Friday 24 January 2020


Grade 9 French students received feedback for their exams, and were able to apply corrections on a separate sheet. What is important after exams is to reflect on how and where to improve, and of course what you did well.

Grade 8 French students had their unit short test. Concepts are understood and there are just a few details (really details) to clarify.

Grade 5/6 The chart is up! The names are up! Now is the time to watch and listen and record your videos, FRENCH. It is a great way to learn, and it is fun. Also, students created their outline for La Tâche Finale. They will be welcoming their friends to their museum, and describe the personality of their choice.

JK/SK more Carnaval activities.

Grade 1/2 students will chose an animal, use adjectives to describe it (in writing this time).

Grade 3/4 continue reading about extraordinary human beings who took to the sky.