Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Il pleut, mais à l'école il fait beau!


Grade 3/4 The students took turn to describe their casual wear. They also had to describe and spell the names for clothing and many students could do it without even looking at their sheets!

Grade 7 received their tests back. Bravo, Abby for acing both of her tests. The students worked on their rough copies for their presentations on Monday.

Grade 8 Students worked on their presentation. They are putting the final touches to their skits, police report, identity cards and invitation. They will present on Wednesday and have invited grade 7 as their guests/audience.

Grade 5/6 They are working on transfering verbs which are used for both social animals and humans. After this, they used verbs applying only to humans. They are almost ready for their booklets.

Grade 1/2 The puppets are such a big hit. Halloween is time for stories, sometimes the students come up with their own. They earned some colouring time of  a witch with a broom. Vocabulary is: Sorcières, balai, citrouille, fantôme. They also know some actions such as voler, rouler, sauter, flotter...

JK/SK They too have the Halloween puppets but today they also wanted to see the weather cards. It was good for the JK to have the visual to match to what they hear and say. They also coloured a large 'citrouille'. Bravo, Leon, for using other colours than his usual blue.