Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Grade 9 French students took a short test. They were able to receive feedback, and self assess their knowledge. They also applied the concept of passé composé by changing the subject to 10 sentences.

Grade 8 French students answered a few riddles, and quickly grasped the concept of the pronoun 'ON'.

Grade 4-5 Today was about asking questions to a celebrity (eventually classmates) about their career. Est-ce qu'il faut lire et écrire? Oui, il faut lire et écrire etc.

Grade 6 students applied their knowledge of irregular adjectives to a variety of sentences, including their own phrases.

Grade 1 students added a few more physical features to HENRI. He does look funny with his: cheveux, front, menton, joues, nez, narines, yeux, sourcils, cils etc.
JK/SK The song is slowly coming to life, and students are excited for the concert. They also continue learning and reviewing their body parts by singing 'tête, épaules, genoux et pieds...'.

Grade 2-3 Two questions for the day: qui est-ce? and qu'est-ce que c'est? Is it a thing, an animal, a place, or a person?