Wednesday, 17 September 2014


It was nice to see that there is more traffic on my blog, thanks to the students!

Grade 5/6 students are working at composing sentences with words with new sounds. They are reading quite well for this early in the year.

Grade 3/4 were quite inquisitive today. So, we looked at pictures of wild Canadian animals that are a bit unusual. For example, carcajou (wolverine) and bison.
They will be working on their special project, investigating the habitat and food source of their favorite animal.

Grade 7/8 students are writing the outline of a script to attract Terry Fox to their snack bar. The improvisation, meaning no notes, will take place on Friday morning

JK/SK are well on their way no know their colours especially the rainbow colours. They were given an example to follow and coloured the rainbow. The work will be placed in their student binders.

Grade 1/2 took turn at greeting each other and telling their name and their age. They had a lot of fun with the role playing.