Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Grade 5/6 each presented a movie poster (affiche) and a critique. Everyone's work was both original and interesting. The poster will be displayed on the bulletin board in the French room. Feel free to stop by at the end of this week.

Grade 3/4 presented their chosen Canadian wild animal and described their habitat, food source and their general appearance.  Well done! They too, will have their work posted on the board. They had a great pictures as well. The students have been working on this project for more than a week and many of them for the last two weeks. The unit will wrap up at the end of the week, then, they will investigate companion animals.

Grade 7/8 completed the introduction of La Chasse aux Indices. This unit will see them becoming investigators and detectives. More to come on this subject.

JK/SK students acted out apple picking en Français. We have a comptine (saying) about the wind through the apple orchard, complete with apples falling to the ground.

Grade 1/2 students started their family presentation. They discovered the use of mon and ma and the concept of masculine and feminine. The funny part was when they started asking about everything around them for the gender. In French, there really is no 'it'.

Thursday, 25 September 2014


We are in full end of units mode for most of the grades. It is presentation time.

Grade 5/6 are almost finished their draft for a film critique. Editing will take place tomorrow and they have until Tuesday to complete their poster. They are a very creative group.

Grade 3/4 Today we read and discussed 'Le castor'. The session ended up with Math to figure out how many trees a beaver can fall in its lifetime. They also had many questions about how to find information in French.

Grade 7/8 took their test on the unit verbs. At first glance, it went very well. When finished with their test, they took books to read (mostly Astérix et Obélix). We then looked on the globe for places where the Romans in France and England.

JK/ SK were able to identify the weather and match them to colourfull cards. They now know several songs related to the weather. We also have a 'comptine' where they are trees in the wind, shedding their leaves. JE SUIS UN ARBRE, IL FAIT DU VENT...LES FEUILLES SONT TOMBÉES.

Grade.  1/2 have started the vocabulary for LA FAMILLE. They helped with the list and were great leaders for the grade 1. Tomorrow, the students will start LE PORTRAIT DE FAMILLE. Of course, the family pets are always included.

Wednesday, 24 September 2014


Grade 5/6 were reading a selection of descriptive expressions to use in their film critique. The are creating their own film title and poster. Of course, this will be in French.

Grade 3/4 completed their cross-word on 'l'épaulard' ( orcas). The students requested to see pictures of the different whales and belugas found in the St Lawrence river in Québec. They had fun watching photos from Tadoussac.

Grade 7/8 students were hard at work with verb review. Tomorrow, Thursday, is the test for vouloir, pouvoir and devoir.

SK/JK were dressed very colourfully today so, we spent some time identifying all the colours we were wearing. House points went to Samuel who correctly gave the word 'mercredi'. Bravo!

Grade 1/2 completed a little Fall project on the 5 senses in French. Grade 1 also coloured and traced the word 'bleu' They are making the transition from aural to written. Not an easy task but they are working really hard at it. 

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


Bonjour à tous! 

It seems that the French contest is gaining momentum. Thank you Kayleigh and Spencer for bringing an expression today.

Grade 5/6 started reading about movie critiques that you may find in a newspaper. After learning a few key words such as. manque (d'intérêt) etc...the students will become 'producteur et directeur'. The rest of the week, they will come up with a film concept and wrote their own critique.

Grade 3/4 students learned about orcas and their feeding/living habits. Once again, they are borrowing sentences or parts thereof to use in their presentation that is soon to come.

JK/SK are practicing 'Je vois...' j'écoute...'and they LOVE TO SING!

Grade 1/2 are working on a Fall activity. They are listing vocabulary related to Fall and using their 5 senses. Well Done! They decided that this would be work to keep in their student binders.

As we are fast tracking to mid term, please do not hesitate to come talk to me. I am at the school early mornings, so please email me to set a suitable time for a meeting if you need one.

Madame Villeneuve

Monday, 22 September 2014


C'est l'automne ce soir!

Grade 5/6 worked on common expressions. These are useful for when you are shopping 
AU CENTRE-VILLE. They have page 8 to complete (most are finished). Let's see who is practicing 'prendre une bouchée'!

Grade 3/4 Ava shared an expression and won house points with 'Je suis très heureux de parler français, aujourd'hui.' The students listened to a text on where certain animals may live. For example, Le loup vit dans la forêt. These are sentences the students may use in their projects.

Grade 7/8 We had 3 more improvisations to listen to. After, we read about about fast food restaurants chains that were founded in the 1960's. The level of comprehension was on par with their interest in these stories. Meaning: they were outstanding.

JK/SK were having fun with expressions 'Je vois...'and J'écoute...' We started with incorporating the vocabulary for apples: les pommes.

Grade 1/2 students used their senses to discover the terminology related to Fall. They came up with a list! Les feuilles sont tombées, il fait froid, les pommes, des piles de feuilles, il fait du vent, couleurs d'automne etc...

This was a great way to start the week. 

Friday, 19 September 2014


Today was a high energy Terry Fox kind of day.

Grade 5/6 were setting the table in their notebooks, identifying objects of a regular table setting. The students also reviewed family relationships: frère, soeur, fils...

Grade 3/4 requested to see pictures of their project animal, found some French books in the library for research. Jada was very helpful with finding the appropriate material and helping others find theirs. Thank you Jada!

Grade 7/8 students provided us with their lively improvisation of restaurant owners trying to attract Terry Fox's attention in order to sell and promote their offerings. Let me tell you that they were ALL incredible! Good work, everyone!

JK/SK students were talking about automnal colours: brun, rouge, jaune, vert, violet et orange. Gunner gave us the date today. The children had a great time pretending they were tall trees, the wind blowing and the leaves were falling.

Grade 1/2 spent the period with a round the world game with general knowledge. They played Vrai ou Faux, Comment dit-on, qu'est-ce que c'est.

Please, have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the Fall season.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


It was nice to see that there is more traffic on my blog, thanks to the students!

Grade 5/6 students are working at composing sentences with words with new sounds. They are reading quite well for this early in the year.

Grade 3/4 were quite inquisitive today. So, we looked at pictures of wild Canadian animals that are a bit unusual. For example, carcajou (wolverine) and bison.
They will be working on their special project, investigating the habitat and food source of their favorite animal.

Grade 7/8 students are writing the outline of a script to attract Terry Fox to their snack bar. The improvisation, meaning no notes, will take place on Friday morning

JK/SK are well on their way no know their colours especially the rainbow colours. They were given an example to follow and coloured the rainbow. The work will be placed in their student binders.

Grade 1/2 took turn at greeting each other and telling their name and their age. They had a lot of fun with the role playing.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Grade 5/6 started the day with a discussion on why good pronunciation is so important. Ideas such as mis-communication, mésentendu, conflit, conséquence, conversation and action were all related to correct or incorrect information and the problem that can derive from it. Then, they proceeded in reading different sounds and practicing them. We call it gymnastics for the mouth.

Grade 3/4 were completing their word search on wild animals of Canada. We also listened to a few of their sounds and tried to find them on the list of words.
If the word search is not finished, then it is homework. Then the list has to be written in the workbook.

Grade 7/8 students took up the correction of their homework and we added a listening skill on page 14. After one reading pass, the students teamed up to do their corrections .and then we had a second reading of the text. This was a successful morning.

JK/SK sang their heart out this morning and we welcome Seth to our French circle. This morning we had students hunting down objects of designated colours. The 30 minutes goes by so quickly.

Grade 1/2 students took turns at greeting each other, asking Comment ça va, comment t'appelles-tu and quel âge as-tu ...Vanessa, Victoria and Alex earned house points for being great leaders in the rehearsal. Bravo!

Monday, 15 September 2014


Bonjour à tous!

Grade 5/6 students were great in their respective presentation. We all learned the value of being prepared with all the required components. A good life lesson to remember. The students demonstrated a variety of interests with their choice of location. We learned quite a bit about each other today.

Grade 3/4 started a booklet on Les animaux du Canada. After a round of list of wild animals native to Canada, we looked at the map to see where we would encounter those animals.

Grade 7/8 students were hard at work with the verb tense l'impératif. A good review for both grades. They have some homework to do.

JK/SK students are really starting to get into the routine of singing the days of the week, telling me the weather and looking for coloured objects.

Grade 1/2 were able to identify the classroom objects with more ease. The grade ones are catching really fast! We started role playing with greetings and such.  More of that tomorrow. 

I encourage all parents to contact me at the school in the morning should you require additional information.

Friday, 12 September 2014


C'est vendredi!

Grade 5/6 edited their text for their presentation on Monday. They will draw or find a picture to demonstrate their favourite place.

Grade 3/4 were busy drawing  and coloring the Québec flag, la fleur de lys. While working they requested music in French. They were humming and singing along.

Grade 7/8 Well, four students out of eight had completed their homework so they got to play a verb board game. The others had to complete the homework plus extra comprehension questions on a text we read in class. Lesson learnt. 

JK/SK were counting and rolling big dice. We are working on colours. The routine is mostly established and they love doing the calendar work.

Grade1/2 Most of the students have completed their classroom package and are practicing the vocabulary. They are starting to make the transition between oral and visual components to the written work.

Bonne fin de semaine à tous!

Thursday, 11 September 2014


The students are all on a roll this week, with a well established routine.

Grade 5/6 are hard at work on their presentations for Monday 15th. They are great collaborators and inquirers. Some work will sent home but mostly pictures or drawings. The final editing should be done tomorrow Friday.

Grade 3/4 were all inquiry today. Their agendas have a map of Canada, provincial flags. They are incredible observers and detected similarities and differences with the design of the flags. New words: nouveau (Nouveau Brunswick), nouvelle (Nouvelle Ecosse), neuve (Terre Neuve). Bonus words: Maritimes.

Grade 7/8 worked with vouloir, pouvoir, devoir in the affirmative and negative forms. They also re-visited the list of auxiliary verbs.

JK/SK took turns at naming the rainbow colours in French of course. They were quite keen at earning house points.

Grade 1/2 worked very hard at word recognition, passing from picture to word. A few grade 2 students advanced to the word search and are working ahead.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014


Grade 5/6 started the day with some collaboration. They paired in groups of two to work on  a mini presentation of their favourite location. They will act as a guide to a friend visiting for the first time. This work will be on-going this week and done in class.

Grade 3/4 worked on numbers 0-31 in writing and questions related to numbers. The students spent time asking each other about 'c'est quand ton anniversaire'...

Grade 7/8 students completed a listening activity and collaborated with the corrections. They also started with the verbs vouloir, pouvoir and devoir with examples.

JK/SK students are very much in stride with the daily routine. Singing the days of the week, the windy song (which they love). Then, they had a good laugh when counting dix petits doigts...and watched them disappear.

Grade 1/2 received their classroom package. The grade 2 are, for the most part, able to read the vocabulary and match the pictures. Great job all around.

Monday, 8 September 2014


Here is a snapshot of what the students worked on this morning.

Grade 5 /6 students took a few minutes to tell us what were the highlights of their weekend.
Sentences started with 'Je suis allé (e) à, à la, au...'
They finished reading the first part of Natalie au Québec. See the homework section for this class.

Grade 3/4 worked on school /class actions. We also did some basic math and wrote the numbers in French.

Grade 7/8 did a listening activity where I read at an increase pace and they had to detect the menu items. They did remarkably well. This was followed by more specific vocabulary related to the types of dishes around the world such as épicés, sucré...

JK/SK were in the mood for singing their favourite tunes from last year. JKs were quick to follow suit. Gunner did a terrific job with today's calendar.

Grade 1/2 found owls and clues about school supplies in the classroom. This produced quite a flurry of activity. The owls had words on them and students were paired with a classmate from each grade to help with the reading.

Several students described the look and content of this blog as proof that they read/looked at it. Keep up the good work.

Saturday, 6 September 2014


The first week of school is already behind us. On Friday, we had assembly and house games. So, we were just able to squeeze enough time to listen to Ben in grade 5. He regaled us with his picture book and stories from his family's summer trip to France. He was a real risk-taker and took on the many inquiries from his classmates. THANK YOU BEN!

The grade 3/4 were working on the different actions performed in a class or school setting. They challenged themselves in asking the questions in teams. We heard expressions such as 
'j'écris, je découpe, je chante' and so on.  More on this next week.

The 7/8 students read from their textbooks about Le casse-crôute. They are learning the basic vocabulary and worked on the comprehension components of the text.

The 1/2 students did their first written work today. They illustrated their vision/version of the warm day we were having and wrote IL FAIT CHAUD and vendredi. 

JK &SK were singing the days of the week and Ethan worked at the calendar, lead his classmates in counting as well.

I have challenged the students to read the blog, along with their parents. We will see who can describe the look of this blog.
Enjoy the weekend!

Madame V.  

Thursday, 4 September 2014


Only the second day and the students are into a routine.

JK children were led into our routine songs by the SK students and Katie gave us the date. Today, we looked at colours and read our way through a book with a mouse hidden in all sorts of colourful school items.

The grade 1 & 2 are in review mode. We sang the days of the week, identified the days on cards...mixed them up and sang again. We had a lot of fun and happy students everywhere.

Grade 3 & 4 are working on classroom objects and we are in the planning stages for a scavenger hunt with labels and objects. Stay tuned!

Grade 5 & 6 were discussing strategies and common questions to use when arriving in a place where a different language is spoken. We just started 'Natalie au Québec'.

Grade 7 & 8 began with the 3 power verbs: devoir, pouvoir and vouloir. Jason took the lead with asking questions in French without any prompting. The first unit is about 'casse-crôute.
Sorry, you will have to ask them about what it means...they know! They also know that they have to start thinking about doing a little improvisation on September 19. A snack bar for Terry Fox.


The children wrote in their agenda to direct you, parents, to read the blog and give your feedback to them. We will see how many of the passed on the message.

À bientôt

Wednesday, 3 September 2014


Great start of the year!

All the students, except grades 5 & 6 because we had assembly this morning, have had a chance to visit and take in their first class in the French room. The general sentiment was: they loved it!

The JK & SK met the puppets and sang and identified the colours on the mats.

The grade 1 & 2 students were happy to receive their binders and had time to tlake a look at their books. Many of them were helping themselves to French books from the library. They enjoyed the fact that the the French books had been moved. This is a very curious group.

In grade 3 & 4, we discussed what we should remember to bring in the classroom. These investigators looked at the material and asked a lot of questions. Tomorrow, we start in earnest.

Finally, the grade 7 & 8 students were quick to get into the routine. This will be a good practice for when they start high-school and have to rotate to the different rooms.
We also took some time to reflect on the 'profiles de l'apprentisseur'. They had no difficulty to indentify, translate and of course communicate which one they associated the most with.

I will try to add pictures very soon, meanwhile, do not hesitate to ask questions, offer suggestions etc....

Monday, 1 September 2014


Juste deux dodos...Only 2 more sleeps until the start of a very exciting year. On Wednesday, students will start coming to the French classroom. I encourage everyone to be risk-takers and keep an open mind every time they will be entering the French Corner Room. This year, more than ever, we will make French "the primary language"in room 7. 

Having all the French material in one location will enable the students to have immediate access to all the tools they need, as well as an atmosphere promoting French immersion...at least for the daily 30 minutes. 

 As usual, please come back to this blog to see what is new and perhaps challenge your child or children in teaching you what they learned that day. Say a sentence, ask a question in French to show your own interest in their learning. In this global village we call "The World", a second language is often the element that can open doors. All international organizations require French and English as primary language. On a more local basis, the service industry requires or will give preference to a bilingual candidate. 

Personally, I can't wait to see the students on Wednesday morning and je vous souhaite une année scolaire fantastique!

À bientôt!

Madame Villeneuve