Monday, 4 April 2016


Grade 3/4 The students worked in groups making cards with personal pronouns and the verbs être and avoir.  After matching the right cards, they had to find endings to demonstrate the correct meaning and watch  for plural and singular.

Grade 7's are working on their project, an invention that would enhance someone living with a disability. The first stage is a letter explaining why they are doing this and how it would help. This project is due April 11.

Grade 8 students have been practicing the pronom d'objet direct and indirect. HOMEWORK DUE TOMORROW: the first 2 sheets.

Grade 5/6 The students have started working on their project: Mon plan d'évacuation. This project is due on April 11.
Starting next week, French periods will focus on the exhibition. Students should decide which part they want to be in French.

Grade 1/2 Today, the students completed the portrait of Henri. They are able to name the different parts of the face and head. Well done!

JK/SK After some routine work, the students coloured and talked about their house and bedroom. The colours and some features of the bedroom, tapis, lampe, lit, fenêtre, porte, jouets...more on this tomorrow.