Grade 3/4 LE MOYEN ÂGE! The students learned new vocabulary and then applied it to the word search. Homework is to complete p.14 by matching 2 syllables to form new words. Most students were almost done with this page.
Grade 7 The students read about virus and their effects. The had a text to read and jot note the vocabulary. If not completed, this is homework.
Grade 8 We had to take up and correct last week homework and clarify a few concepts. Overall, they did well and their verb tenses are getting quite accurate.
Grade 1/2 We visited this weeks BIG subject Hindouism for Wednesday International Mindedness. We looked at words that were similar in English and French and tried a guided meditation. The students were amazing and really made the connection with being calm and strong.
JK/SK After our routine work, the students talked about and coloured their totems for the up coming presentation on Wednesday. Great work today.