Monday, 28 January 2019


Grade 9 French students got their exam's results, and spent some time going over the sections they needed to strengthen their skills. The second period was for extra work on 2 texts, due on Wednesday.

Grade 8 French students went over their reading/comprehension final task for the unit, which was due today. This will be marked as the end of term work.

Grade 4-5 Today, the class listened to various dialogues heard in restaurants. they took turn to play roles of servers and clients. As discussed, they choose the type of food and menus they would like to present.

Grade 6 students played a quick round the world game, which Sophie won. It was about what level of government  would oversea different responsibilities.
They also reviewed adjectives.

Grade 1 As promised, they viewed and listened to 'les trois petits cochons', followed by questions. Wednesday, they will be reading the short play.

JK/SK  also viewed the cartoon 'Les trois petits cochons'.

Grade 2-3 students completed a cross words with adjectives in the feminine and masculine forms.