Grade 1/2 The lesson started with singing and identifying days of the week. This is a great way to learn the spelling of those words. The question today was : Quelle heure est-il? Students were quick to name different everyday items to tell time: une horloge, une montre, une tablette, un sablier. They wrote the question in their notebook and choose two words to illustrate.
Grade 7 & 8 watched a short video about an interview where Jeremy Pastel, a young entrepreneur, is giving advice on starting a business in Canada, especially when you are an immigrant. Following this video, the class brainstormed strategies for LISTENING to understand. The group came up with very pertinent ideas such as: watching expressions and listening to vocal tone and pauses in the speech. Listening for words they already know, and keeping in mind the whole context of what they are listening to to further their knowledge.
The class also understood that the interview had local, national and international advice for everyone, no matter how big or small the enterprise is, and to be careful of stereotyping individuals base on their skin colour or ethnicity.
Grade 7 Please ensure that you have ideas ready to share for your tâche finale.
Grade 8 You will start mapping out your work to do your web page on Wednesday. Come prepared with your ideas.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the comprehension component of the story read last week. They also found several words resembling English in the text. They are now very aware of the fact that they CAN read and understand most of the text. They also put together a list of action words to be used when cooking/baking and giving a recipe. The verb tense 'l'impératif' is used to give orders, commands or strong suggestions. Homework: have a recipe to work with by Wednesday.
Grade 3/4 In preparation for completing the unit on companion animals, we decided to take a small detour and learn the names of Canadian animals (wild). There was a short discussion about the Canadian climate, seasons, and the fact that Canada has so much water around. Students split in 4 groups to represent the following categories: mammifères, oiseaux, poissons, reptiles. After writing 3 or 4 animals per category, they chose one and had to illustrate its habitat. If not finished, it is homework.
JK/SK After the routine work, students work on their booklet about apples, colours, and actions words such as 'je cueille une pomme, je mange une pomme, je coupe la pomme et je fais de la compote de pomme, du jus de pomme, des pommes au caramel et du gâteau aux pommes. Yum! Bonne visite au verger de pomme demain!!!