Grade 5/6 were reading a selection of descriptive expressions to use in their film critique. The are creating their own film title and poster. Of course, this will be in French.
Grade 3/4 completed their cross-word on 'l'épaulard' ( orcas). The students requested to see pictures of the different whales and belugas found in the St Lawrence river in Québec. They had fun watching photos from Tadoussac.
Grade 7/8 students were hard at work with verb review. Tomorrow, Thursday, is the test for vouloir, pouvoir and devoir.
SK/JK were dressed very colourfully today so, we spent some time identifying all the colours we were wearing. House points went to Samuel who correctly gave the word 'mercredi'. Bravo!
Grade 1/2 completed a little Fall project on the 5 senses in French. Grade 1 also coloured and traced the word 'bleu' They are making the transition from aural to written. Not an easy task but they are working really hard at it.