Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Grade 1/2 Halloween characters (marionnettes) used the vocabulary and expressions they know and made a skit. Students realized they need more practice to put this together, so Friday they will have another go at it.

Grade 7 Students worked with the negative form, and practiced putting sentences together. Students who still owe work, verbs (pouvoir & vouloir) and the Stomp story, please review, correct and hand it in on Friday.

Grade 8 FSF1D- Please complete the cross-word started in class. This will be more than useful when you start your summative task.

Grade 3/4 Students matched the days of the week to Halloween characters. Following this 3 groups were formed and they are coming up with an Halloween story. The storyboard should be completed on Friday.

JK/SK After the routine work, students had to ask for a puppet by name (Halloween), and they made a magic potion with the words they learned. The last 15 minutes were spent looking at booklets from the supermarket. November is fruit and vegetable from the market.