Grade 3/4 today we had assembly complete with presentation and house games.
So no French today.
Grade 7 & 8 after listening to great presentations from the grade 7, both classes took up writing sentences with specific verbs. Corrections were done as a group.
Grade 7 homework is to decide on your winter destination for your brochure.
Grade 8 If your paragraph from last week was done, please finish it. Also, write 6-10 sentences about what you would bring back from the pyramids and use the relative pronouns.
Grade 5/6 took the period to consolidate their skills on -ir ending verbs, both regular and irregular. Ensure that you do not fall behind as we will be starting -re verbs on Wednesday.
Grade 1/2 The topic today was what we do to stay active and the words we use to express the game we play. There was a game of <cache-cache>in the classroom and everyone had to tell where they were using prepositions.
JK/SK The pinguins gave the students an opportunity to review body parts, colours and so much more. The northern hemisphere did have pinguins in the North Atlantic...they were called the Auk. They become extinct when the Europeans hunted them for their eggs and skin.