Monday, 6 October 2014


La poussière retombe et tout revient à sa place. Thank you to all the students who demonstrated cooperation and commitment by helping with the re-organization and clean up in the classrooms.

Grade 5/6 continued working with the adjectifs possessifs. They are now starting to grasp the concept. The students also reviewed common expressions from the unit. I also gave them a glimpse of the next unit where they will play detectives.

Grade 3/4 students had a good laugh with silly instructions for non-canadian animals. It is a fun way to review the vocabulary from present and past units.

Grade 7/8 were busy with the general organization of the school. However, they are able to follow instructions in French. Merci beaucoup!

JK/SK are having fun with pretending they are pirates. They have to use all 5 senses and the vocabulary is: les yeux, les oreilles, le nez, la bouche et les mains.

Grade1/2 worked in a circle format today. Simon Dit is a favourite game of theirs. They also played Buzz the number game. Just asked them!