Grade 7/8 today was the last combined session for both groups, and almost everyone has completed their questions and answers for their board game.On Friday, grade 9 French and grade 8 French will resume the normal schedule.
The final evaluation for the novel study game is on May 2nd.
Grade 4-5 As a warm up for the next unit, students talked about ocean fish.
Today, they drew a fish, and identified the main parts.
Grade 6- It is all about EXHIBITION! They are now learning their lines, and should be ready for next week's taping session.
Grade 1 Students watched PICCOLO, SAXO ET COMPAGNIE, a short movie about the different orchestra families.
JK/SK There was a slight change in the schedule, and students reported on the weather, then had morning snack in French.
Grade 2-3 Students had fun learning to describe a few dance moves, creating a dance, and demonstrating their moves to their peers.