The atmosphere is electric! The Maples Festival is almost here.
Grade 5/6 were hard at work with their own display of this unit projects. After this was done, they worked with the 'adjectifs possessifs'. They created their own sentences and shared their results so that we made corrections in a collective effort.
Grade 3/4 students worked on their unit vocabulary and unscrambled words and matched syllables to form words.
Grade 7/8 received house points for sharing tidbits of information in French. Thank you Andrew for sharing your treasure trove from Le Cirque du Soleil. We continued with the passé composé.
JK/SK have their French routine down path for the most part. First, the weather, then the calendar, then colours, then today a big book about trees in the Fall.
Grade 1/2 students wrote in their notebook a selected sentence about their favourite activity with their father. 'je sors en bateau avec mon père' or 'je sors en voiture avec mon père. Then, they illustrated their work. Tomorrow, they will do something avec maman.