Friday, 12 September 2014


C'est vendredi!

Grade 5/6 edited their text for their presentation on Monday. They will draw or find a picture to demonstrate their favourite place.

Grade 3/4 were busy drawing  and coloring the Québec flag, la fleur de lys. While working they requested music in French. They were humming and singing along.

Grade 7/8 Well, four students out of eight had completed their homework so they got to play a verb board game. The others had to complete the homework plus extra comprehension questions on a text we read in class. Lesson learnt. 

JK/SK were counting and rolling big dice. We are working on colours. The routine is mostly established and they love doing the calendar work.

Grade1/2 Most of the students have completed their classroom package and are practicing the vocabulary. They are starting to make the transition between oral and visual components to the written work.

Bonne fin de semaine à tous!