Monday, 26 November 2018


Grade 9 French students are working with passé composé avec être. They worked on listening activities, and written.
TOMORROW there is a quiz. So please, study the verbs and their irregular participe passé, and make sure you can conjugate être in the present tense.

Grade 8 French students are realizing that if you use verbs, they should be conjugated. Students made sentences, began using the pronom ON. (more on this tomorrow). Also, they will use today's riddle in a game tomorrow.

Grade 4-5 Today, students read 4 texts/interviews about different careers. They learned about the expression: IL FAUT...
HOMEWORK: find vocabulary you want to use for the summative. We will discuss it tomorrow.

Grade 6 students began to work with irregular adjectives. The lesson was to write them in all forms: masculin singulier, pluriel, féminin singulier, pluriel.

Grade 1 students met with HENRI, The French Clown. Today, they are beginning to label parts of the face.

JK/SK students are beginning to know the song J'allume une étoile. They also colooured the cover page for the song.

Grade 2-3 They are continuing with adjectives, riming words, feminine and masculine.