Grade 3/4 Students spent time on their song, and following this they finished reading their booklets on celestial bodies (planets). They also brainstormed the vocabulary as a group and they were asked to make a cross word by picking vocabulary they could relate to.
Grade 7 started reading about famous constructions around the world. Everyone is brushing up on their numbers 0-1000 and beyond!
Grade 8 Students worked on their review package. This is when they can judge by themselves where to focus their efforts on review components.
Grade 5/6 They started a new unit on school on another planet. They are to brainstorm ideas about what type of school they would have should they be given the choice. Hum...interesting, very interesting.
Grade 1/2 Spring concert song practice. The topic today was: what do like for breakfast? 'Qu'est-ce que tu aimes pouur le petit déjeuner'. Actually, we say déjeuner in Canada.
JK/SK Spring concert work. They really like this song! We also make a pique- nique. They are also continuing the actions made by animals: saute, grimpe, creuse, descends, cours vite/lentement etc...Also, adjectives such grand comme une giraffe, mince comme un serpent.....