Monday, 12 September 2016


Grade 1/2 The day started with Le Hibou. Each owl had the name of classroom objects that the students had to locate around the class. Then, it was time to sit down, write and illustrate a couple of the words.  If a student has not completed 2 objects (illustration, mostly) they can finish it  for Wednesday. Great class!

Grade 7 In order for all the students to realize their full potential, one has to be aware of what they know and what they need to know. So students created their personal list. We started with les pronoms possessifs, students made a list, a grid, for future reference. HOMEWORK: make a sentence with the following verbs. avoir, être, aller, faire. 1 sentence for each of the verbs. Now, if you realize that you either don't know or cannot remember the present tense of these verbs, look at the back of your textbook and make sure to share your concerns if you have any.

Grade 8-Thank you everyone for returning your Reach Ahead forms!
Today's discussion was about reading strategies. Great input from all 4 students. Students also started with the same grid of pronouns but added the pronominals pronouns to their grid. HOMEWORK is to practice with verbs found on p.18.

Grade 5/6 Students explored the elements of a restaurant menu. Following this, and because they love pizza..., they created a list of ingredients found in their books. Finally, they created a special pizza for Mr. Hunt, Mr. Playford and one for myself as well. They had to consider and decide what ingredients they thought each of us would want. They pretty well nailed it!

Grade 3/4 In order to review their classroom objects, students received a list of useful objects that  they then had to match with school activities. For example, je dessine avec...un crayon à colorier...HOMEWORK: complete the exercise in your notebook. Choose 4 items you can use to match an activity. There should not be too much to do as almost everyone was done in class.

JK/SK What fun they had today, running around to bring objects with certain colours, counting to ten, answer to comment t'appelles-tu? and quel âge as-tu?
Bravo, tout le monde!