Grade 9 French- Students took up their homework, and had time to write a reflection on the unit's statement of inquiry. They also participated in establishing co-constructed success criteria for the coming summative task. The second period, they unscrambled a story by numbering different facts.
Grade 8 French- Homework was checked, and students did a round of vocabulary knowledge oral quiz (observation). They also had an information grid to fill in from the text read yesterday.
Grade 4-5 Verbs are still on the menu today: verbs ending in ER, and Être. Students were able to connect adjectives, in the correct gender and numbers, and relate them to specific occupations.
Grade 6 The lesson today was about finding words from the same family, which students did easily. Then came the questions! Students learned to used the 'big words' in the questions and find the answers in the text. They are beginning to use critical thinking, and learning that answers come with more than one word.
Grade 1 discovered that they are Mad Math Machine! All in French, and adding or subtracting numbers in a round robin. Well done!!!
JK/SK They are working on their winter concert song, and miming emotions.
Grade 2-3 Students are working on adjectives in feminine and masculine forms.