Grade 7-8 Students worked the whole period on their board game. For the absent students, your partner is reaching to you for your input. When working in groups, it is important to stay in touch, and share the work load.
For the last 20 minutes, students brainstormed the success criteria/rubric for this project.
Grade 4-5 Today, students were able to finish reading the short novel. There was a little bit of drama in the story, and everyone enjoyed themselves. This class is very quick at completing each activities.
Grade 6 Students are in Exhibition mode! They have been translating their blurb for the newscast, and on Thursday everyone should have their English and French copy, typed double space for last editing. After this, it will give enough time to practice for pronunciation, formal tone of voice, and video taping.
Grade 1 Students completed their poster for 'L'eau sous toutes ses formes'. There was a short little presentation at the end.
JK/SK Today, they explore what it takes to be 'un oiseau, des plumes, un nid'.
Grade 2-3 Students brainstormed Easter vocabulary, and listed it in their notebook. Then, they illustrated 8 pictures following oral/aural directives.