Grade 1/2 Students, I should say Princesses and Princes, had a royal song rehearsal, and a discussion about how they want to present the posters...
Grade 8 French- Bravo Jada and Eve for presenting your board game and have classmates playing. Your questions were diverse and on topic.
Grade 9 French- Good working session on your research for the Performance task. Wednesday, your rough copy of your script (approx. 250 words) typed, double space and printed is due for editing.
Grade 5/6 Students completed the irregular conjugation of verbs ending in RE.
After correcting the homework from Tuesday, they were invited to use the ROYALTY theme to make sentences.
Grade 3/4 Le Jardinage was the theme today! Great dedication everyone with a green thumb.
JK/SK Est-ce que c'est vivant? Today, was a medley of wildlife animal care, theme related songs, and a lot of moving around.