Wednesday, 25 November 2015


Grade 3/4 The students took up their cross-word puzzle on Le Moyen-Âge. Congratulations on the students who actually did their homework and completed the activity (this was worth a few house points), and it was not all that difficult if you took the time to do it.
They also started the unit on numbers written in words. After writing them, we had a round of spelling bee.

Grade 7 Their irregular adjectives homework was corrected and they had the period to work on their project: les microbes. They have to do a Venn diagram and 15 sentences using the unit vocabulary and verbs vouloir, devoir, pouvoir.
This is due on Wednesday December 2.

Grade 8 Students did a quick review of passé composé with Être and the use of the pronoun ON. Following their rubric, they will be doing a poster to advertise their movie and a paragraph for the radio/T.V. announcement.

Grade 5/6 did their presentations today and what a great group of students! They had gathered facts on their respective animals and made pertinent comments in their comparisons with humans. Well done everyone!

Grade 1/2 practice, practice and some more practice! They are doing this all on their own volition! They set up their groups, discussed the little props needed and basically choreographed the whole thing. It will be a great surprise.

JK/SK Started to sing their Christmas song and of course requested more songs. The ever popular bonhomme and its instruments made an appearance.