Grade 5/6 started the day with some collaboration. They paired in groups of two to work on a mini presentation of their favourite location. They will act as a guide to a friend visiting for the first time. This work will be on-going this week and done in class.
Grade 3/4 worked on numbers 0-31 in writing and questions related to numbers. The students spent time asking each other about 'c'est quand ton anniversaire'...
Grade 7/8 students completed a listening activity and collaborated with the corrections. They also started with the verbs vouloir, pouvoir and devoir with examples.
JK/SK students are very much in stride with the daily routine. Singing the days of the week, the windy song (which they love). Then, they had a good laugh when counting dix petits doigts...and watched them disappear.
Grade 1/2 received their classroom package. The grade 2 are, for the most part, able to read the vocabulary and match the pictures. Great job all around.