We are in full end of units mode for most of the grades. It is presentation time.
Grade 5/6 are almost finished their draft for a film critique. Editing will take place tomorrow and they have until Tuesday to complete their poster. They are a very creative group.
Grade 3/4 Today we read and discussed 'Le castor'. The session ended up with Math to figure out how many trees a beaver can fall in its lifetime. They also had many questions about how to find information in French.
Grade 7/8 took their test on the unit verbs. At first glance, it went very well. When finished with their test, they took books to read (mostly Astérix et Obélix). We then looked on the globe for places where the Romans in France and England.
JK/ SK were able to identify the weather and match them to colourfull cards. They now know several songs related to the weather. We also have a 'comptine' where they are trees in the wind, shedding their leaves. JE SUIS UN ARBRE, IL FAIT DU VENT...LES FEUILLES SONT TOMBÉES.
Grade. 1/2 have started the vocabulary for LA FAMILLE. They helped with the list and were great leaders for the grade 1. Tomorrow, the students will start LE PORTRAIT DE FAMILLE. Of course, the family pets are always included.