Friday, 30 November 2018


Grade 9 French students did a short oral activity following a format (set of questions). They also read p. 77,78, and answered the comprehension questions.
If you have not completed that activity, please consider this homework.

Grade 8 French students read about a variety of animals used in medecine. It was great to observe how quick they were able to retrieve the terminology.

Grade 4-5 The work today was to identify 'ce qu'il faut faire...' for certain classes.
For example, 'dans la classe de français, il faut parler français, ...
Students were really quick at completing the cross word!

Grade 6 Today was a wrap up of riddles, and sentence making. Excellent and fun work!
There was no afternoon class: The Grinch! is in town.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Grade 9 French students took a short test. They were able to receive feedback, and self assess their knowledge. They also applied the concept of passé composé by changing the subject to 10 sentences.

Grade 8 French students answered a few riddles, and quickly grasped the concept of the pronoun 'ON'.

Grade 4-5 Today was about asking questions to a celebrity (eventually classmates) about their career. Est-ce qu'il faut lire et écrire? Oui, il faut lire et écrire etc.

Grade 6 students applied their knowledge of irregular adjectives to a variety of sentences, including their own phrases.

Grade 1 students added a few more physical features to HENRI. He does look funny with his: cheveux, front, menton, joues, nez, narines, yeux, sourcils, cils etc.
JK/SK The song is slowly coming to life, and students are excited for the concert. They also continue learning and reviewing their body parts by singing 'tête, épaules, genoux et pieds...'.

Grade 2-3 Two questions for the day: qui est-ce? and qu'est-ce que c'est? Is it a thing, an animal, a place, or a person?

Monday, 26 November 2018


Grade 9 French students are working with passé composé avec être. They worked on listening activities, and written.
TOMORROW there is a quiz. So please, study the verbs and their irregular participe passé, and make sure you can conjugate être in the present tense.

Grade 8 French students are realizing that if you use verbs, they should be conjugated. Students made sentences, began using the pronom ON. (more on this tomorrow). Also, they will use today's riddle in a game tomorrow.

Grade 4-5 Today, students read 4 texts/interviews about different careers. They learned about the expression: IL FAUT...
HOMEWORK: find vocabulary you want to use for the summative. We will discuss it tomorrow.

Grade 6 students began to work with irregular adjectives. The lesson was to write them in all forms: masculin singulier, pluriel, féminin singulier, pluriel.

Grade 1 students met with HENRI, The French Clown. Today, they are beginning to label parts of the face.

JK/SK students are beginning to know the song J'allume une étoile. They also colooured the cover page for the song.

Grade 2-3 They are continuing with adjectives, riming words, feminine and masculine.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Grade 9 French- Students took up their homework, and had time to write a reflection on the unit's statement of inquiry. They also participated in establishing co-constructed success criteria for the coming summative task. The second period, they unscrambled a story by numbering different facts. 

Grade 8 French- Homework was checked, and students did a round of vocabulary knowledge oral quiz (observation). They also had an information grid to fill in from the text read yesterday.

Grade 4-5 Verbs are still on the menu today: verbs ending in ER, and Être. Students were able to connect adjectives, in the correct gender and numbers, and relate them to specific occupations.

Grade 6 The lesson today was about finding words from the same family, which students did easily. Then came the questions! Students learned to used the 'big words' in the questions and find the answers in the text. They are beginning to use critical thinking, and learning that answers come with more than one word.

Grade 1 discovered that they are Mad Math Machine! All in French, and adding or subtracting numbers in a round robin. Well done!!!

JK/SK They are working on their winter concert song, and miming emotions. 

Grade 2-3 Students are working on adjectives in feminine and masculine forms. 

Tuesday, 20 November 2018


Grade 9 French- Students took turns to read about the heroine Ann Darrow (in the King Kong movie). They answered a few questions, then listed the verb requiring Être as an auxiliary in passé composé. Although you will see 'Passé Composé' quite a bit this year, know that it is a difficult concept, and students will work on it for the whole year.
HOMEWORK FOR TOMORROW: if the activity using unit vocabulary is not finished, please have it done for Wednesday, Nov. 21.

Grade 8 French students read about facts regarding rare animals. They worked with basic vocabulary, and will translate 'les mots clés' for tomorrow.

Grade 4-5 Today, students used 2 verbs to talk about what people do in their careers: Être, and ER ending verbs. This lesson will continue tomorrow.

Grade 6- students read a short story, and familiarized themselves with terminology related to microbes and their functions.

Grade 1 This week is all about Math and additions. To be continued tomorrow.

JK/SK Students are practising their concert song. They like the melody, and are beginning to pronounce the words correctly.

Grade 2-3 students were able to colour, cut and assemble their cube. A few students played rolling the cube and answer the questions. They will play this at home, and report how much fun it was playing with the family. They also reviewed basic 2 and 3 dimensional shapes.

Wednesday, 14 November 2018


Grade 9 French students reviewed their homework, and peer/teacher assessed their work. They also got a preview of the next unit 'Les Monstres dans la Littérature et les Films'. They watched a short video about the making of Godzilla to stir things up. They chose an area of exploration according to their ancestry, and will pick a monster to talk about.
HOMEWORK: read p.60,61,62 and answer all 10 questions on a separate sheet. DUE FRIDAY.

Grade 8 French students read their paragraph/ sentences, and used a selection of verbs to be put in passé composé (you were given a sample to work with from Monday's class).
There are 2 students who still need to turn in their unit 2 summatives, and please remember that homework is generally due the following class.

Grade 4-5 Students read an interview about careers, and the attributes required to fulfill a dream job.

Grade 6- Today was the beginning of unit 3: good or/and bad microbes and virus. They will be mixing general knowledge, sciences and French all together.

Grade 1- Today, they continued with the shopping for clothes at stores. Students were quite competitive to tell what was being purchased. They also listened to a story of a dragon who was being bullied at games. They were using basic feeling terminology.

JK/SK To tag along with U.O.I. Les saisons and feelings, students mimed four basic feelings: pensif, triste, content and fâché, matching them to their favourite season.

Grade 2-3 Today was about reading and re-writing a day in a clown's life. These activities were enjoyed by everyone, and it included reviewing the parts of the day.

Monday, 12 November 2018


Grade 9 French- students listened to a series of conversations (audio), and practiced extracting information from multiple answers, or pictures to demonstrate their understanding.
HOMEWORK is to have your weekend information to complete the oral activity on Wednesday. Make sure to use passé composé! This is not a 'read my sheet' kind of activity, but an opportunity to express yourself.

Grade 8 French- students read a story with several blanks, and had to chose the appropriate verb from a pre-determined list.
HOMEWORK pick 5 verbs from the list, and write a paragraph.

Grade 4-5 students were invited to make sentences with the verb avoir (conjugated) with different subjects and endings.
Next unit is about careers.

Grade 6 Students read a text about the group STOMP, and answered questions about the text.

Grade 1 Students acted out buying winter clothes in a store. Everyone played a role, asking for a hat or boots...asked for a specific colour, a different size, and how much it cost.

JK/SK They played' Simon dit' game, and the JKs are counting to 10-12 reliably for the most part, and SKs up to 30-31 also.

Grade 2-3 Students have begun to learn about emotions, represent them with emoji, and role play different emotions.

Wednesday, 7 November 2018


Grade 9 French The first period, students viewed an episode about forensic investigation (in French). They also acted as a coaching panel for the Grade 8 French presentations.

Grade 8 French Presentations were done, feedback given by the grade 9 French.

Grade 4-5 AU CHAMPS D'HONNEUR… students did some research about where to find Flanders'Field, and how to wear the poppy. They recited the poem in French.

Grade 6 Great day in grade 6! Everyone presented their sound track and CD promotion. Well done!

Grade 1 When you hear AU CHAMPS D'HONNEUR, you also know what you are hearing: In Flanders Field. One student in particular recognized the tone of the poem, and immediately made the connection.

JK/SK students coloured poppies for the 'Jour du Souvenir'.

Grade 2-3 Students listened to the poem AU CHAMPS D'HONNEUR, extracted vocabulary, and made an original cross word in their cahier.

Monday, 5 November 2018


Grade 9 French Students did their 'Cris et Frissons' presentations of a well known board game 'Clue'. They also worked on sentences to demonstrate their knowledge of passé composé.

Grade 8 French Rough copies were handed in for editing and conversation. PRESENTATIONS ARE ON WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7

Grade 4-5 Today, students presented their mystery teacher along with a description. Well Done!

Grade 6 Students handed in their rough copy, practiced their oral presentation for WEDNESDAY.

Grade 1 Students observed a picture of 'coquelicot, casque, croix, petite clôture'' objects for Remembrance Day: Le Jour du Souvenir'. They also were surprised to hear that souvenir is a French word they were already using.

JK/SK After the routine work, students learned about animals that participated or contributed to the war effort. Wednesday, they will have colouring activities to honour them.

Grade 2-3 Today was the start of unit 2: les émissions de télévision. They learned about asking questions about their favourite T.V. show.

Thursday, 1 November 2018


Grade 9 French Thank you for turning in your rough copies. There were a few edits needed, verbs in particular. Now, type your good copy, double space, have your name and the date as well. To present you will need: the invitation (make it look inviting), a police report, and a drawing/picture of the room where the murder happened (think the game of Clue style). You will present on Monday, so read it a few times aloud to make sure you are familiar with your text.

Grade 7 & 8 watched Tintin, tract down vocabulary from both the unit, and the movie, and made sentences in passé composé. I think Zeta house won!

Grade 4-5 students went around the school to observe a teacher or school staff, and describe them using the unit terminology. Monday, is presentation day, and students must have a drawing of the teacher of their choice along with the description.

Grade 6- Students had the period to work on their promotion of a CD. They will record a short sound track (10-20 seconds). They only have to adapt a script that they already had, worked on and read during class, and change a few names to fit their sound track. WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN THIS TÂCHE FINALE IS THE ORAL PART. So, read it a few times, Monday you will have a chance to do 1 mock presentation before Wednesday.

Grade 1 The class watched an episode of C'est pas Sorcier' Les Dinosaures en France'. EVERYONE  GOT STICKERS TO PUT ON THEIR CHART.

JK/SK After the routine work of greetings and weather, students heard the story of 'Ma vie d'araignée'.  

Grade 2-3 Students read a short story, answered questions, and read with much intonation.