News from the French Corner
Grade 3/4 This morning the students brainstormed vocabulary related to Le Moyen Âge. Thank you Adelle for writing all the words on the whiteboard for the students to copy and translate.
Grade 7 worked on the unit Les bons et les méchants and are quite well versed with the vocabulary already. Scientists in our midst.
Grade 8 are finishing their activity sheets on verbs with prepositions such as à and de. This is homework, please finish these for next Monday.
Grade 5/6 In view of next week's International Mindedness and the theme of religions of the world, the students are taking Islam as their subject. So, they copied the islamic version of the prayer Our Father, Notre père. They also found that there were similarities in these prayers.
Grade 1/2 The students aree working on Tour B Les Jouets. They are already quite knowledgeable and they were trying to make sentences. Good Work Everyone.
JK/SK Most of the period was taken with migration and animals (and what they eat). This will tie in with totem poles and the theme of Native Spirits for International Mindedness.