Grade 7 & 8 There were several students absent today. However, the class worked with the vocabulary, they also mimed specific parts, and did really well.
Grade 4-5 students completed page 19 in record time, so there was enough time to play Vrai ou Faux and Round the World.
Grade 6- Today, students decided on the format of their French component for Exhibition.
HOMEWORK; for Tuesday, you need to have your English version of what you want to say on the video. You will start translation, and I will assist you next class. It is important that you stay on tract, and respect due dates.
Grade 1 students were able to consult books about this week's topic: WATER / L'EAU. They have begun to work on their posters, and will finish the task next Tuesday.
JK/SK After today's downpour, students looked at books about water cycles.
Grade 2-3 students worked on their plant projects, and presented their work to the class.