Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Grade 3/4 We had visitors today to help with the song for the concert. Grade 1/2 took a short practice with the 3/4 class. All students were able to finish their cross words with all 19 words from the planet unit. Bravo!

Grade 5/6 The class was split between 3/4 and 7/8. They worked on their projects and they should have their rough copy ready for editing on Wednesday 25th.

Grade 7 Students read Jacques-Yves Cousteau (text) in preparation for the final exam. They reviewed the pronoun Y and also worked on their projects about structures. They should have their rough draft for Wednesday 25th.

Grade 8 Students received their performance task rubric and instructions. They also notes the sections to study for the final exam. Two students had their work edited for the telephone script. Please make sure that next Wednesday (25th) that you are ready with your draft for editing and conferencing.

Grade 1/2 Together with the song (Spring concert), students started on the props to describe the vocabulary in the song.

JK/SK Spring concert is at the heart of the work still. Following this, students took 3 puzzles about animals from the farm, zoo, and home (domestic). They worked at pacing them, naming them...Lots of fun! If you want an animal, you have to name it.