Thursday, 10 January 2019


Grade 9 French students learned the formation of the futur simple, for regular verbs. They practiced with a few verbs, and applied the technique to a text. If it is not finished, have this done for Monday.

Grade 8 French students read the first text for unit 4. They answered questions, and HOMEWORK is to translate the vocabulary.

Grade 4-5 As a warm up, students identified numbered pictures, while listening to descriptions. Great work everyone!
They also worked on food (items in a menu), and completed the cross word puzzle (p68)
Please complete p 69 as well.

Grade 6 Today, students began unit 4 Au musée de cire. They read about how to make a wax character.
HOMEWORK- please organize the sentences at the end of the text, and translate les mots utiles in the green box.

Grade 1 Today, 4 groups competed to make meals for the whole day: petit déjeuner, déjeuner, dîner et souper. They then played a guessing game to find out what Madame's favourite fillings for 'la crèpe', and it is not what you think! Hint: it is not sweet!
Question of the day: what do I need for skating tomorrow.

JK/SK After calendar, students had a friendly competition singing the months of the year. Act and Re-act to command terms, sing about a chocolate soldier. Ouf, lots of activity.

Grade 2-3 students used their adjectives, identified parts of a sentences, and described a hero/heroine.