Grade 1/2 The students were very keen when they learned that they would do the French part for the Christmas concert. They helped putting a poem and according to them, it had to rhyme! More to come in the coming weeks.
JK/SK had a treat today and watched Passe-Partout on T.V./DVD. The theme was le jardin, les poissons...They finished with songs and games.
Grade 3/4 The students completed their shield/bouclier. They also learned prepositions: assez, beaucoup, trop, peu. It will be on a continuing basis for the coming week.
Grade 7 The students completed 2 activities using the verbs vouloir, pouvoir and devoir. Once they grasped the concept and really started to read for comprehension, it was quite easy.
Grade 8 read an article on the actress playing Ann in the movie King Kong. Following that they organized random sentences about the movie. They also
listened to a reading about special effects and the art of movie make-up.
homework: complete the activity sheet for Monday.
Grade 5/6 The students had the period to work on their booklet/project on animals and humans in society. Monday will be the final edit and the pictures and Wednesday is presentation.