Friday, 24 October 2014


C'est la fin de semaine.

Grade 1/2 were divided in their houses and we played 'hangman' with the vocabulary. The students worked well and had fun earning points for their respective houses.

Grade 3/4 continued working on a letter to a fictional character of their favourite show. They are discovering the use of question words in French and at the same time working in collaboration. Also, they are honing their dictionary skills. The 3 houses were given a student profile to apply to their letter. They were: audacieux, investigateur and penseur.

Grade 7/8 received 6 pictures and vocabulary (verbs, nouns...) and had to use their communications skills as well as determine their own strengths for the better of their team.
The subject was a neighbourhood robbery. To be continued on Monday.

JK/SK are pretty knowledgeable when it comes to their colours. Today, we read 'Le maquillage à gogo'. Lots of laughs and the kids told me that they did not think it was necessary to use all that make-up to look good. The students said they are beautiful just the way they are. YAYYYY!

Grade 5/6 have decided that today they were going to use the colourfull mat that the Kindergarten were using. So we did all our unit reading from the floor. Go figure, they are growing up, but still want kids ' priviledges. On a Friday...I was happy to oblige.