Grade 1/2 The class has decided to add the song On Écrit sur les Murs to their répertoire. This is the link, if you wish to practice at home. Students are very keen to learn and perform this song at the concert.
Grade 8 French- Each group should have 10 to 20 questions related to their theme for the board game.
Grade 9 French- Students who had their rough copy of a formal letter (250 words) had their work edited this morning. Please try to have your good copy with all the corrections done for Wednesday.
Grade 5/6 Exhibition and the French component is done! Just a little bit of polishing with pronunciation, and it is done!
Grade 3/4 Students are practising the short play, and already adding expression and intonation.
JK/SK They are completing a short unit on Les Grenouilles,vocabulaire et actions.