Monday, 21 March 2016


Bonjour à tous et vive le printemps!

Grade 3/4 The students worked on their posters and labeled what they need for their future offices. This should be completed by the nest session.

Grade 7/8 Both classes worked with the application of the pronoun Y and EN.
The grade 7 are reviewing the futur proche and should be able to memorize the verb Aller.
Grade 8 also worked on their board game.

Grade 5/6 The students reviewed the question words: qui, que, à qui, pourquoi, où...They also have to complete the last labyphrase for Wednesday morning, before leaving for St Jude.

Grade 1/2 worked hard on their cloze activity. They also were very capable to find words in a chain of letters. Very clever, everyone!

JK/SK Today was all about Spring vocabulary. Words in riddles such as, arbre, branche, nid, oeuf, oiseau et coquille. Also, a riddle about a house.