reviewed adjectives that would be more suitable to describe each other, and these should be used in their summative task (la tâche finale).
Homework: be ready to present yourself, without reading from your notes too much. Also, read p 22-23 for Tuesday.
Grade 5/6 Students did a good job on their quiz, and also did an activity with unscrambling words describing cooking activities. La tâche finale will begin next week. The rest of the period was spent taking turns reading a text: O SOLE MIO
Homework: find words that look like English in the text (part A).
Grade 3/4 Today was the best class ever! Students recalled what they saw at the educational centre. We talked about: Les marais, filtre, grenouille, hérons bleus, quenouilles and so much more. Then, they illustrated and labelled their favorite sightings from the field trip.
JK/SK Taylor was the leader and did a good job with the calendar in French. Everyone is enjoying counting and singing. L'automne est arrivé! They are learning a new 'contine' about being a tree inn the wind and leaves falling. So, if you hear them saying 'je suis un arbre, il fait du vent, les feuilles sont tombées', don't be surprised. They ended with a colouring activity about apple picking which will be completed next week.
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
IN THE NEWS TODAY: GRADE 5 -ADELLE, HAYDEN AND MAPLE spent some time with our Nathan in JK who wanted to play soccer. By the way, Nathan can kick that ball quite far. Thank you for being a role model of patience, and caring. House points for all three of you.
Grade 1/2 Great work was done today. Two frequently asked questions: comment ça va? and quel âge ass-tu? Students, after much practice, wrote and illustrated their answers in their notebook.
Grade 7 After taking their homework, students reviewed l'impératif, a verb tense to indicate a command or a sense of urgency. They learned about the formation and use, then practiced.
HOMEWORK: please complete page 14, take your time and demonstrate you understand what you read, and do not forget to conjugate your verbs (don't leave them at l'infinitif).
Grade 8 Students listened on the lesson on l'impératif along with the grade 7. They also discussed and mapped out how much of their time was spent on social medias and talked about strategies on how they could monitor their use. Amazing when you see it in writing and on a graph!
HOMEWORK: please write a short paragraph about yourself. Please include 3 irregular adjectives, and 5 pronominal verbs.
Grade 5/6 Today's lesson was Le partitif. After looking at the word for clues as to its meaning, students observed: part, it, if. So, we came up with a saying to remember when to use it. (du, de la, des and de l'). Use it when there is a part and it can't be counted...and only if you cannot count!
HOMEWORK; Thursday, Sept. 22, quiz on spelling ingredients and using du, de la and des. Review your previous work and you will do well.
Grade 3/4 It is time to get in line with the unit of inquiry: O Canada. Singing the national anthem and understand the words, the protocol (etiquette). Thank you Sophie for your explanation of etiquette, well done! Following this, students brainstormed about their basic rights (the charter) of Food, Shelter, Education and feeling safe. After, they illustrated where they live and progressed to province to country, continent to planet Earth...galaxy. Ville, province, pays, continent, Terre, Galaxie...
JK/SK Today's leader (le chef) was Jonathan and he did a great job with the calendar. Aujourd'hui, c'est mardi...How amazing that they count up to 20 as a group with so little help. They are learning to sing bonne fête...since it was Brooke's birthday. We finished with a story on animals and camouflage.
IN THE NEWS TODAY: GRADE 5 -ADELLE, HAYDEN AND MAPLE spent some time with our Nathan in JK who wanted to play soccer. By the way, Nathan can kick that ball quite far. Thank you for being a role model of patience, and caring. House points for all three of you.
Grade 1/2 Great work was done today. Two frequently asked questions: comment ça va? and quel âge ass-tu? Students, after much practice, wrote and illustrated their answers in their notebook.
Grade 7 After taking their homework, students reviewed l'impératif, a verb tense to indicate a command or a sense of urgency. They learned about the formation and use, then practiced.
HOMEWORK: please complete page 14, take your time and demonstrate you understand what you read, and do not forget to conjugate your verbs (don't leave them at l'infinitif).
Grade 8 Students listened on the lesson on l'impératif along with the grade 7. They also discussed and mapped out how much of their time was spent on social medias and talked about strategies on how they could monitor their use. Amazing when you see it in writing and on a graph!
HOMEWORK: please write a short paragraph about yourself. Please include 3 irregular adjectives, and 5 pronominal verbs.
Grade 5/6 Today's lesson was Le partitif. After looking at the word for clues as to its meaning, students observed: part, it, if. So, we came up with a saying to remember when to use it. (du, de la, des and de l'). Use it when there is a part and it can't be counted...and only if you cannot count!
HOMEWORK; Thursday, Sept. 22, quiz on spelling ingredients and using du, de la and des. Review your previous work and you will do well.
Grade 3/4 It is time to get in line with the unit of inquiry: O Canada. Singing the national anthem and understand the words, the protocol (etiquette). Thank you Sophie for your explanation of etiquette, well done! Following this, students brainstormed about their basic rights (the charter) of Food, Shelter, Education and feeling safe. After, they illustrated where they live and progressed to province to country, continent to planet Earth...galaxy. Ville, province, pays, continent, Terre, Galaxie...
JK/SK Today's leader (le chef) was Jonathan and he did a great job with the calendar. Aujourd'hui, c'est mardi...How amazing that they count up to 20 as a group with so little help. They are learning to sing bonne fête...since it was Brooke's birthday. We finished with a story on animals and camouflage.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Grade 1/2 After the routine of calendar and weather, students learned how to write the questions in their notebooks and illustrate the two of them: Quelle est la date? and Quel temps fait-il? There was just enough time to squeeze the story of Benjamin a peur de la nuit.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework, and also realize that a little time spent working on what they learned only re-inforces their knowledge, and if they find it difficult, you should ask a classmate for help or email the teacher. But to reach success, one must try first. They also spent time researching Canadian astronauts. The information will be shared next week. Great team work everyone!!!
HOMEWORK; page 12
Both groups, 7 & 8, had a lively game of connect four with verbs.
Grade 8 FSF1D Students brainstormed about internet safety features. They are very informed already. Both groups participated in a friendly verb battle.
HOMEWORK: Please complete the handout on daily routine (both sides).
Grade 5/6 Students continued working on the formation of the negative in the written form. They are still working with reading and writing the name of ingredients. This will be useful next week when they start learning the partitive.
Grade 3/4 Students learned how to say numbers in their ordinal form: premier, deuxième, troisième...etc. They also did a task, orally and written, about the days of the week in their proper order.
JK/SK Students worked well as a team. Thank you, Santino, for doing the calendar. The routine is starting to be well in place. Today, the focus was on colous, with a litlle bit of farm animals and stories where they had to recognize the colour words. Well done!
Grade 1/2 After the routine of calendar and weather, students learned how to write the questions in their notebooks and illustrate the two of them: Quelle est la date? and Quel temps fait-il? There was just enough time to squeeze the story of Benjamin a peur de la nuit.
Grade 7 Students took up their homework, and also realize that a little time spent working on what they learned only re-inforces their knowledge, and if they find it difficult, you should ask a classmate for help or email the teacher. But to reach success, one must try first. They also spent time researching Canadian astronauts. The information will be shared next week. Great team work everyone!!!
HOMEWORK; page 12
Both groups, 7 & 8, had a lively game of connect four with verbs.
Grade 8 FSF1D Students brainstormed about internet safety features. They are very informed already. Both groups participated in a friendly verb battle.
HOMEWORK: Please complete the handout on daily routine (both sides).
Grade 5/6 Students continued working on the formation of the negative in the written form. They are still working with reading and writing the name of ingredients. This will be useful next week when they start learning the partitive.
Grade 3/4 Students learned how to say numbers in their ordinal form: premier, deuxième, troisième...etc. They also did a task, orally and written, about the days of the week in their proper order.
JK/SK Students worked well as a team. Thank you, Santino, for doing the calendar. The routine is starting to be well in place. Today, the focus was on colous, with a litlle bit of farm animals and stories where they had to recognize the colour words. Well done!
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Here is today's menu!
Grade 1/2 In order to do our classroom objects review, students split into 2 teams and played a lively game of tic tac toe. Well done Charlotte and Grace for being team captains.
Grade 7 Good reading of the comic strip. It was great to hear your good diction throughout. Please, everyone, do your homework as it is a good way of knowing what you understand and what you don't. If today's work was not all completed with the verbs aller, faire, avoir and être from the textbook, this is your homework.
Grade 8 Please read Une journée à mon goût for Friday. Observe the reflexive verbs, and see if you can spot them. Good job on your sentences today and make sure you research the gender of the nouns...just don't leave it as a guess.
Grade 5/6 Today was the introduction of ER ending verbs and the use of the negative. Students took turns telling what they did not like on their pizza and they would not order. Also, they read 2 selections from the textbook and took jot notes in their cahier of action words to be used later.
Grade 3/4 Today was all about Math. They wrote numbers 0-12 and brainstormed about where they would see or use numbers in their written form.
JK/SK The routine is starting to get established and today Kole did the calendar with Aiden's help. They are chanting the days of the week, months of the year and counting. It was a busy class!
Here is today's menu!
Grade 1/2 In order to do our classroom objects review, students split into 2 teams and played a lively game of tic tac toe. Well done Charlotte and Grace for being team captains.
Grade 7 Good reading of the comic strip. It was great to hear your good diction throughout. Please, everyone, do your homework as it is a good way of knowing what you understand and what you don't. If today's work was not all completed with the verbs aller, faire, avoir and être from the textbook, this is your homework.
Grade 8 Please read Une journée à mon goût for Friday. Observe the reflexive verbs, and see if you can spot them. Good job on your sentences today and make sure you research the gender of the nouns...just don't leave it as a guess.
Grade 5/6 Today was the introduction of ER ending verbs and the use of the negative. Students took turns telling what they did not like on their pizza and they would not order. Also, they read 2 selections from the textbook and took jot notes in their cahier of action words to be used later.
Grade 3/4 Today was all about Math. They wrote numbers 0-12 and brainstormed about where they would see or use numbers in their written form.
JK/SK The routine is starting to get established and today Kole did the calendar with Aiden's help. They are chanting the days of the week, months of the year and counting. It was a busy class!
Monday, 12 September 2016
Grade 1/2 The day started with Le Hibou. Each owl had the name of classroom objects that the students had to locate around the class. Then, it was time to sit down, write and illustrate a couple of the words. If a student has not completed 2 objects (illustration, mostly) they can finish it for Wednesday. Great class!
Grade 7 In order for all the students to realize their full potential, one has to be aware of what they know and what they need to know. So students created their personal list. We started with les pronoms possessifs, students made a list, a grid, for future reference. HOMEWORK: make a sentence with the following verbs. avoir, être, aller, faire. 1 sentence for each of the verbs. Now, if you realize that you either don't know or cannot remember the present tense of these verbs, look at the back of your textbook and make sure to share your concerns if you have any.
Grade 8-Thank you everyone for returning your Reach Ahead forms!
Today's discussion was about reading strategies. Great input from all 4 students. Students also started with the same grid of pronouns but added the pronominals pronouns to their grid. HOMEWORK is to practice with verbs found on p.18.
Grade 5/6 Students explored the elements of a restaurant menu. Following this, and because they love pizza..., they created a list of ingredients found in their books. Finally, they created a special pizza for Mr. Hunt, Mr. Playford and one for myself as well. They had to consider and decide what ingredients they thought each of us would want. They pretty well nailed it!
Grade 3/4 In order to review their classroom objects, students received a list of useful objects that they then had to match with school activities. For example, je dessine avec...un crayon à colorier...HOMEWORK: complete the exercise in your notebook. Choose 4 items you can use to match an activity. There should not be too much to do as almost everyone was done in class.
JK/SK What fun they had today, running around to bring objects with certain colours, counting to ten, answer to comment t'appelles-tu? and quel âge as-tu?
Bravo, tout le monde!
Grade 1/2 The day started with Le Hibou. Each owl had the name of classroom objects that the students had to locate around the class. Then, it was time to sit down, write and illustrate a couple of the words. If a student has not completed 2 objects (illustration, mostly) they can finish it for Wednesday. Great class!
Grade 7 In order for all the students to realize their full potential, one has to be aware of what they know and what they need to know. So students created their personal list. We started with les pronoms possessifs, students made a list, a grid, for future reference. HOMEWORK: make a sentence with the following verbs. avoir, être, aller, faire. 1 sentence for each of the verbs. Now, if you realize that you either don't know or cannot remember the present tense of these verbs, look at the back of your textbook and make sure to share your concerns if you have any.
Grade 8-Thank you everyone for returning your Reach Ahead forms!
Today's discussion was about reading strategies. Great input from all 4 students. Students also started with the same grid of pronouns but added the pronominals pronouns to their grid. HOMEWORK is to practice with verbs found on p.18.
Grade 5/6 Students explored the elements of a restaurant menu. Following this, and because they love pizza..., they created a list of ingredients found in their books. Finally, they created a special pizza for Mr. Hunt, Mr. Playford and one for myself as well. They had to consider and decide what ingredients they thought each of us would want. They pretty well nailed it!
Grade 3/4 In order to review their classroom objects, students received a list of useful objects that they then had to match with school activities. For example, je dessine avec...un crayon à colorier...HOMEWORK: complete the exercise in your notebook. Choose 4 items you can use to match an activity. There should not be too much to do as almost everyone was done in class.
JK/SK What fun they had today, running around to bring objects with certain colours, counting to ten, answer to comment t'appelles-tu? and quel âge as-tu?
Bravo, tout le monde!
Thursday, 8 September 2016
The day started with the grade 1/2 class. We talked about the summer and who we are...names, age...Sarah was the only one in the class to know the secret code. Just a friendly reminder, if your child has not yet brought in a binder (1in., 3 ring) to keep all their French material together, please have it ready to go for Monday. Students also received their textbook and notebook. See you on Monday!
Grade 7 Today was about going through the textbooks, notebooks...Again, it was nice to see pro-active students ready with their binders (thank you for re-cycling last year's binders). Students made a list of things they want to accomplish this year and jotted down the statement of inquiry for their up and coming unit.
Grade 8 Students went through the same routine and took a look at what their projects will be this year.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS LETTER GOING HOME FOR THE PARENTS TO SIGN. THIS IS THE REACH AHEAD PERMISSION FORM TO TAKE THE GRADE 9 FRENCH PROGRAM. I will need these to keep on file at St-Jude's Academy so we can issue the credit for FSF1D at the High School level.
Grade 5/6 After going through the routine and textbook...again students will need to bring binders to keep their French material together. The class did an ice-breaker activity...literally drew an iceberg of talent and success as the tip, and the sub-merged part was for all the attributes to be able to demonstrate success.
Grade 3/4 Thank you Sophie for being the only one who knew the secret code, This earned house points!!! After the routine was reviewed, textbooks handed out, students brainstormed about what makes them think of French. They drew and coloured their first international French pictures...macaroons, Eiffel Tower, cheese, ice cream (it was so hot), flags... very creative!
JK/SK It was a great class considering the heat and the time of day but everyone rallied and Aiden did the calendar, they counted, moved around 'on s'assoit, on se lève...Students are learning to sing the days of the week in English and inn French. They are learning that what they say and do, I can do it in French too! Today's fascinating word was POMME.
The day started with the grade 1/2 class. We talked about the summer and who we are...names, age...Sarah was the only one in the class to know the secret code. Just a friendly reminder, if your child has not yet brought in a binder (1in., 3 ring) to keep all their French material together, please have it ready to go for Monday. Students also received their textbook and notebook. See you on Monday!
Grade 7 Today was about going through the textbooks, notebooks...Again, it was nice to see pro-active students ready with their binders (thank you for re-cycling last year's binders). Students made a list of things they want to accomplish this year and jotted down the statement of inquiry for their up and coming unit.
Grade 8 Students went through the same routine and took a look at what their projects will be this year.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS LETTER GOING HOME FOR THE PARENTS TO SIGN. THIS IS THE REACH AHEAD PERMISSION FORM TO TAKE THE GRADE 9 FRENCH PROGRAM. I will need these to keep on file at St-Jude's Academy so we can issue the credit for FSF1D at the High School level.
Grade 5/6 After going through the routine and textbook...again students will need to bring binders to keep their French material together. The class did an ice-breaker activity...literally drew an iceberg of talent and success as the tip, and the sub-merged part was for all the attributes to be able to demonstrate success.
Grade 3/4 Thank you Sophie for being the only one who knew the secret code, This earned house points!!! After the routine was reviewed, textbooks handed out, students brainstormed about what makes them think of French. They drew and coloured their first international French pictures...macaroons, Eiffel Tower, cheese, ice cream (it was so hot), flags... very creative!
JK/SK It was a great class considering the heat and the time of day but everyone rallied and Aiden did the calendar, they counted, moved around 'on s'assoit, on se lève...Students are learning to sing the days of the week in English and inn French. They are learning that what they say and do, I can do it in French too! Today's fascinating word was POMME.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
The count down is on, and here at TMA, we are excited to welcome you back to school.
I have been working through the summer to make this coming school year fun and full of activities.
I would like to remind everyone from grades 1 to 8 to bring a 'cartable' (binder) to keep all your French material in the same spot. Everyone knows by now how full they can get, so a 1 inch, 3 ring binder is what you need. You can personalize with a French flair (which we will do on the first day of class).
See you soon!!!
A note to all the parents.
Once again this year, I will be sharing my time between TMA and SJA. I will be at The Maples every other day which will be easier on the students, with no long periods without French on some of the weeks.
I am always available by email:
Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me should you need additional information or if you have concerns.
À bientôt,
Madame V.
The count down is on, and here at TMA, we are excited to welcome you back to school.
I have been working through the summer to make this coming school year fun and full of activities.
I would like to remind everyone from grades 1 to 8 to bring a 'cartable' (binder) to keep all your French material in the same spot. Everyone knows by now how full they can get, so a 1 inch, 3 ring binder is what you need. You can personalize with a French flair (which we will do on the first day of class).
See you soon!!!
A note to all the parents.
Once again this year, I will be sharing my time between TMA and SJA. I will be at The Maples every other day which will be easier on the students, with no long periods without French on some of the weeks.
I am always available by email:
Please, do not hesitate to reach out to me should you need additional information or if you have concerns.
À bientôt,
Madame V.
Monday, 6 June 2016
Grade 3/4 Students completed their word search and had a fun spelling bee of their own with Nature vocabulary.
Grade 7/8 both groups looked at last week's exams. We only had time to get to a few items before the Inter-School Spelling Bee.
Grade 1/2 students had fun with matching syllable for vocabulary from this year.
JK/SK The students acted out the actions performed by various animals, then they illustrated and the SK wrote the actions on their work.
Grade 3/4 Students completed their word search and had a fun spelling bee of their own with Nature vocabulary.
Grade 7/8 both groups looked at last week's exams. We only had time to get to a few items before the Inter-School Spelling Bee.
Grade 1/2 students had fun with matching syllable for vocabulary from this year.
JK/SK The students acted out the actions performed by various animals, then they illustrated and the SK wrote the actions on their work.
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Grade 3/4 It was a beautiful day to take our annual Nature Walk. Students went around the grounds and used their 5 senses to record everything. When we came back, we shared and brainstormed the collective findings. To be continued on Friday.
Grade 7/8 is on Friday!
Grade 5/6 The students are preparing a weather forecast.
Grade 1/2 Students made sentences with a great variety of starters. They are very creative.
Assembly ended our day.
Grade 3/4 It was a beautiful day to take our annual Nature Walk. Students went around the grounds and used their 5 senses to record everything. When we came back, we shared and brainstormed the collective findings. To be continued on Friday.
Grade 7/8 is on Friday!
Grade 5/6 The students are preparing a weather forecast.
Grade 1/2 Students made sentences with a great variety of starters. They are very creative.
Assembly ended our day.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Grade 3/4 One last practice before the big day! Students are coming together and will ask parents to join in. So, don't be shy, stand up and sing with us Tuesday night.
After rehearsal, students illustrated what the song means to them. There will be a little bit of time on Wednesday to finish.
Grade 7 & 8 all presentations were done today, and well done they were! Wednesday is going to be for review only, so everyone is ready for exams on Friday morning at 10 am.
Grade 5/6 All presentations were out of this world (litterally). I am glad I asked for 15 sentences because most of the students wrote and wrote ...and wrote. I think they are still in Exhibition mode. Good work everyone.
Afternoon was dress rehearsal and there was only a little bit of time with JK/SK for the creation of habitat for jungle/farm/pet animals.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the concert.
Grade 3/4 One last practice before the big day! Students are coming together and will ask parents to join in. So, don't be shy, stand up and sing with us Tuesday night.
After rehearsal, students illustrated what the song means to them. There will be a little bit of time on Wednesday to finish.
Grade 7 & 8 all presentations were done today, and well done they were! Wednesday is going to be for review only, so everyone is ready for exams on Friday morning at 10 am.
Grade 5/6 All presentations were out of this world (litterally). I am glad I asked for 15 sentences because most of the students wrote and wrote ...and wrote. I think they are still in Exhibition mode. Good work everyone.
Afternoon was dress rehearsal and there was only a little bit of time with JK/SK for the creation of habitat for jungle/farm/pet animals.
I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the concert.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Grade 3/4 After the assembly, students teamed up with grade 1/2 and JK/SK to rehearse in the gym for the concert. Back in class, they worked on a word search about nature.
Grade 7 projects are being written and will be presented on Monday, May 30.
Grade 8 Performance tasks have been edited, conference done with students, and presentation of the phone message will be on Monday, May 30.
BOTH GROUPS, 7/8, YOUR EXAMS ARE ON FRIDAY, JUNE 3 AT 10 am and will run about 2 hours.
Grade 5/6 projects on Galaxécole were edited and presentations are on Monday.
The afternoon was dedicated to Spring concert rehearsal.
Grade 3/4 After the assembly, students teamed up with grade 1/2 and JK/SK to rehearse in the gym for the concert. Back in class, they worked on a word search about nature.
Grade 7 projects are being written and will be presented on Monday, May 30.
Grade 8 Performance tasks have been edited, conference done with students, and presentation of the phone message will be on Monday, May 30.
BOTH GROUPS, 7/8, YOUR EXAMS ARE ON FRIDAY, JUNE 3 AT 10 am and will run about 2 hours.
Grade 5/6 projects on Galaxécole were edited and presentations are on Monday.
The afternoon was dedicated to Spring concert rehearsal.
Wednesday, 18 May 2016
Grade 3/4 We had visitors today to help with the song for the concert. Grade 1/2 took a short practice with the 3/4 class. All students were able to finish their cross words with all 19 words from the planet unit. Bravo!
Grade 5/6 The class was split between 3/4 and 7/8. They worked on their projects and they should have their rough copy ready for editing on Wednesday 25th.
Grade 7 Students read Jacques-Yves Cousteau (text) in preparation for the final exam. They reviewed the pronoun Y and also worked on their projects about structures. They should have their rough draft for Wednesday 25th.
Grade 8 Students received their performance task rubric and instructions. They also notes the sections to study for the final exam. Two students had their work edited for the telephone script. Please make sure that next Wednesday (25th) that you are ready with your draft for editing and conferencing.
Grade 1/2 Together with the song (Spring concert), students started on the props to describe the vocabulary in the song.
JK/SK Spring concert is at the heart of the work still. Following this, students took 3 puzzles about animals from the farm, zoo, and home (domestic). They worked at pacing them, naming them...Lots of fun! If you want an animal, you have to name it.
Monday, 16 May 2016
Grade 3/4 Students spent time on their song, and following this they finished reading their booklets on celestial bodies (planets). They also brainstormed the vocabulary as a group and they were asked to make a cross word by picking vocabulary they could relate to.
Grade 7 started reading about famous constructions around the world. Everyone is brushing up on their numbers 0-1000 and beyond!
Grade 8 Students worked on their review package. This is when they can judge by themselves where to focus their efforts on review components.
Grade 5/6 They started a new unit on school on another planet. They are to brainstorm ideas about what type of school they would have should they be given the choice. Hum...interesting, very interesting.
Grade 1/2 Spring concert song practice. The topic today was: what do like for breakfast? 'Qu'est-ce que tu aimes pouur le petit déjeuner'. Actually, we say déjeuner in Canada.
JK/SK Spring concert work. They really like this song! We also make a pique- nique. They are also continuing the actions made by animals: saute, grimpe, creuse, descends, cours vite/lentement etc...Also, adjectives such grand comme une giraffe, mince comme un serpent.....
Saturday, 14 May 2016
Grade 3/4 What a great session today, complete with singing (we are making progress. More on Monday. They are also starting on reading booklets on planets, phases of the moon etc...
Grade 7 Students took up two texts and their vocabulary. We discussed the answers and how to find them in the text. One of these will be in the final exam.
Suggestion: Better go over these two so there is no surprise.
Grade 8 Students went over the elements for a phone message. They explored different styles to see what would work best for their respective activist's action plan.
Grade 5/6 What can I say other than BRAVO! Exhibition was a full out success.
Grade 1/2 have had double practice today with the Spring concert song. They are also testing their knowledge on food using their textbook.
JK/SK were in a dancing mood, which is great since they will need to sway to the music when they sing during the Spring Concert. We also got visitors from the grade 3/4 who, when hearing their song while walking down the hallway, danced their way into the classroom to sing with us.
Grade 3/4 What a great session today, complete with singing (we are making progress. More on Monday. They are also starting on reading booklets on planets, phases of the moon etc...
Grade 7 Students took up two texts and their vocabulary. We discussed the answers and how to find them in the text. One of these will be in the final exam.
Suggestion: Better go over these two so there is no surprise.
Grade 8 Students went over the elements for a phone message. They explored different styles to see what would work best for their respective activist's action plan.
Grade 5/6 What can I say other than BRAVO! Exhibition was a full out success.
Grade 1/2 have had double practice today with the Spring concert song. They are also testing their knowledge on food using their textbook.
JK/SK were in a dancing mood, which is great since they will need to sway to the music when they sing during the Spring Concert. We also got visitors from the grade 3/4 who, when hearing their song while walking down the hallway, danced their way into the classroom to sing with us.
Tuesday, 10 May 2016
Grade 3/4 The students have decided to split into 2 groups: one for the chorus (refrain) and another for the verses. It was a bit better today and the students know their roles for the Spring concert. They also started to read booklets on planets and the moon.
Grade 7 are working on read and comprehension and it is to be completed for Friday if it is not finished in class.
Grade 8 The lesson, today, was about les pronoms disjoints (moi, toi, lui...) and les pronoms relatifs (qui, que). There is also activity sheets to be completed for Friday.
Grade 5/6 Students who are reading during their PYP presentation were practicing and received a few tips to add interest for their audience. Other groups were working on editing their Action Plan and Lines of Inquiry paper.
JK/SK Spring concert and life in the pond. It is Spring alright.
Grade 1/2 Students took turn to present their food craft from yesterday. They used the vocabulary presented and began using their textbook for reference.
Grade 3/4 The students have decided to split into 2 groups: one for the chorus (refrain) and another for the verses. It was a bit better today and the students know their roles for the Spring concert. They also started to read booklets on planets and the moon.
Grade 7 are working on read and comprehension and it is to be completed for Friday if it is not finished in class.
Grade 8 The lesson, today, was about les pronoms disjoints (moi, toi, lui...) and les pronoms relatifs (qui, que). There is also activity sheets to be completed for Friday.
Grade 5/6 Students who are reading during their PYP presentation were practicing and received a few tips to add interest for their audience. Other groups were working on editing their Action Plan and Lines of Inquiry paper.
JK/SK Spring concert and life in the pond. It is Spring alright.
Grade 1/2 Students took turn to present their food craft from yesterday. They used the vocabulary presented and began using their textbook for reference.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Grade 3/4 We are rehearsing for the Spring concert. Look for the words to our song. Students need to practice.
Students are starting a short unit on planets. They are really keen on this subject.
Grade 7 are practicing passé composé with the DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list. They also worked on family words.
Grade 8 Students have now signed off on their grammar components for the final exam. They also started thinking about the last task.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition!!! Students have been asked to read and rehearsed their French text to achieve your best.
Grade 1/2 Spring concert song! and food unit just started.
JK/SK Spring Concert song! and today was all about frogs.
Grade 3/4 We are rehearsing for the Spring concert. Look for the words to our song. Students need to practice.
Students are starting a short unit on planets. They are really keen on this subject.
Grade 7 are practicing passé composé with the DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list. They also worked on family words.
Grade 8 Students have now signed off on their grammar components for the final exam. They also started thinking about the last task.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition!!! Students have been asked to read and rehearsed their French text to achieve your best.
Grade 1/2 Spring concert song! and food unit just started.
JK/SK Spring Concert song! and today was all about frogs.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Grade 3/4- The students are now rehearsing the Spring Concert French song. They will team up with JK/SK/1/2 as well.
There was also enough time to finish the worksheets on super heroes attributes.
Grade 7/8 Both groups presented their projects, and what a great job they did!!!
Grade 7 presented a visit to a cave.
Grade 8 presented their newscast/short documentary complete with video/audio.
Everyone was brilliant!
Grade 5/6 You can tell that Exhibition is just around the corner. A few students rehearsed their french component while other worked on their essay. Glad to be of help. Please continue saying your lines 'out loud'.
Grade 1/2 Singing, they like. Dancing, they like even more. Preparing props and getting novel ideas...CREATIVE!
JK/SK Together with grade 1/2/3/4 are rehearsing their song for the Spring Concert. They love it!
Grade 3/4- The students are now rehearsing the Spring Concert French song. They will team up with JK/SK/1/2 as well.
There was also enough time to finish the worksheets on super heroes attributes.
Grade 7/8 Both groups presented their projects, and what a great job they did!!!
Grade 7 presented a visit to a cave.
Grade 8 presented their newscast/short documentary complete with video/audio.
Everyone was brilliant!
Grade 5/6 You can tell that Exhibition is just around the corner. A few students rehearsed their french component while other worked on their essay. Glad to be of help. Please continue saying your lines 'out loud'.
Grade 1/2 Singing, they like. Dancing, they like even more. Preparing props and getting novel ideas...CREATIVE!
JK/SK Together with grade 1/2/3/4 are rehearsing their song for the Spring Concert. They love it!
Monday, 2 May 2016
This morning was our first of the month assembly. So, French started after 10am and grade 3/4 skipped it.
Grade 7/8 have been working on their project and they are due on Wednesday, May 4.
Today, was reserved for text editing for the students who were at that stage.
Grade 5/6 Students are in the final editing phase of their Exhibit.
Grade 1/2 Le cycle de l'eau. Students worked with water cycle vocabulary and what you can do with water. For example, je bois de l'eau, je prends un bain, je nage et je fais la lessive.
JK/SK Students drove a pretend bus to the farm. They reviewed the names of barnyard animals and today they added where each animal sleeps: l'écurie, l'étable, le poulailler, le champs, la ferme, la maison.
This morning was our first of the month assembly. So, French started after 10am and grade 3/4 skipped it.
Grade 7/8 have been working on their project and they are due on Wednesday, May 4.
Today, was reserved for text editing for the students who were at that stage.
Grade 5/6 Students are in the final editing phase of their Exhibit.
Grade 1/2 Le cycle de l'eau. Students worked with water cycle vocabulary and what you can do with water. For example, je bois de l'eau, je prends un bain, je nage et je fais la lessive.
JK/SK Students drove a pretend bus to the farm. They reviewed the names of barnyard animals and today they added where each animal sleeps: l'écurie, l'étable, le poulailler, le champs, la ferme, la maison.
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Grade 3/4 Today, students played the game: what if? They decided that our region had become an island and they labelled what their Orangeville Island would contain. A lot came out of this session and it involved quite a bit of memory to retrieve the vocabulary listed.
JK/SK The students decided to be on a school bus and go to different places
and use expressions such as: monte dans l'autobus, descends de l'autobus. Qui est à côté de moi?...They also used the puppets to memorize the names of domestic animals.
Grade 5/6 Today, each group presented the French component from the Exhibition. Here are a few reminders to help achieve your best: rehearse your lines at home and even record yourself and replay to hear what you sound like. It is a fact that we never really don't know how we sound till we hear a recording of our voice. Also, even when you read your text, give it your best expression. It does demonstrate that you truly understand what you are saying, and it adds interest for the listener.
Grade 1/2 At their request, the puppets came out again! Students are working with expressions of location. They also completed an activity sheet with animals hiding in different places. When they correctly located them, they also uncovered the secret code and message.
Grade 7 Portion of the session today was to work on the verbs Partir and Sortir. The rest of the time was dedicated to project research. Due date is Thursday!
Grade 8 Students used this period to work on their projects. Due date is Thursday!
Grade 3/4 Today, students played the game: what if? They decided that our region had become an island and they labelled what their Orangeville Island would contain. A lot came out of this session and it involved quite a bit of memory to retrieve the vocabulary listed.
JK/SK The students decided to be on a school bus and go to different places
and use expressions such as: monte dans l'autobus, descends de l'autobus. Qui est à côté de moi?...They also used the puppets to memorize the names of domestic animals.
Grade 5/6 Today, each group presented the French component from the Exhibition. Here are a few reminders to help achieve your best: rehearse your lines at home and even record yourself and replay to hear what you sound like. It is a fact that we never really don't know how we sound till we hear a recording of our voice. Also, even when you read your text, give it your best expression. It does demonstrate that you truly understand what you are saying, and it adds interest for the listener.
Grade 1/2 At their request, the puppets came out again! Students are working with expressions of location. They also completed an activity sheet with animals hiding in different places. When they correctly located them, they also uncovered the secret code and message.
Grade 7 Portion of the session today was to work on the verbs Partir and Sortir. The rest of the time was dedicated to project research. Due date is Thursday!
Grade 8 Students used this period to work on their projects. Due date is Thursday!
Wednesday, 27 April 2016
Grade 3/4 This week is all about heroes and IB learner profiles (those are our heroes). Students are using adjectives and relate them to pictures. Well done all around!
Grade 7 This week is about 2 verbs: sortir and partir. They also are working with prepositions.
Grade 8 Students have started on their research. This project is a documentary/news report on a region where animals are endangered by human encroachment on their habitat. They will be lending their voice to protect those animals. To be continued on Friday.
Grade 5/6 Some groups are still in need of help for translation on their presentation board.
JK/SK The puppets are out again! This time we are in the barnyard. Students are naming them by the sound they make or by what they produce. They also played Simon dit.
Grade 1/2 They also wanted to play with the puppet and they wrote sentences about what their animals can do. Following this, students matched prepositions to find where animals were on a picture and solve a code to self-check their answer. Everyone got a coin or house point for work well done.
Grade 3/4 This week is all about heroes and IB learner profiles (those are our heroes). Students are using adjectives and relate them to pictures. Well done all around!
Grade 7 This week is about 2 verbs: sortir and partir. They also are working with prepositions.
Grade 8 Students have started on their research. This project is a documentary/news report on a region where animals are endangered by human encroachment on their habitat. They will be lending their voice to protect those animals. To be continued on Friday.
Grade 5/6 Some groups are still in need of help for translation on their presentation board.
JK/SK The puppets are out again! This time we are in the barnyard. Students are naming them by the sound they make or by what they produce. They also played Simon dit.
Grade 1/2 They also wanted to play with the puppet and they wrote sentences about what their animals can do. Following this, students matched prepositions to find where animals were on a picture and solve a code to self-check their answer. Everyone got a coin or house point for work well done.
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
Grade 3/4 The students exchanged/brainstormed vocabulary related to La Journée de la Terre. They also listened too the song Touche pas à ma terre. They listened to it a few times then, applied the vocabulary they heard to activities related to Earth Day.
Grade 7 They started a unit on underground caves. There is a lot of specific vocabulary on the subject. Homework: study les mots utiles.
Grade 8 The students worked independently, reviewed their homework together and brainstormed useful vocabulary for their up and coming performance task.
Grade 5/6 still working on exhibition and possible skits and posters. There is still a fair amount of work to do for translation.
Grade 1/2 Students listened to a French song on Earth day, pollution etc...They also had time to collaborate and start on their posters.
JK/SK Students love to sing!!! There was a short song on pollution and they were quick to catch some of the words. They also acted out the water cycle with words such as: évaporation, condensation, précipitation et filtration.
Grade 3/4 The students exchanged/brainstormed vocabulary related to La Journée de la Terre. They also listened too the song Touche pas à ma terre. They listened to it a few times then, applied the vocabulary they heard to activities related to Earth Day.
Grade 7 They started a unit on underground caves. There is a lot of specific vocabulary on the subject. Homework: study les mots utiles.
Grade 8 The students worked independently, reviewed their homework together and brainstormed useful vocabulary for their up and coming performance task.
Grade 5/6 still working on exhibition and possible skits and posters. There is still a fair amount of work to do for translation.
Grade 1/2 Students listened to a French song on Earth day, pollution etc...They also had time to collaborate and start on their posters.
JK/SK Students love to sing!!! There was a short song on pollution and they were quick to catch some of the words. They also acted out the water cycle with words such as: évaporation, condensation, précipitation et filtration.
Monday, 18 April 2016
Grade 3/4 Students had a chance to give the finishing touch to their poster and memorize the idiomatic expressions with avoir: j'ai peur, j'ai de la chance etc...
Grade 7 The homework from last week was corrected. The students have to complete grammar sheets for homework. This will be the unit test, however, it is open book, so please take the time to do a good review. This is due on Wednesday 20th.
Grade 8 Students read p 160-161-162, answered questions about the use of the pronoun 'Y'. This is a great practice to look for prepositions indicating that a location is forthcoming in the text.
Homework: please complete les fiches 2,3,4,5 for Wednesday 20th.
Grade 5/6 Today, some of the groups rehearsed their French lines for their skits, others read the letter (French version) to the Immigration Minister. They were asked to copy the translated version and have their teacher edit it before posting it.
Grade 1/2 The students continued identifying qualifiers (adjectives) and sentences matching pictures. Well done everyone!
JK/SK They started a short unit (review for SK) on farm animals. They used puppets to identify their vocabulary. More of this during this week.
Grade 3/4 Students had a chance to give the finishing touch to their poster and memorize the idiomatic expressions with avoir: j'ai peur, j'ai de la chance etc...
Grade 7 The homework from last week was corrected. The students have to complete grammar sheets for homework. This will be the unit test, however, it is open book, so please take the time to do a good review. This is due on Wednesday 20th.
Grade 8 Students read p 160-161-162, answered questions about the use of the pronoun 'Y'. This is a great practice to look for prepositions indicating that a location is forthcoming in the text.
Homework: please complete les fiches 2,3,4,5 for Wednesday 20th.
Grade 5/6 Today, some of the groups rehearsed their French lines for their skits, others read the letter (French version) to the Immigration Minister. They were asked to copy the translated version and have their teacher edit it before posting it.
Grade 1/2 The students continued identifying qualifiers (adjectives) and sentences matching pictures. Well done everyone!
JK/SK They started a short unit (review for SK) on farm animals. They used puppets to identify their vocabulary. More of this during this week.
Friday, 15 April 2016
Grade 3/4 created posters with different expressions used with Avoir in French (that would otherwise be used with Être in English).
J'ai mal, j'ai froid...
Grade 7/8 played a lively game of connect-four and today's topic was Aller, devenir, faire, dire, remplir au passé composé.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition!!! translation is going fairly well and one group is already into rehearsal.
Grade 1/2 Students made posters to demonstrate the name of people who care for animals. BERGERS, GARDIEN DE ZOO, VÉTÉRINAIRE, TOILETTEUR, DRESSEUR...
JK/SK today we had the introduction of farm animals and a bit of the seasons.
Grade 3/4 created posters with different expressions used with Avoir in French (that would otherwise be used with Être in English).
J'ai mal, j'ai froid...
Grade 7/8 played a lively game of connect-four and today's topic was Aller, devenir, faire, dire, remplir au passé composé.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition!!! translation is going fairly well and one group is already into rehearsal.
Grade 1/2 Students made posters to demonstrate the name of people who care for animals. BERGERS, GARDIEN DE ZOO, VÉTÉRINAIRE, TOILETTEUR, DRESSEUR...
JK/SK today we had the introduction of farm animals and a bit of the seasons.
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Somehow, this blog from Monday did not get published and stayed in the draft box. MONDAY, APRIL 11
Grade 3/4 Students started with an oral activity and asked each other: est-ce que tu as...un cahier? for example. Following this they worked on their activity sheet and started learning how to turn sentences in the negative.
Grade 7 It was presentation day Dragon Den's style. We still have 2 more presentations to hear about on Wednesday, but so far, the inventions are very smart and useful.
Grade 8 Students also presented their invitation/radio announcement. Everyone mentioned how much fun it was to research a francophone artist.
Grade 5/6 came in with huge floor blueprints of their house and explained their plan of evacuation in case of fire. I must say they took their role very seriously and they must have had lively conversations at home about it. WELL DONE!!!
Grade 1/2 Today, the students tried to play one of their favourite boardgame: scrabble! They quickly picked up a few French words. We should try this again soon.
JK/SK We are almost at the end of the house/home unit. Today was about the SALON. New words were: lampe, sofa, tapis, table...
Grade 3/4 Students started with an oral activity and asked each other: est-ce que tu as...un cahier? for example. Following this they worked on their activity sheet and started learning how to turn sentences in the negative.
Grade 7 It was presentation day Dragon Den's style. We still have 2 more presentations to hear about on Wednesday, but so far, the inventions are very smart and useful.
Grade 8 Students also presented their invitation/radio announcement. Everyone mentioned how much fun it was to research a francophone artist.
Grade 5/6 came in with huge floor blueprints of their house and explained their plan of evacuation in case of fire. I must say they took their role very seriously and they must have had lively conversations at home about it. WELL DONE!!!
Grade 1/2 Today, the students tried to play one of their favourite boardgame: scrabble! They quickly picked up a few French words. We should try this again soon.
JK/SK We are almost at the end of the house/home unit. Today was about the SALON. New words were: lampe, sofa, tapis, table...
Grade 3/4 The students worked on changing their sentences from affirmative to negative with a variety of pronouns. They were able to use the verbs être and avoir.
Grade 7 We listened to the last 2 presentations and the students worked independently on their review of the futur proche. They also worked on unscrambling sentences. If these sheets are not completed, it is homework.
Grade 8 started on the unit: Animal canal. They will work on question words which will be useful when they do their broadcast on animal rights.
Grade 5/6 Today was busy with translating parts of their skits and/or action plan for the Exhibition.
Grade 1/2 Today, the students worked hard at identifying adjectives for animals and when to transfer those qualities to humain beings.
JK/SK Today was a review of objects or furniture found in the various rooms of a house. Then, they started on learning prepositions (where things are).
Grade 3/4 The students worked on changing their sentences from affirmative to negative with a variety of pronouns. They were able to use the verbs être and avoir.
Grade 7 We listened to the last 2 presentations and the students worked independently on their review of the futur proche. They also worked on unscrambling sentences. If these sheets are not completed, it is homework.
Grade 8 started on the unit: Animal canal. They will work on question words which will be useful when they do their broadcast on animal rights.
Grade 5/6 Today was busy with translating parts of their skits and/or action plan for the Exhibition.
Grade 1/2 Today, the students worked hard at identifying adjectives for animals and when to transfer those qualities to humain beings.
JK/SK Today was a review of objects or furniture found in the various rooms of a house. Then, they started on learning prepositions (where things are).
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
Grade 3/4 The students completed worksheets related on the verb avoir. They also worked with the pronouns il/elle and ils/elles.
Grade 7 Today was their last period to work on their projects. There was time to do some editing and listen to Abby's presentation.
Grade 8 Students were working on their project as well. They also took the opportunity to have their homework sheet corrected. Please use the grammar section of your textbook page 193-194...should you need a refresher.
Grade 5/6 Most of the students were able to have their work edited for their presentation on Monday, April 11.
Grade 1/2 We had a round table with vocabulary on animals. Also, be careful, the students are imagining some very strange animals. Just ask them!
JK/SK Today was all about setting the table and learning the elements for a place setting. Une assiette, un bol, une tasse, une fourchette, un couteau, une cuiller.
Grade 3/4 The students completed worksheets related on the verb avoir. They also worked with the pronouns il/elle and ils/elles.
Grade 7 Today was their last period to work on their projects. There was time to do some editing and listen to Abby's presentation.
Grade 8 Students were working on their project as well. They also took the opportunity to have their homework sheet corrected. Please use the grammar section of your textbook page 193-194...should you need a refresher.
Grade 5/6 Most of the students were able to have their work edited for their presentation on Monday, April 11.
Grade 1/2 We had a round table with vocabulary on animals. Also, be careful, the students are imagining some very strange animals. Just ask them!
JK/SK Today was all about setting the table and learning the elements for a place setting. Une assiette, un bol, une tasse, une fourchette, un couteau, une cuiller.
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
Grade 3/4 The students made sentences by matching cards they already had printed. Each team wrote on the board and sentences were collectively corrected.
Grade 7 Students were working on their projects. These are due on Monday, April 11.
Grade 8 Everyone is working hard at changing verb tenses in sentences and using pronouns POD & POI.
Their project is on researching a current francophone artist of their choice and invite them by way of a letter OR produce a radio announcement to promote the artist. POD & POI must be used 2X and beware of your verb tenses! Good luck!
Grade 5/6 worked on their Exhibition. Projects will be presented on Monday 11, after that, it will be EXHIBITION IN FRENCH.
Grade 1/2 Students are working on animals and prepositions. So, where are they??? le lapin est sur la table...
JK/SK Today we toured the kitchen and identified la table, la chaise, le frigo and le poêle.
Grade 3/4 The students made sentences by matching cards they already had printed. Each team wrote on the board and sentences were collectively corrected.
Grade 7 Students were working on their projects. These are due on Monday, April 11.
Grade 8 Everyone is working hard at changing verb tenses in sentences and using pronouns POD & POI.
Their project is on researching a current francophone artist of their choice and invite them by way of a letter OR produce a radio announcement to promote the artist. POD & POI must be used 2X and beware of your verb tenses! Good luck!
Grade 5/6 worked on their Exhibition. Projects will be presented on Monday 11, after that, it will be EXHIBITION IN FRENCH.
Grade 1/2 Students are working on animals and prepositions. So, where are they??? le lapin est sur la table...
JK/SK Today we toured the kitchen and identified la table, la chaise, le frigo and le poêle.
Monday, 4 April 2016
Grade 3/4 The students worked in groups making cards with personal pronouns and the verbs être and avoir. After matching the right cards, they had to find endings to demonstrate the correct meaning and watch for plural and singular.
Grade 7's are working on their project, an invention that would enhance someone living with a disability. The first stage is a letter explaining why they are doing this and how it would help. This project is due April 11.
Grade 8 students have been practicing the pronom d'objet direct and indirect. HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW: the first 2 sheets.
Grade 5/6 The students have started working on their project: Mon plan d'évacuation. This project is due on April 11.
Starting next week, French periods will focus on the exhibition. Students should decide which part they want to be in French.
Grade 1/2 Today, the students completed the portrait of Henri. They are able to name the different parts of the face and head. Well done!
JK/SK After some routine work, the students coloured and talked about their house and bedroom. The colours and some features of the bedroom, tapis, lampe, lit, fenêtre, porte, jouets...more on this tomorrow.
Grade 3/4 The students worked in groups making cards with personal pronouns and the verbs être and avoir. After matching the right cards, they had to find endings to demonstrate the correct meaning and watch for plural and singular.
Grade 7's are working on their project, an invention that would enhance someone living with a disability. The first stage is a letter explaining why they are doing this and how it would help. This project is due April 11.
Grade 8 students have been practicing the pronom d'objet direct and indirect. HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW: the first 2 sheets.
Grade 5/6 The students have started working on their project: Mon plan d'évacuation. This project is due on April 11.
Starting next week, French periods will focus on the exhibition. Students should decide which part they want to be in French.
Grade 1/2 Today, the students completed the portrait of Henri. They are able to name the different parts of the face and head. Well done!
JK/SK After some routine work, the students coloured and talked about their house and bedroom. The colours and some features of the bedroom, tapis, lampe, lit, fenêtre, porte, jouets...more on this tomorrow.
Friday, 1 April 2016
Grade 3/4 The students worked on their last activity sheet from the career unit. They also did some revision to get them ready for the new unit starting on Monday.
Grade 1/2 hosted the JK/SK class and they had several memory game on vocabulary, numbers...Also, they sang together a vast repertoire of songs old and new.
Grade 7 They students took up their homework and also received their rubric for the project, most of which will be done in class next week. Projects due on Monday, 11th.
Grade 8 had one practice run with their board game then, they had the grade 7 play. Their game was very interesting, all questions related to Canada. There was variety and kept everyone busy.
The grade 5/6 did not have French today so they could work on their exhibition. As soon as they have set up their subjects and introduction and decided which part they want in French, we will be working on that too.
In the meantime, the students will be working on their plan of evacuation in case of a fire at their house.
I spent some time with the grade 1/2 this morning doing their Friday dictation. They were working so hard, Mrs Ruby will be proud.
Grade 3/4 The students worked on their last activity sheet from the career unit. They also did some revision to get them ready for the new unit starting on Monday.
Grade 1/2 hosted the JK/SK class and they had several memory game on vocabulary, numbers...Also, they sang together a vast repertoire of songs old and new.
Grade 7 They students took up their homework and also received their rubric for the project, most of which will be done in class next week. Projects due on Monday, 11th.
Grade 8 had one practice run with their board game then, they had the grade 7 play. Their game was very interesting, all questions related to Canada. There was variety and kept everyone busy.
The grade 5/6 did not have French today so they could work on their exhibition. As soon as they have set up their subjects and introduction and decided which part they want in French, we will be working on that too.
In the meantime, the students will be working on their plan of evacuation in case of a fire at their house.
I spent some time with the grade 1/2 this morning doing their Friday dictation. They were working so hard, Mrs Ruby will be proud.
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Grade 3/4 The students did an outstanding job of presenting their poster on careers. They were able to reflect and offer suggestions on what they liked and what they would do differently.
Grade 7 are reading and getting informed on what technology can do to make someone living with a challenge a bit better. They are learning about the five senses (vocabulary) and the futur proche verb tense.
homework: activity sheets, p.83,84,85,86
Grade 8 took the period to finish their board game, so they can test it with the grade 7. If you have to put the last finishing touch to it, please be ready for Friday.
Grade 5/6 We are starting a new unit on fire prevention. There is new vocabulary
and how to tell time (this is review).
Grade 1/2 The students have been learning the physical features of the face and head. It is always so much fun to label 'HENRI'. The class learned a lot and had a few laughs along the way.
JK/SK They students worked on magnetic boards about household items and the main rooms in the house.
Grade 3/4 The students did an outstanding job of presenting their poster on careers. They were able to reflect and offer suggestions on what they liked and what they would do differently.
Grade 7 are reading and getting informed on what technology can do to make someone living with a challenge a bit better. They are learning about the five senses (vocabulary) and the futur proche verb tense.
homework: activity sheets, p.83,84,85,86
Grade 8 took the period to finish their board game, so they can test it with the grade 7. If you have to put the last finishing touch to it, please be ready for Friday.
Grade 5/6 We are starting a new unit on fire prevention. There is new vocabulary
and how to tell time (this is review).
Grade 1/2 The students have been learning the physical features of the face and head. It is always so much fun to label 'HENRI'. The class learned a lot and had a few laughs along the way.
JK/SK They students worked on magnetic boards about household items and the main rooms in the house.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
JK/SK The students watched a video about maple sugar making. Following this, they were working in groups, with each a different book on maple shack: La cabane à sucre, L'érablière de mon grand-père and La légende du sirop d'érable. They were looking for pictures associated to the vocabulary they heard on the video.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the speakers today. Everyone did well, I hear.
JK/SK The students watched a video about maple sugar making. Following this, they were working in groups, with each a different book on maple shack: La cabane à sucre, L'érablière de mon grand-père and La légende du sirop d'érable. They were looking for pictures associated to the vocabulary they heard on the video.
CONGRATULATIONS to all the speakers today. Everyone did well, I hear.
Monday, 21 March 2016
Bonjour à tous et vive le printemps!
Grade 3/4 The students worked on their posters and labeled what they need for their future offices. This should be completed by the nest session.
Grade 7/8 Both classes worked with the application of the pronoun Y and EN.
The grade 7 are reviewing the futur proche and should be able to memorize the verb Aller.
Grade 8 also worked on their board game.
Grade 5/6 The students reviewed the question words: qui, que, à qui, pourquoi, où...They also have to complete the last labyphrase for Wednesday morning, before leaving for St Jude.
Grade 1/2 worked hard on their cloze activity. They also were very capable to find words in a chain of letters. Very clever, everyone!
JK/SK Today was all about Spring vocabulary. Words in riddles such as, arbre, branche, nid, oeuf, oiseau et coquille. Also, a riddle about a house.
Bonjour à tous et vive le printemps!
Grade 3/4 The students worked on their posters and labeled what they need for their future offices. This should be completed by the nest session.
Grade 7/8 Both classes worked with the application of the pronoun Y and EN.
The grade 7 are reviewing the futur proche and should be able to memorize the verb Aller.
Grade 8 also worked on their board game.
Grade 5/6 The students reviewed the question words: qui, que, à qui, pourquoi, où...They also have to complete the last labyphrase for Wednesday morning, before leaving for St Jude.
Grade 1/2 worked hard on their cloze activity. They also were very capable to find words in a chain of letters. Very clever, everyone!
JK/SK Today was all about Spring vocabulary. Words in riddles such as, arbre, branche, nid, oeuf, oiseau et coquille. Also, a riddle about a house.
Wednesday, 2 March 2016
Grade 3/4 did not have French class today. Instead, there was an assembly.
Grade 7 completed a read and comprehension segment to wrap up the unit.
Grade 8 did a review of the pronom d'objet direct. If a student feels the need to do more work on this grammar concept, please read the rules in your textbook and practice also from the textbook.
Grade 5/6 are almost finished with the activities from the novel Le Voleur. There were several mind benders but the students worked as a team to solve the riddles.
Great work, guys!
JK/SK Since it was PJ day, we looked for words around bedtime, such as bonsoir, bonne nuit...pantoufle, le lit.
We also started on the house unit and talked about the different parts of the house.
Grade 1/2 The students finished the clothing unit by presenting their clothes store. (that was for the students that did not have time to present on Monday.
To complete the period, a short story was read to the students and they had to illustrate it with the right clothes and colours. Bravo!
Grade 3/4 did not have French class today. Instead, there was an assembly.
Grade 7 completed a read and comprehension segment to wrap up the unit.
Grade 8 did a review of the pronom d'objet direct. If a student feels the need to do more work on this grammar concept, please read the rules in your textbook and practice also from the textbook.
Grade 5/6 are almost finished with the activities from the novel Le Voleur. There were several mind benders but the students worked as a team to solve the riddles.
Great work, guys!
JK/SK Since it was PJ day, we looked for words around bedtime, such as bonsoir, bonne nuit...pantoufle, le lit.
We also started on the house unit and talked about the different parts of the house.
Grade 1/2 The students finished the clothing unit by presenting their clothes store. (that was for the students that did not have time to present on Monday.
To complete the period, a short story was read to the students and they had to illustrate it with the right clothes and colours. Bravo!
Monday, 29 February 2016
Grade 3/4 The students joined a group of their choice and searched for words that related to their chosen career. Today was great for them to use the dictionary and correct their spelling. After that activity, the students started sketching their place of work. Wednesday, they will be drawing and labeling their work.
Grade 7 & 8 Both classes presented their projects. Grade 7 submitted a brochure/web page advertisement on a winter destination and included elements of eco-tourism.
Grade 8 The students produced journal entries recounting their meeting with a famous and/or intriguing person of their choice. They really went all out and each presentations was very informative.
Grae 5/6 The period was taken for completing all activities up to chapter 6. The students collaborated with each other to get things done.
Grade 1/2 The students drew and coloured a clothing stores and labeled all the items. Then, they presented their work.
JK/SK Today, the students talked about their favourite toys and after going around the circle, we read a story about 'Mes passe-temps préférés'.
Grade 3/4 The students joined a group of their choice and searched for words that related to their chosen career. Today was great for them to use the dictionary and correct their spelling. After that activity, the students started sketching their place of work. Wednesday, they will be drawing and labeling their work.
Grade 7 & 8 Both classes presented their projects. Grade 7 submitted a brochure/web page advertisement on a winter destination and included elements of eco-tourism.
Grade 8 The students produced journal entries recounting their meeting with a famous and/or intriguing person of their choice. They really went all out and each presentations was very informative.
Grae 5/6 The period was taken for completing all activities up to chapter 6. The students collaborated with each other to get things done.
Grade 1/2 The students drew and coloured a clothing stores and labeled all the items. Then, they presented their work.
JK/SK Today, the students talked about their favourite toys and after going around the circle, we read a story about 'Mes passe-temps préférés'.
Friday, 26 February 2016
Grade 3/4 The students were quick to pick up where they left off on Monday. Today's lesson was about how to use il or elle, ils or elles with the appropriate form of être. They also added new adjectives.
Grade 7 Abby presented a brochure on eco-tourism complete with description of a resort and what the efforts put forth to offer sustainable hotel stay. Well done! This presentation was a great model for the rest of the class to follow on Monday.
The rest of the class worked on their project for the rest of the period.
Grade 8 worked on their presentation due on Monday. Thank you Izzy for taking the initiative to edit one your peer.
Grade 5/6 The students read out loud the rest of the novel; Le Voleur. Everyone demonstrated a high level of understanding and they were quick to work on the activities.
Grade 6 complete all handouts including the Labyphrase.
Grade 5 finish the handout, but not the Labyphrase.
Grade 1/2 Students were keen to earn house points and coins by completing all their activities. They are able to recognize the name of clothing and put them to the cross word puzzle.
JK/SK The students coloured a cat and gave their first presentation, telling their classmates about the cat's body parts and the different colours. Bravo! Everyone did their best.
Grade 3/4 The students were quick to pick up where they left off on Monday. Today's lesson was about how to use il or elle, ils or elles with the appropriate form of être. They also added new adjectives.
Grade 7 Abby presented a brochure on eco-tourism complete with description of a resort and what the efforts put forth to offer sustainable hotel stay. Well done! This presentation was a great model for the rest of the class to follow on Monday.
The rest of the class worked on their project for the rest of the period.
Grade 8 worked on their presentation due on Monday. Thank you Izzy for taking the initiative to edit one your peer.
Grade 5/6 The students read out loud the rest of the novel; Le Voleur. Everyone demonstrated a high level of understanding and they were quick to work on the activities.
Grade 6 complete all handouts including the Labyphrase.
Grade 5 finish the handout, but not the Labyphrase.
Grade 1/2 Students were keen to earn house points and coins by completing all their activities. They are able to recognize the name of clothing and put them to the cross word puzzle.
JK/SK The students coloured a cat and gave their first presentation, telling their classmates about the cat's body parts and the different colours. Bravo! Everyone did their best.
Monday, 22 February 2016
Grade 3/4 Today's lesson was about the verb ÊTRE. The students learned that this is a high frequency verb, and after using it throughout the exercises, it was made into a game. Grade 3 took up the pronouns and grade 4 had to match themselves with the correct verb.
Grade 7 worked on activity sheets to review the adjectifs démonstratifs and a cross words puzzle with the different Winter activities. They also received their instructions for la tâche finale which is due on Monday, February 29. They are to produce a Web page or a brochure, advertising eco-tourism at a Winter destination of their choice.
Grade 8 reviewed how to write dates (years), how to use the comparative and the superlative. They also were given the requirements for their project which is due Monday, Feb. 29.
Grade 5/6 The students read chapter 2 and 3 (thank you Garret). They also worked on a labyphrase. They had to connect boxes to make sentences related to the text. Ben was done in no time! Bravo!!! For the students who were done before the end of the period (grade 6 mostly), they completed the verb segments (4 irregular: écrire, lire, dire, rire). If not finished: this is homework.
Grade 1/2 practiced how to use the opposites OUVRE AND FERME. They went all around the classroom to look for things to open and close.
They also worked with the expressions: je mets, je porte and j'enlève with different pieces of clothing.
JK/SK Ouvre la boîte and ferme la boîte was quite popular today. They also had to follow instructions to colour parts of a dog with certain colours. Many house points were given...they are that good! Following that, they went through the alphabet in French and had to give their initials in French...including mine.
Grade 3/4 Today's lesson was about the verb ÊTRE. The students learned that this is a high frequency verb, and after using it throughout the exercises, it was made into a game. Grade 3 took up the pronouns and grade 4 had to match themselves with the correct verb.
Grade 7 worked on activity sheets to review the adjectifs démonstratifs and a cross words puzzle with the different Winter activities. They also received their instructions for la tâche finale which is due on Monday, February 29. They are to produce a Web page or a brochure, advertising eco-tourism at a Winter destination of their choice.
Grade 8 reviewed how to write dates (years), how to use the comparative and the superlative. They also were given the requirements for their project which is due Monday, Feb. 29.
Grade 5/6 The students read chapter 2 and 3 (thank you Garret). They also worked on a labyphrase. They had to connect boxes to make sentences related to the text. Ben was done in no time! Bravo!!! For the students who were done before the end of the period (grade 6 mostly), they completed the verb segments (4 irregular: écrire, lire, dire, rire). If not finished: this is homework.
Grade 1/2 practiced how to use the opposites OUVRE AND FERME. They went all around the classroom to look for things to open and close.
They also worked with the expressions: je mets, je porte and j'enlève with different pieces of clothing.
JK/SK Ouvre la boîte and ferme la boîte was quite popular today. They also had to follow instructions to colour parts of a dog with certain colours. Many house points were given...they are that good! Following that, they went through the alphabet in French and had to give their initials in French...including mine.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Grade 3/4 The students started the career unit. They brainstormed about the work they would like to do when they become adults. They wrote the names of jobs in their notebook, and made a brain map to reflect on what it takes to get to a particular job.
Grade 7 The lesson today was about adjectifs demonstratifs. The students were quick to get the concept and had time to read from their textbook about a winter contest on different Canadian winter sport resorts.
Grade 8 The students had a refresher on counting by ten: 0-100. They went on to say and write dates and especially years. They also read and answered a survey about their reactions to situations while travelling. They are good travellers!
Grade 1/2 Started the unit on clothing. They already know quite a lot and demonstrated their knowledge during the oral segment. Next week, they will make the transition to words spoken to written.
Grade 3/4 The students started the career unit. They brainstormed about the work they would like to do when they become adults. They wrote the names of jobs in their notebook, and made a brain map to reflect on what it takes to get to a particular job.
Grade 7 The lesson today was about adjectifs demonstratifs. The students were quick to get the concept and had time to read from their textbook about a winter contest on different Canadian winter sport resorts.
Grade 8 The students had a refresher on counting by ten: 0-100. They went on to say and write dates and especially years. They also read and answered a survey about their reactions to situations while travelling. They are good travellers!
Grade 1/2 Started the unit on clothing. They already know quite a lot and demonstrated their knowledge during the oral segment. Next week, they will make the transition to words spoken to written.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
What a great day for skiing and what a pleasure to work with the JK/SK/GR.1/2/3.
This morning the Grade 1/2/3 worked on opposite: les contraires. They used pictures to colour, cut, match and glue to demonstrate opposites. Face et dos, gros et mince. They also played lotto with colour names. They are able to recognize and transition from English to French and back. Well done everyone.
JK/SK Gr.1 The students had fun with acting out: la lumière est rouge, jaune ou verte...arrêtez, attention, vas y! They also help with finding opposites such as blanc et noir, arrêtez et vas y, triste et content etc... they were very creative and found many more to share. The students who completed their activity sooner also had a chance to play the colour bingo.
What a great day for skiing and what a pleasure to work with the JK/SK/GR.1/2/3.
This morning the Grade 1/2/3 worked on opposite: les contraires. They used pictures to colour, cut, match and glue to demonstrate opposites. Face et dos, gros et mince. They also played lotto with colour names. They are able to recognize and transition from English to French and back. Well done everyone.
JK/SK Gr.1 The students had fun with acting out: la lumière est rouge, jaune ou verte...arrêtez, attention, vas y! They also help with finding opposites such as blanc et noir, arrêtez et vas y, triste et content etc... they were very creative and found many more to share. The students who completed their activity sooner also had a chance to play the colour bingo.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Today, the classes were merged and much of the time was spent with REACH AHEAD PROGRAMME. This means that the classes were either visiting or receiving another grade in their classroom.
Grade 3/4 were hosting the grades 2 and 5. Each grade reported on what they have been up to since September. Then it was time to put our thinking caps on. We did big numbers: how to say them etc... house points were awarded to the groups for each correct answers. After this, we adjourned to the Gym, still in our groups, and made sentences with verbs such as Aller, avoir...
Grade 7/8 hosted the grade 6 and each class explained their respective works and how much fun their projects/topics are. This was followed by the 3 grades going against each other in a friendly competition of battle of the verbs: Connect Four.
The students had 2 hours of French this morning and not a complaint to be heard!
JK/SK grade 1 were together and Valentine was the topic. They each received a small special bird, and after reviewing the body parts of the birds, they compared those to an airplane. Hum! Also, we talked about the fact that birds (pigeons) were used to send messages, so they did their valentine cards to go with the birds.
Today, the classes were merged and much of the time was spent with REACH AHEAD PROGRAMME. This means that the classes were either visiting or receiving another grade in their classroom.
Grade 3/4 were hosting the grades 2 and 5. Each grade reported on what they have been up to since September. Then it was time to put our thinking caps on. We did big numbers: how to say them etc... house points were awarded to the groups for each correct answers. After this, we adjourned to the Gym, still in our groups, and made sentences with verbs such as Aller, avoir...
Grade 7/8 hosted the grade 6 and each class explained their respective works and how much fun their projects/topics are. This was followed by the 3 grades going against each other in a friendly competition of battle of the verbs: Connect Four.
The students had 2 hours of French this morning and not a complaint to be heard!
JK/SK grade 1 were together and Valentine was the topic. They each received a small special bird, and after reviewing the body parts of the birds, they compared those to an airplane. Hum! Also, we talked about the fact that birds (pigeons) were used to send messages, so they did their valentine cards to go with the birds.
Tuesday, 9 February 2016
Many thanks to everyone involved in the bake sale on Monday, and a big shout out for the very welcomed coffee.
Grade 3/4 The students explored the several words used for 'La St-Valentin'. After writing them in their notebooks, the students helped with a poem, and as Tom mentioned, it has to rhyme. They worked on several sounds, such as ou, on, eu, en and in.
Grade 7/8 both groups took up a quiz to test their knowledge on adjectives (irregular). It was corrected as a class.
Grade 5/6 worked on irregular verbs ending in -re. So, here we go with dire, lire, écrire ...Not an easy task! It has to be memorized.
Grade 1/2 Today started out with a story about polar bears in the North Pole, then penguins in the South, and then we were taking turn spinning the globe!
Great class.
JK/SK This was all about love today. The students were getting ready for Wednesday's craft (cards) with special messages. It appears that we were also entertaining parents in the hallway with our songs!
Many thanks to everyone involved in the bake sale on Monday, and a big shout out for the very welcomed coffee.
Grade 3/4 The students explored the several words used for 'La St-Valentin'. After writing them in their notebooks, the students helped with a poem, and as Tom mentioned, it has to rhyme. They worked on several sounds, such as ou, on, eu, en and in.
Grade 7/8 both groups took up a quiz to test their knowledge on adjectives (irregular). It was corrected as a class.
Grade 5/6 worked on irregular verbs ending in -re. So, here we go with dire, lire, écrire ...Not an easy task! It has to be memorized.
Grade 1/2 Today started out with a story about polar bears in the North Pole, then penguins in the South, and then we were taking turn spinning the globe!
Great class.
JK/SK This was all about love today. The students were getting ready for Wednesday's craft (cards) with special messages. It appears that we were also entertaining parents in the hallway with our songs!
Sunday, 7 February 2016
Just a reminder that the Maples PTA will be supporting a student run bake sale and parent coffee run on Monday February 8th. Funds raised will go towards Choices Youth Shelter in Orangeville.
Just a reminder that the Maples PTA will be supporting a student run bake sale and parent coffee run on Monday February 8th. Funds raised will go towards Choices Youth Shelter in Orangeville.
Bake sale: Please support this student outreach event by sending in homemade nut-free treats for the bake sale. Students and parents can purchase treats during lunch recess and afterschool.
Coffee: Starbucks has generously donated takeout 15-cup containers of their delicious coffee. It will be freshly brewed and ready for you to take first thing in the morning (February 8th) as a nice treat for your work colleagues. Send an email to: if you would like to order a container (it can be available for you as early as 7:15AM). As well, students will be serving Starbucks coffee at morning drop off to all parents (and teachers).
Grade 3/4 The students have completed the animal unit and presented a good description. They collaborated to use the dictionary and it was interesting to see how keen and creative they were. Well done!
Grade 7/8 Friday was prime time to get the two groups working together.
Adjectives was the subject and much was accomplished.
Grade 5/6 The group tackled -RE ending verbs. The students are working hard to conquer this segment. We should be done next week. Then onward to more fun things.
Grade 1/2 We are making chain work to learn the units of time. Wow, they have good memory!
JK/SK The topic today was the story of Knut, l'ours polaire. They already know so much. We also started with the words to indication the location of things. Hear them sing!
Monday, 1 February 2016
Grade 3/4 today we had assembly complete with presentation and house games.
So no French today.
Grade 7 & 8 after listening to great presentations from the grade 7, both classes took up writing sentences with specific verbs. Corrections were done as a group.
Grade 7 homework is to decide on your winter destination for your brochure.
Grade 8 If your paragraph from last week was done, please finish it. Also, write 6-10 sentences about what you would bring back from the pyramids and use the relative pronouns.
Grade 5/6 took the period to consolidate their skills on -ir ending verbs, both regular and irregular. Ensure that you do not fall behind as we will be starting -re verbs on Wednesday.
Grade 1/2 The topic today was what we do to stay active and the words we use to express the game we play. There was a game of <cache-cache>in the classroom and everyone had to tell where they were using prepositions.
JK/SK The pinguins gave the students an opportunity to review body parts, colours and so much more. The northern hemisphere did have pinguins in the North Atlantic...they were called the Auk. They become extinct when the Europeans hunted them for their eggs and skin.
Grade 3/4 today we had assembly complete with presentation and house games.
So no French today.
Grade 7 & 8 after listening to great presentations from the grade 7, both classes took up writing sentences with specific verbs. Corrections were done as a group.
Grade 7 homework is to decide on your winter destination for your brochure.
Grade 8 If your paragraph from last week was done, please finish it. Also, write 6-10 sentences about what you would bring back from the pyramids and use the relative pronouns.
Grade 5/6 took the period to consolidate their skills on -ir ending verbs, both regular and irregular. Ensure that you do not fall behind as we will be starting -re verbs on Wednesday.
Grade 1/2 The topic today was what we do to stay active and the words we use to express the game we play. There was a game of <cache-cache>in the classroom and everyone had to tell where they were using prepositions.
JK/SK The pinguins gave the students an opportunity to review body parts, colours and so much more. The northern hemisphere did have pinguins in the North Atlantic...they were called the Auk. They become extinct when the Europeans hunted them for their eggs and skin.
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Grade 1/2 The students worked on a family tree and applied the names of family members such as père, mère, soeur, frère etc... They also learned that on the left side of the family tree was reserved for the father's side and the right side for the mother's.
Grade 7 The students were to have their plan and main points for their presentations due on Monday. They will have to demonstrate that they included all the requirements by jotting down each components on a separate sheet. Use page 59 of your textbook for reference.
Grade 8 The students were asked a few questions regarding the reading they had for homework from Monday. In class, they took turn to read an interesting text on an imaginary voyage back in time ( to ancient Egypt). Following this, the lesson was about pronom d'objet direct. They have a paragraph to re-write and replace parts of it with le, la,les,l'. This is due on Monday.
Grade 3/4 The class started with a circle talk and competition about animals and a fun rhyme to earn house points. EVERYONE GOT POINTS! This was followed by seat work in their animal booklet and true or false questions.
JK/SK Today's topic was Bonhomme Carnaval. However, since they had made beautiful birds, they also talked about other colourful birds: paons, goéland, colombe, perroquet, flamand.
Grade 1/2 The students worked on a family tree and applied the names of family members such as père, mère, soeur, frère etc... They also learned that on the left side of the family tree was reserved for the father's side and the right side for the mother's.
Grade 7 The students were to have their plan and main points for their presentations due on Monday. They will have to demonstrate that they included all the requirements by jotting down each components on a separate sheet. Use page 59 of your textbook for reference.
Grade 8 The students were asked a few questions regarding the reading they had for homework from Monday. In class, they took turn to read an interesting text on an imaginary voyage back in time ( to ancient Egypt). Following this, the lesson was about pronom d'objet direct. They have a paragraph to re-write and replace parts of it with le, la,les,l'. This is due on Monday.
Grade 3/4 The class started with a circle talk and competition about animals and a fun rhyme to earn house points. EVERYONE GOT POINTS! This was followed by seat work in their animal booklet and true or false questions.
JK/SK Today's topic was Bonhomme Carnaval. However, since they had made beautiful birds, they also talked about other colourful birds: paons, goéland, colombe, perroquet, flamand.
Monday, 25 January 2016
Grade 3/4 The day started with telling the weather and the student added an action to reflect their personal favorite activity. For example: en dansant, en chantant, en jouant, en montant etc...
The rest of the period was spent with matching syllables to form a variety of animal names.
Grade 7 The students received their assignments for la tâche finale. They have to act as museum guides and describe a celebrity of their choice. The rubric is on p.59 of their textbook.
They also audited the grade 8 oral presentations and offered good comments.
Grade 8 Gave an oral presentation of their opinion on GMO foods. Their diction, intonation and content were assessed. All students did an awesome job and everyone enjoyed doing the research on this topic.
Grade 1/2 The students were divided in 2 groups and then paired up in a friendly competition about the weather. They are all winners!!!
Following this, and to review winter vocabulary, they read a picture story and sourced the vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
JK/SK After today's routine, they reviewed the 5 senses while adding the actions related to each. For example: Jjentends, je n'entends pas, je mange, je ne mange pas...
During the second part of the hour, the students went and got a personal object and they started verbalizing to whom the object belongs to.
Grade 3/4 The day started with telling the weather and the student added an action to reflect their personal favorite activity. For example: en dansant, en chantant, en jouant, en montant etc...
The rest of the period was spent with matching syllables to form a variety of animal names.
Grade 7 The students received their assignments for la tâche finale. They have to act as museum guides and describe a celebrity of their choice. The rubric is on p.59 of their textbook.
They also audited the grade 8 oral presentations and offered good comments.
Grade 8 Gave an oral presentation of their opinion on GMO foods. Their diction, intonation and content were assessed. All students did an awesome job and everyone enjoyed doing the research on this topic.
Grade 1/2 The students were divided in 2 groups and then paired up in a friendly competition about the weather. They are all winners!!!
Following this, and to review winter vocabulary, they read a picture story and sourced the vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
JK/SK After today's routine, they reviewed the 5 senses while adding the actions related to each. For example: Jjentends, je n'entends pas, je mange, je ne mange pas...
During the second part of the hour, the students went and got a personal object and they started verbalizing to whom the object belongs to.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Grade 3/4 the class was able to accomplish quite a bit today. The animal booklet was a wealth of information and the students were quick to find information and categorize animals according to where they live, how fast or slow they are and so on.
JK/SK The French class was moved to the morning so they would not miss French because of skating. So, after the routine, Grace announced that she could say her prayers in French...and she did...and we did...and then we took on other language and prayed. Somehow, the students wanted to know how to say: talking to God...Parler à Dieu and we added that perhaps meditating was listening to God. 1. parler, now what else do we do with our mouth (la bouche)? chanter, manger, goûter, donner des baisers etc...
2. écouter...
It is amazing how the lessons evolve when you are a JK/SK at The Maples!
Grade 5/6 On today's menu was -ir ending verbs. The students work hard and finished all their work on time.
Homework: if p.9 A is not completed, please do so before Monday.
Grade 1/2 asked for the weather cards...why not? Following this, they watched Les Aurores Boréales in real time and, there was a discussion about chameau and dromadaire. Just ask your child! They are so curious about everything.
Grade 7/8 reviewed their exams from Wednesday and we took up a few concepts for clarification.
Grade 8 please plan your oral presentation and be prepared to give your opinion on the use of GMO foods. This is for Wednesday!
Grade 3/4 the class was able to accomplish quite a bit today. The animal booklet was a wealth of information and the students were quick to find information and categorize animals according to where they live, how fast or slow they are and so on.
JK/SK The French class was moved to the morning so they would not miss French because of skating. So, after the routine, Grace announced that she could say her prayers in French...and she did...and we did...and then we took on other language and prayed. Somehow, the students wanted to know how to say: talking to God...Parler à Dieu and we added that perhaps meditating was listening to God. 1. parler, now what else do we do with our mouth (la bouche)? chanter, manger, goûter, donner des baisers etc...
2. écouter...
It is amazing how the lessons evolve when you are a JK/SK at The Maples!
Grade 5/6 On today's menu was -ir ending verbs. The students work hard and finished all their work on time.
Homework: if p.9 A is not completed, please do so before Monday.
Grade 1/2 asked for the weather cards...why not? Following this, they watched Les Aurores Boréales in real time and, there was a discussion about chameau and dromadaire. Just ask your child! They are so curious about everything.
Grade 7/8 reviewed their exams from Wednesday and we took up a few concepts for clarification.
Grade 8 please plan your oral presentation and be prepared to give your opinion on the use of GMO foods. This is for Wednesday!
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