Monday, 5 November 2018


Grade 9 French Students did their 'Cris et Frissons' presentations of a well known board game 'Clue'. They also worked on sentences to demonstrate their knowledge of passé composé.

Grade 8 French Rough copies were handed in for editing and conversation. PRESENTATIONS ARE ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7

Grade 4-5 Today, students presented their mystery teacher along with a description. Well Done!

Grade 6 Students handed in their rough copy, practiced their oral presentation for WEDNESDAY.

Grade 1 Students observed a picture of 'coquelicot, casque, croix, petite clôture'' objects for Remembrance Day: Le Jour du Souvenir'. They also were surprised to hear that souvenir is a French word they were already using.

JK/SK After the routine work, students learned about animals that participated or contributed to the war effort. Wednesday, they will have colouring activities to honour them.

Grade 2-3 Today was the start of unit 2: les émissions de télévision. They learned about asking questions about their favourite T.V. show.