WOW! The first part of the school year is already behind us!
Grade 5/6 students worked on the largest verb group. The ER group. This is the easiest one to learn and very rewarding as well. It is said that there are about 10,000 of those in the French language. Regardless of the veracity of this number, it is well worth knowing, don't you think? Lots of practice to be had this week.
Grade 3/4 were happy to see their projects up on the classroom wall. Today, the students were invited to choose a short text and adapt it to their own presentations. This week, they will make a hand puppet and introduce it by memorizing their short text.
Grade 7/8 dealt with irregular participe passé commonly used with the passé composé. They realized that they had come across several of them already, so it was not difficult. They also learned to watch for prefixes so that if they know one, they should recognize several. Thank you Isabella for sharing your craft (en français) this morning. Well done!
JK/SK were eager this morning and took upon themselves to start the routine songs before I had time to sit down with them. They are so good! We are doing a short puppet sessions with farm animals in preparation for the unit of inquiry Down on the Farm. They have been singing À la ferme de Mathieu.
Grade 1/2 were divided in groups. The grade one group completed an activity with written names of colours while the grade 2 group worked on retrieving sections of speech in a vocabulary bank.