Thursday, 18 April 2019


Grade   7-8 Students worked on their board games, and should almost be completed by today. Continue communicating with your partner, and Wednesday will be for the touch ups. DUE DATE IS THURSDAY, MAY 2.

Grade 4-5 students are very vocabulary savvy by now, and complete all activities quickly. So, there was time to play a quick game.

Grade 6 Students worked very hard at editing their French segment for the video. Everyone is done! Next week, they will be practicing delivering their text, and taping.

Grade 1 Look out! There were Easter eggs everywhere. They had to locate and colour them.

JK/SK students coloured their 'Lapin de Pâques et son Oeufs'.

Grade 2-3 students did a fun activity identifying misplaced  objects found after the snow melt.