Grade 9 French students reviewed their homework, and peer/teacher assessed their work. They also got a preview of the next unit 'Les Monstres dans la Littérature et les Films'. They watched a short video about the making of Godzilla to stir things up. They chose an area of exploration according to their ancestry, and will pick a monster to talk about.
HOMEWORK: read p.60,61,62 and answer all 10 questions on a separate sheet. DUE FRIDAY.
Grade 8 French students read their paragraph/ sentences, and used a selection of verbs to be put in passé composé (you were given a sample to work with from Monday's class).
There are 2 students who still need to turn in their unit 2 summatives, and please remember that homework is generally due the following class.
Grade 4-5 Students read an interview about careers, and the attributes required to fulfill a dream job.
Grade 6- Today was the beginning of unit 3: good or/and bad microbes and virus. They will be mixing general knowledge, sciences and French all together.
Grade 1- Today, they continued with the shopping for clothes at stores. Students were quite competitive to tell what was being purchased. They also listened to a story of a dragon who was being bullied at games. They were using basic feeling terminology.
JK/SK To tag along with U.O.I. Les saisons and feelings, students mimed four basic feelings: pensif, triste, content and fâché, matching them to their favourite season.
Grade 2-3 Today was about reading and re-writing a day in a clown's life. These activities were enjoyed by everyone, and it included reviewing the parts of the day.