Wednesday, 22 October 2014


The morning went by very quickly today.

Grade5/6 started to ready 'Pauvre Alphonse'. The story is about a little pig and a detective looking for accurate description of a suspect. This unit contains a wide range of vocabulary. Watch for students describing mystery teachers around the class.

Grade 3/4 worked on a read and comprehension activity as well as un-scrambling sentences. Let me warn you...THEY ARE VERY GOOD AT IT!!!

Grade 7/8 warmed up with creating a sentence using irregular participe passé. Then, they worked on adverbs. They decided that they were better at it when I read aloud instead of them reading the sentences. They deduced that their aural skills were better than their reading skills.

Grade 1/2 worked in their group houses. Each group has a least a grade 2 leader as they are doing some transitions between aural, reading and written material.