IN THE NEWS TODAY: GRADE 5 -ADELLE, HAYDEN AND MAPLE spent some time with our Nathan in JK who wanted to play soccer. By the way, Nathan can kick that ball quite far. Thank you for being a role model of patience, and caring. House points for all three of you.
Grade 1/2 Great work was done today. Two frequently asked questions: comment ça va? and quel âge ass-tu? Students, after much practice, wrote and illustrated their answers in their notebook.
Grade 7 After taking their homework, students reviewed l'impératif, a verb tense to indicate a command or a sense of urgency. They learned about the formation and use, then practiced.
HOMEWORK: please complete page 14, take your time and demonstrate you understand what you read, and do not forget to conjugate your verbs (don't leave them at l'infinitif).
Grade 8 Students listened on the lesson on l'impératif along with the grade 7. They also discussed and mapped out how much of their time was spent on social medias and talked about strategies on how they could monitor their use. Amazing when you see it in writing and on a graph!
HOMEWORK: please write a short paragraph about yourself. Please include 3 irregular adjectives, and 5 pronominal verbs.
Grade 5/6 Today's lesson was Le partitif. After looking at the word for clues as to its meaning, students observed: part, it, if. So, we came up with a saying to remember when to use it. (du, de la, des and de l'). Use it when there is a part and it can't be counted...and only if you cannot count!
HOMEWORK; Thursday, Sept. 22, quiz on spelling ingredients and using du, de la and des. Review your previous work and you will do well.
Grade 3/4 It is time to get in line with the unit of inquiry: O Canada. Singing the national anthem and understand the words, the protocol (etiquette). Thank you Sophie for your explanation of etiquette, well done! Following this, students brainstormed about their basic rights (the charter) of Food, Shelter, Education and feeling safe. After, they illustrated where they live and progressed to province to country, continent to planet Earth...galaxy. Ville, province, pays, continent, Terre, Galaxie...
JK/SK Today's leader (le chef) was Jonathan and he did a great job with the calendar. Aujourd'hui, c'est mardi...How amazing that they count up to 20 as a group with so little help. They are learning to sing bonne fête...since it was Brooke's birthday. We finished with a story on animals and camouflage.