Tuesday, 29 November 2016


Grade 1/2 The concert is on full throttle and everyone is singing their heart out.
I have asked the students to bring the following: one of their dad's sock (a big one!) and if they have siblings in JK/SK, get the smallest sock possible.
Also, there was collaboration to complete some unfinished work.

Grade 7 They completed a cross word rather quickly, so they got the task to make their own puzzle and create definitions to challenge other students. It will be our own way to talk science!
Grade 8-FSF1D Students worked with DR MRS VAN DER TRAMP list of verbs in passé composé with être. They will have to practice and write a caption for Dragora using those verbs.

Grade 3/4 The concert song is getting there, and as we change the groups, they are getting to sound really great. They finished with a reading and comprehension activity.

JK/SK We are learning our concert song (please bring in a very small sock for a prop). Following this session, students coloured the last activity for vegetable, now watch for the placemats coming home.