Bonjour à tous!
Grade 5/6 students were great in their respective presentation. We all learned the value of being prepared with all the required components. A good life lesson to remember. The students demonstrated a variety of interests with their choice of location. We learned quite a bit about each other today.
Grade 3/4 started a booklet on Les animaux du Canada. After a round of list of wild animals native to Canada, we looked at the map to see where we would encounter those animals.
Grade 7/8 students were hard at work with the verb tense l'impératif. A good review for both grades. They have some homework to do.
JK/SK students are really starting to get into the routine of singing the days of the week, telling me the weather and looking for coloured objects.
Grade 1/2 were able to identify the classroom objects with more ease. The grade ones are catching really fast! We started role playing with greetings and such. More of that tomorrow.
I encourage all parents to contact me at the school in the morning should you require additional information.