Wednesday, 30 January 2019


Grade 9 French class continued working with 'les conjonctions'.

Grade 8 French There was a warm up discussion about the next unit: 'Les arts sans limites', and what will be the expectations. Students explored the types of arts.

Grade 4-5 students worked on their rough copy of a menu. This will continue on Friday.

Grade 6 students worked at unscrambling sentences. This is a skill that requires putting all the grammar concepts together. Students need to pay attention during the important exercises, ask the questions to construct better sentences.

Grade 1 students are working on the popular 3 Little Pigs play, and roles were distributed for first reading.

JK/SK Students were invited to role play Les Trois Petits Cochons: words and actions.

Grade 2-3 Today students did the first and second reading of the play 'Le chat et la lune'.