Friday, 26 April 2019


Grade 9 French- Today, students revisited the complément d'objet direct (C.O.D.), and the new concept of complément d'objet indirect (C.O.I.). They worked on the correct placement, and reviewed verb tenses.

Grade  8 French- students have begun a new unit about modes of transportation, and travelling across Canada.

Grade 4-5 students worked with question words, and applied them to questions and answers. They also identified verbs related to the 5 senses.

Grade 6- All French texts  are completed, and there was much practicing done. Students should be able to video Monday, so it can be evaluated during the next class on Tuesday. It's all hands on deck for next week.

Grade 1 Students completed a short unit about musical instruments and their families: les cordes, les bois et les vents, les percussions et les cuivres.

JK/SK students watched Piccolo, Saxo et compagnie.

Grade 2-3 Students had a lot of pent up energy, so they danced away the whole class, and learned to give commands such as: saute, tourne, creuse, descend, monte, grimpe, nage, pirouette, longe etc.