Grade 3/4 The day started with telling the weather and the student added an action to reflect their personal favorite activity. For example: en dansant, en chantant, en jouant, en montant etc...
The rest of the period was spent with matching syllables to form a variety of animal names.
Grade 7 The students received their assignments for la tâche finale. They have to act as museum guides and describe a celebrity of their choice. The rubric is on p.59 of their textbook.
They also audited the grade 8 oral presentations and offered good comments.
Grade 8 Gave an oral presentation of their opinion on GMO foods. Their diction, intonation and content were assessed. All students did an awesome job and everyone enjoyed doing the research on this topic.
Grade 1/2 The students were divided in 2 groups and then paired up in a friendly competition about the weather. They are all winners!!!
Following this, and to review winter vocabulary, they read a picture story and sourced the vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
JK/SK After today's routine, they reviewed the 5 senses while adding the actions related to each. For example: Jjentends, je n'entends pas, je mange, je ne mange pas...
During the second part of the hour, the students went and got a personal object and they started verbalizing to whom the object belongs to.