Grade 9 French- students continued working with pronouns, and changing verbs tenses. This will prepare them for the final exam.
Grade 8 French- After taking up the homework, students applied the vocabulary to a cross words activity.
Grade 4-5 Students are now swimming deep in the WARM waters of the Coral Reef, and learning about exotic fish.
Grade 6- Today was the last day for rehearsal, and final taping of their news cast. Students have worked really hard, and everyone demonstrated progress, poise and dedication. BRAVO!
Grade 1 Animals and prepositions! Hum, strange combination, but students had fun positioning wild animal in various place.
JK/SK What do you need if you want to be a house: un toit, une cheminée, un plafond, un plancher, des murs, une fenêtre et une porte!
Grade 2-3 This group is pushing the envelope, they are that good! Today, they used action verbs from last week's dance moves, and learned to conjugate them in the present tense! How about that!
A blog about all the fantastic work and experiences we have at TMA
Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
Grade 9 French- Today, students revisited the complément d'objet direct (C.O.D.), and the new concept of complément d'objet indirect (C.O.I.). They worked on the correct placement, and reviewed verb tenses.
Grade 8 French- students have begun a new unit about modes of transportation, and travelling across Canada.
Grade 4-5 students worked with question words, and applied them to questions and answers. They also identified verbs related to the 5 senses.
Grade 6- All French texts are completed, and there was much practicing done. Students should be able to video Monday, so it can be evaluated during the next class on Tuesday. It's all hands on deck for next week.
Grade 1 Students completed a short unit about musical instruments and their families: les cordes, les bois et les vents, les percussions et les cuivres.
JK/SK students watched Piccolo, Saxo et compagnie.
Grade 2-3 Students had a lot of pent up energy, so they danced away the whole class, and learned to give commands such as: saute, tourne, creuse, descend, monte, grimpe, nage, pirouette, longe etc.
Grade 9 French- Today, students revisited the complément d'objet direct (C.O.D.), and the new concept of complément d'objet indirect (C.O.I.). They worked on the correct placement, and reviewed verb tenses.
Grade 8 French- students have begun a new unit about modes of transportation, and travelling across Canada.
Grade 4-5 students worked with question words, and applied them to questions and answers. They also identified verbs related to the 5 senses.
Grade 6- All French texts are completed, and there was much practicing done. Students should be able to video Monday, so it can be evaluated during the next class on Tuesday. It's all hands on deck for next week.
Grade 1 Students completed a short unit about musical instruments and their families: les cordes, les bois et les vents, les percussions et les cuivres.
JK/SK students watched Piccolo, Saxo et compagnie.
Grade 2-3 Students had a lot of pent up energy, so they danced away the whole class, and learned to give commands such as: saute, tourne, creuse, descend, monte, grimpe, nage, pirouette, longe etc.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Grade 7/8 today was the last combined session for both groups, and almost everyone has completed their questions and answers for their board game.On Friday, grade 9 French and grade 8 French will resume the normal schedule.
The final evaluation for the novel study game is on May 2nd.
Grade 4-5 As a warm up for the next unit, students talked about ocean fish.
Today, they drew a fish, and identified the main parts.
Grade 6- It is all about EXHIBITION! They are now learning their lines, and should be ready for next week's taping session.
Grade 1 Students watched PICCOLO, SAXO ET COMPAGNIE, a short movie about the different orchestra families.
JK/SK There was a slight change in the schedule, and students reported on the weather, then had morning snack in French.
Grade 2-3 Students had fun learning to describe a few dance moves, creating a dance, and demonstrating their moves to their peers.
Grade 7/8 today was the last combined session for both groups, and almost everyone has completed their questions and answers for their board game.On Friday, grade 9 French and grade 8 French will resume the normal schedule.
The final evaluation for the novel study game is on May 2nd.
Grade 4-5 As a warm up for the next unit, students talked about ocean fish.
Today, they drew a fish, and identified the main parts.
Grade 6- It is all about EXHIBITION! They are now learning their lines, and should be ready for next week's taping session.
Grade 1 Students watched PICCOLO, SAXO ET COMPAGNIE, a short movie about the different orchestra families.
JK/SK There was a slight change in the schedule, and students reported on the weather, then had morning snack in French.
Grade 2-3 Students had fun learning to describe a few dance moves, creating a dance, and demonstrating their moves to their peers.
Thursday, 18 April 2019
Grade 7-8 Students worked on their board games, and should almost be completed by today. Continue communicating with your partner, and Wednesday will be for the touch ups. DUE DATE IS THURSDAY, MAY 2.
Grade 4-5 students are very vocabulary savvy by now, and complete all activities quickly. So, there was time to play a quick game.
Grade 6 Students worked very hard at editing their French segment for the video. Everyone is done! Next week, they will be practicing delivering their text, and taping.
Grade 1 Look out! There were Easter eggs everywhere. They had to locate and colour them.
JK/SK students coloured their 'Lapin de Pâques et son Oeufs'.
Grade 2-3 students did a fun activity identifying misplaced objects found after the snow melt.
Grade 7-8 Students worked on their board games, and should almost be completed by today. Continue communicating with your partner, and Wednesday will be for the touch ups. DUE DATE IS THURSDAY, MAY 2.
Grade 4-5 students are very vocabulary savvy by now, and complete all activities quickly. So, there was time to play a quick game.
Grade 6 Students worked very hard at editing their French segment for the video. Everyone is done! Next week, they will be practicing delivering their text, and taping.
Grade 1 Look out! There were Easter eggs everywhere. They had to locate and colour them.
JK/SK students coloured their 'Lapin de Pâques et son Oeufs'.
Grade 2-3 students did a fun activity identifying misplaced objects found after the snow melt.
Tuesday, 16 April 2019
Grade 7-8 Students worked the whole period on their board game. For the absent students, your partner is reaching to you for your input. When working in groups, it is important to stay in touch, and share the work load.
For the last 20 minutes, students brainstormed the success criteria/rubric for this project.
Grade 4-5 Today, students were able to finish reading the short novel. There was a little bit of drama in the story, and everyone enjoyed themselves. This class is very quick at completing each activities.
Grade 6 Students are in Exhibition mode! They have been translating their blurb for the newscast, and on Thursday everyone should have their English and French copy, typed double space for last editing. After this, it will give enough time to practice for pronunciation, formal tone of voice, and video taping.
Grade 1 Students completed their poster for 'L'eau sous toutes ses formes'. There was a short little presentation at the end.
JK/SK Today, they explore what it takes to be 'un oiseau, des plumes, un nid'.
Grade 2-3 Students brainstormed Easter vocabulary, and listed it in their notebook. Then, they illustrated 8 pictures following oral/aural directives.
Grade 7-8 Students worked the whole period on their board game. For the absent students, your partner is reaching to you for your input. When working in groups, it is important to stay in touch, and share the work load.
For the last 20 minutes, students brainstormed the success criteria/rubric for this project.
Grade 4-5 Today, students were able to finish reading the short novel. There was a little bit of drama in the story, and everyone enjoyed themselves. This class is very quick at completing each activities.
Grade 6 Students are in Exhibition mode! They have been translating their blurb for the newscast, and on Thursday everyone should have their English and French copy, typed double space for last editing. After this, it will give enough time to practice for pronunciation, formal tone of voice, and video taping.
Grade 1 Students completed their poster for 'L'eau sous toutes ses formes'. There was a short little presentation at the end.
JK/SK Today, they explore what it takes to be 'un oiseau, des plumes, un nid'.
Grade 2-3 Students brainstormed Easter vocabulary, and listed it in their notebook. Then, they illustrated 8 pictures following oral/aural directives.
Friday, 12 April 2019
Grade 7 & 8 There were several students absent today. However, the class worked with the vocabulary, they also mimed specific parts, and did really well.
Grade 4-5 students completed page 19 in record time, so there was enough time to play Vrai ou Faux and Round the World.
Grade 6- Today, students decided on the format of their French component for Exhibition.
HOMEWORK; for Tuesday, you need to have your English version of what you want to say on the video. You will start translation, and I will assist you next class. It is important that you stay on tract, and respect due dates.
Grade 1 students were able to consult books about this week's topic: WATER / L'EAU. They have begun to work on their posters, and will finish the task next Tuesday.
JK/SK After today's downpour, students looked at books about water cycles.
Grade 2-3 students worked on their plant projects, and presented their work to the class.
Grade 7 & 8 There were several students absent today. However, the class worked with the vocabulary, they also mimed specific parts, and did really well.
Grade 4-5 students completed page 19 in record time, so there was enough time to play Vrai ou Faux and Round the World.
Grade 6- Today, students decided on the format of their French component for Exhibition.
HOMEWORK; for Tuesday, you need to have your English version of what you want to say on the video. You will start translation, and I will assist you next class. It is important that you stay on tract, and respect due dates.
Grade 1 students were able to consult books about this week's topic: WATER / L'EAU. They have begun to work on their posters, and will finish the task next Tuesday.
JK/SK After today's downpour, students looked at books about water cycles.
Grade 2-3 students worked on their plant projects, and presented their work to the class.
Wednesday, 10 April 2019
Grade 7/8 Students continue reading, acquiring new vocabulary, and prepare their questions for their board game.
There are 2 groups, and each will be reading their section to be shared with their partner.
Grade 2-3 students viewed an episode of C'est pas Sorcier, Le Printemps. It was followed by a vocabulary oral quiz.
Grade 6-Students are continuing the work with futur proche, and were very capable to solve sentences.
Grade 1 Today, students brainstormed all about Water! This is in preparation for Friday's little project.
Arya will looked into the reason why oceans have salt water.
JK/SK students began learning about where water comes from, and where does it go! Rural vs Cities.
Grade 4-5 Students were able to make sentences by looking at key pictures, and scrambled words. They were very keen and fast!
Grade 7/8 Students continue reading, acquiring new vocabulary, and prepare their questions for their board game.
There are 2 groups, and each will be reading their section to be shared with their partner.
Grade 2-3 students viewed an episode of C'est pas Sorcier, Le Printemps. It was followed by a vocabulary oral quiz.
Grade 6-Students are continuing the work with futur proche, and were very capable to solve sentences.
Grade 1 Today, students brainstormed all about Water! This is in preparation for Friday's little project.
Arya will looked into the reason why oceans have salt water.
JK/SK students began learning about where water comes from, and where does it go! Rural vs Cities.
Grade 4-5 Students were able to make sentences by looking at key pictures, and scrambled words. They were very keen and fast!
Monday, 8 April 2019
Grade 7 & 8- Although students find the language in the novel difficult, they are exploring new vocabulary, and are expanding their thinking skills by analysing the words. They have begun to find that as the story moves along, it is making them reflect on several themes.
Today, they discussed what 'une légende personnelle' could be, and whether they had one.
Grade 4-5 The novel 'Le Voleur' is going at a fast pace. Students are keen, engaged, and manipulated the vocabulary easily.
Grade 6- Today, students worked with 'futur proche', and continued using the 2 main elements: the verb 'Aller', and another verb in the infinitive form.
Grade 1 Students learned that Math and Art go hand in hand. They were able to use measuring terms such as centimètre, and so on. It took a while for the class to guess what was 'Un architecte', and that Art was part of building things.
JK/SK After the routine work, students was a few second of a show in a museum in France where one can experience Art, larger than life. They were very interested in naming the colours, and some of objects they observed (un bateau, un dragon etc)
Grade 2-3 Students viewed a few seconds from a video taken from a museum in France. Students asked to have the title written in this post since they want to share it with parents.
CARRIÈRES DE LUMIÈRES in France, and also (a bit closer to home FORESTA LUMINA, in Québec.
They also began an activity on 'Les Plantes, comments ça pousse?'.
Grade 7 & 8- Although students find the language in the novel difficult, they are exploring new vocabulary, and are expanding their thinking skills by analysing the words. They have begun to find that as the story moves along, it is making them reflect on several themes.
Today, they discussed what 'une légende personnelle' could be, and whether they had one.
Grade 4-5 The novel 'Le Voleur' is going at a fast pace. Students are keen, engaged, and manipulated the vocabulary easily.
Grade 6- Today, students worked with 'futur proche', and continued using the 2 main elements: the verb 'Aller', and another verb in the infinitive form.
Grade 1 Students learned that Math and Art go hand in hand. They were able to use measuring terms such as centimètre, and so on. It took a while for the class to guess what was 'Un architecte', and that Art was part of building things.
JK/SK After the routine work, students was a few second of a show in a museum in France where one can experience Art, larger than life. They were very interested in naming the colours, and some of objects they observed (un bateau, un dragon etc)
Grade 2-3 Students viewed a few seconds from a video taken from a museum in France. Students asked to have the title written in this post since they want to share it with parents.
CARRIÈRES DE LUMIÈRES in France, and also (a bit closer to home FORESTA LUMINA, in Québec.
They also began an activity on 'Les Plantes, comments ça pousse?'.
Thursday, 4 April 2019
Grade 7 & 8 It was a very productive class. Students continue accumulating relevant vocabulary from the novel. They also worked in 2 teams, mimed sections of the chapters, and the opposing team had to research and match sentences from the text to identify the other team's action.
HOMEWORK please read pages 28 to 39.
Grade 4-5 students completed a maize of words to coherent sentences. THEY WERE FANTASTIC!
They also read chapter 3-4.
Grade 6 students re-visited the futur proche. They completed exercises in their textbook, and whote their own sentences.
Grade 1 Students acted out the growth of plants, and are learning 'une contine' sur les nids d'oiseaux sur les branches.
JK/SK are exploring plants and their growth. Very active group!
Grade 2-3 This was the last activity related to money. Today, students worked in groups to run une vente-débarras (garage sale). They are beginning to reliably count to one hundred. Bravo Samuel for being the first to have the correct number!
Grade 7 & 8 It was a very productive class. Students continue accumulating relevant vocabulary from the novel. They also worked in 2 teams, mimed sections of the chapters, and the opposing team had to research and match sentences from the text to identify the other team's action.
HOMEWORK please read pages 28 to 39.
Grade 4-5 students completed a maize of words to coherent sentences. THEY WERE FANTASTIC!
They also read chapter 3-4.
Grade 6 students re-visited the futur proche. They completed exercises in their textbook, and whote their own sentences.
Grade 1 Students acted out the growth of plants, and are learning 'une contine' sur les nids d'oiseaux sur les branches.
JK/SK are exploring plants and their growth. Very active group!
Grade 2-3 This was the last activity related to money. Today, students worked in groups to run une vente-débarras (garage sale). They are beginning to reliably count to one hundred. Bravo Samuel for being the first to have the correct number!
Tuesday, 2 April 2019
Grade 7 & 8 students identified vocabulary of their choice, answered comprehension questions, and composed another question to use on their board game/jeopardy game.
Grade 4-5 students read chapter 2, and solved scrambled vocabulary. They also began a special activity where they are making sentences using a grid. This is quite difficult at the start, but usually gets easier once students use their knowledge of the story.
Grade 6 Today was a short review of the 5 senses. They also used sentences with a variety of verbs, to guess what part of the body, and which sense to apply.
Grade 1 No French today due to monthly assembly.
JK/SK No French today due to monthly assembly.
Grade 2-3 students will continue working on money vocabulary, math stories.
Grade 7 & 8 students identified vocabulary of their choice, answered comprehension questions, and composed another question to use on their board game/jeopardy game.
Grade 4-5 students read chapter 2, and solved scrambled vocabulary. They also began a special activity where they are making sentences using a grid. This is quite difficult at the start, but usually gets easier once students use their knowledge of the story.
Grade 6 Today was a short review of the 5 senses. They also used sentences with a variety of verbs, to guess what part of the body, and which sense to apply.
Grade 1 No French today due to monthly assembly.
JK/SK No French today due to monthly assembly.
Grade 2-3 students will continue working on money vocabulary, math stories.
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