Monday, 29 February 2016


Grade 3/4 The students joined a group of their choice and searched for words that related to their chosen career. Today was great for them to use the dictionary and correct their spelling. After that activity, the students started sketching their place of work. Wednesday, they will be drawing and labeling their work.

Grade 7 & 8 Both classes presented their projects. Grade 7 submitted a brochure/web page advertisement on a winter destination and included elements of eco-tourism.
Grade 8 The students produced journal entries recounting their meeting with a famous and/or intriguing person of their choice. They really went all out and each presentations was very informative.

Grae 5/6 The period was taken for completing all activities up to chapter 6. The students collaborated with each other to get things done.

Grade 1/2 The students drew and coloured a clothing stores and labeled all the items. Then, they presented their work.

JK/SK Today, the students talked about their favourite toys and after going around the circle, we read a story about 'Mes passe-temps préférés'.