Thursday, 24 January 2019


Grade 9 French Students took their mid term exam.

Grade 8 French Students started on their reading and comprehension component, and it is due on Monday. This assignment is in  lieu of an exam.

Grade 4-5 there was a short game (round the world) about different expressions used in menus or restaurant. Then, students finished their brainstorming for a step by step dialogue.  See you next week.

Grade 6 Today was a discussion about different government vocabulary, civic code and language laws (comparison between English and French).

Grade 1 All about birthdays. Bon Anniversaire, quel âge as-tu?, C'est quand ton anniversaire?

JK/SK the class worked very hard at listening to bits of stories, and identify which fairy tale was told.

Grade 2-3 SUPER HEROES all around the class! Each students presented themselves as heroes, complete with their super attributes.