Grade 3/4 We had assembly this morning so, for the 10 minutes we had, we discussed penseurs (Thinkers). This was todays assembly's topic. We talked about the famous statue/sculture LE PENSEUR de Rodin.
Grade 7 presented their projects of a promotion of a soundtrack. They had very original ideas. We still have to hear from 2 students: Alex (the actual soundtract) and Karlynn (who was absent today).
Grade 8 listened to their peers' presentations. Then they put the final touch to their own presentation of a soirée-mystère. They have worked very hard and demonstrated a lot of creativity.
Grade 5/6 have continued working on the verbs illustrating activities to match with adjectives. They also re-worked their sentences in the negative. More work to follow on this one.
Grade 1/2 started a unit on toys and will be adding colours as adjectives. They also completed a word search with a mystery word. Well Done!
JK/SK The students started a unit on harvest: fruit and veggetables. They have some pretty definite ideas as to what goes into their fruit salad!